100 buttons, plus a small thing called mouse with an ultra-accurate precision, unmatched by any analog stick...

100 buttons, plus a small thing called mouse with an ultra-accurate precision, unmatched by any analog stick. Looking around feels intuitive and easy. It's like you are inside the game.


15-20 buttons with a shitty analog stick with no precision. Console fags will defend this.

i wonder at what point in my life would i be trying to argue with people in an imageboard which control mechanism is better to play video games.

i hope i never reach that point tbqh

Sometimes controllers are better.
Sometimes keyboard + mouse is better.

Depends on the game.

Sadly, this suffers from N64 syndrome, where you need 3 hands to properly use it. Meanwhile, waggle controls give you an even more intuitive aiming mechanism (where you point is where you shoot), and you don't even need to be at a desk to use them.

looking around with joysticks is intuitive too after a while if youre not a mongoloid ape

>kb + m for precision, best when you want to fuck those bitches up properly in a competetive multiplayer game
>gamepad for comfines while playing from a sofa, you dont need the accuracy, you are probably playong one of the singleplayer bethesda games anyway.

this me

How do consoles get 15~20 buttons? Or am I reading this wrong.

theres 17 on the dual shock 3

20 on xbox360 contrller
thumb left
thumb right


those dont count retard, k then theres 21 on the dual shock 3

Some games require precision movement instead of precision aiming. Of course the real reason PC wins is that all PCs can use a controller but not all consoles can use KB+M

there is 21 buttons on xbox 360 controller if you count the big large XBOX logo in the middle that is used to power up the controller
22 if you count wireless pairing
23 if you cant battery release button.

>precision movement
movement is alot more precise when you can tone it with mouse and when input is digital instead of bad calibrated, low range, low accuracy thumb stick.


both of you reached this level by replying to this thread
also you are visiting Sup Forums, how much better off can you be anyway?

Controllers are good for accurate direction controls. For example orienting the camera and controlling the movement separately, or revengeance style parrying, or DMC gameplay

They are shit for inventory management, aiming or using a big number of abilities. They are also very bad for quick turns

So it depends on the game

When I was a kid and a teen, I would rush home, turn on the pc and play western games about dark fantasy, science fiction, very special things, also some tank sims and so on, nowadays the magic seems gone, where did the magic go vee?

> i had more fun with Dink Smallwood than with The Witcher 3
i dont know mate but i feel it too. I think we just grew up and games were broguht down to the lowest common denominator and they just dont satify us anymore, unless we can manage to find a hidden gem.

Back then you had a life, so gaming time was valuable.

Now you have no life and can game as much as you want, that's why it's meaningless now.

Hand got broken playing football in high school and it makes using a keyboard a bitch. So unless it's competitive multiplayer I use a game pad

Its the games, I remember fighting demons with an axe, I remember exploring space stations, I remember worlds that were both spooky and comfy, I dunno, they were different and alluring, awakened something inside you, those games had a soul.

>when someone tried to recommend gyro controls to me
>tried them on splatoon
>genuinely the worst controls I've ever seen, jittery as all hell and inconsistent with the game's camera, tot he point where I had to constantly reset the camera
>ended up beating the entire game with twin sticks instead

I'm never going back to that disgusting nightmare.

>100 buttons
>15 buttons
>no game uses more than 15
nice keyboard

>No 10 quickslots for items, spells etc...

>Can turn 360 by only tuning the controller 90 degrees with the default sensitivity
>Analog for larger turns and gyro to aim at enemies
>Use legs a rest to stabilize hands
>Give up trying to understand why Nintendo disabled vertical analog control while gyro is active for no reason.

It takes about an hour to get use to it. I look forward to gyro becoming standard for console games.

Dual shock 4 could potentially use a decent amount of swipes and presses of the touch pad for extra buttons. Swiping in Gravity Rush to change movement modes felt surprisingly intuitive.

>be me
>see discusting and immature behavior of PC gamers and especially PCMRetards
>don't want to suppport platform with such a shitty, immature and hypocrytical audience
>literally stopped buying games on PC
>havent bought a game on PC for like 2 years
>pirate and play everything on PC though because I want to play the best version
>buy console version instead so I have a legal copy and devs get my money