
I think we can all agree Persona 3 was the best in the series?
>Great characters
>Best story
>Best Shadows
>Best ending
>Fantastic music

Other urls found in this thread:

What do you think of Persona 4's music



I like 2 better tbqh, 3's first couple of hours are slow as all shit

Is it worth playing Persona 1, 2, 3 and 4 on the easiest difficulty possible just to experience the story and characters and such?

Grinding isn't fun and if you enjoy the story then sure.

Best boy Akihiko too.

persona started with 3

I think we can all agree she's a stunning beauty.

You can't even play P1 and P2 on easy since there's no easy difficulty.

Yukiko > *

*Gasp* Akihiko-senpai!

Middle school Yukiko > Hag Yukiko

I like 4 more

>Lacks an interesting antagonist
>Dumb party AI
>Boring dungeons with bad music
>Less likeable cast compared to 4 imo

>I think we can all agree Persona 3 was the best in the series?
It will be for the next 20-something days.

Why is he so based, Sup Forums?



His eyes' outlines are too thick Tbh
After getting used to his P5 portrait, this just looks incredibly off.


P3 FES so far is my favourite but I'm still waiting for P5 to come out in English though it doesn't look like it will push p3fes off the throne from what I've seen in videos so far

I played 4 before 3 so I have a bias but I like 4 alot more, the game feels less like a 14 year olds wet dream

Female protag was the best thing to happen.

>his model has them but the portrait doesnt
pre-order cancelled

What a cutie.
Fuuka needed more scenes.

>Fantastic music


best girl in the series

His model's ones are more of a middle ground. Nowhere near the thickness of P3's, but not as thin as P5's.
I don't think it clashes much, and the portrait having thick outlines looks a lot more noticeably standout than the model having them.

I miss Maya's hearts.

P3 had a better story, characters, and atmosphere, P4 had better music

What's his endgame?

>One-track mind
Why was Akihiko best boy?

Why do we hate Yukari again?

why indeed

Because she doesn't actually look like that. She does have the voluptuous body, top tier tits, and wide hips that art depicts.
Instead she's just a skinny whiny bitch.

>try to draw character
>draw something entirely different and give it character's hair

How do you fuck up this badly?

because she is a terrible person

They were trying to fix her.

If I buy P3P, is there yuri routes if I pick Female MC?

hahaha no

Aigis. There's also subtext with Elizabeth and Mitsuru


Sorry world agrees P4 is better

Well fuck that I'll just stick to the emo guy instead then.

if more people played P3 first those numbers would be reversed

Only because of the Gary Stu.

So, we agree that Junpei was the man, right?

he actually develops unlike the entire cast of persona 4

delete this webm

Believe or dont.

I'm playing Persona 3 for the first time. Should I max courage first and study every night? What days should I go to tartarus?

Going to Tartarus twice a month is enough.

In P3P I believe that you don't immediately become 'tired' while in tartarus, instead you only become tired when you leave so you can stay and grind as much as you want. I studied every night, and only went to Tartarus on the days it was unlocked further and went until I reached the next block then went home.

that wouldn't be very fun (they're REALLY long games, if you're not enjoying the gameplay then you shouldn't play them, trust me), git gud and play them on hard instead

get as high up as u can in tartarsauce before the next full moon. No "social stat" is better than another unless you want a certain social link

He's the best.
t. Chidori

Isn't that CR-S01's art photoshop'd to look like Mitsuru

Maybe just same-face?

>git gud and play them on hard instead

Lol no. You play Persona for the interesting gameplay, story, characters and atmosphere. If you want challenging combat you play SMT. Persona is best on easier difficulties.

>great characters

>le boosted junkie strega

1 is easy at least until you go for the snow queen quest. 2 is a two part game that is pretty hard, honestly these games aged like shit and I wouldn´t recommend them. 3 is pretty good and I would say play that before 4 because 4 is a lot better mechanically so it´s hard to go back to 3. If you have the option to play p3p and p4g versions I would suggest them. Also I don´t care what anyone says I enjoyed 4 way more than 3.

>Also I don´t care what anyone says I enjoyed 4 way more than 3.

Of course P4 fags don't want to hear criticism.

>"I ain't holding back anymore!"
>You spent a long time with Shinjiro.
>You woke up feeling 'Tired'.
What did he mean by this?

I think it's sameface.

Does anyone actually understand Lotus Juice's lyrics? It feels like he just shuffles a bunch of random sentences together and calls it a day.

Aigis has gone batty.
The Japanese do tend to use random English verses mixed with Japanese to sound cool.

The problem with Persona 1 and 2 isn't the difficulty. It's just how they're fundamentally made.

Personally, I think Persona 3 is only fun on Hard. Maniac is nice but since you can't carry anything over between saves, it's kind of annoying.

There aren't any Japanese verses in Mass Destruction.

The fuck are you talking about? You can criticize it all you want I´m not going to stop you, it just won´t change the fact I liked the characters better because they felt more like real people, music was far better, gameplay was a complete improvement, and the scooby doo tier story wasn´t that bad. Only thing I didn´t like was they combined all physical damage into one instead of 3 different ones like 3 had.

Persona 3
Was boring.

Repetitive battles
Bland plot
Uninteresting city
Disconnected social link mechanic
Stupid character development

I'm sure that it was only a success with depressed teenagers who didn't understand emotions at all.

Persona 3 has some nice drama CDs.

>I liked the characters better because they felt more like real people

Ahahahahahahahah nice bait
Yu "literally flawless perfect 10/10 husbando" Narukami

The list goes on.

>Characters fucking hate you until arbitrary points in the game, when they're suddenly BFFs
>The story doesn't even actually START until you're, like, halfway through
>Shadows are pretty great, yeah. The monthly bosses are among the best in the series, hands down.
>The GOOD ending is great, but getting there is a massive chore that you NEED a walkthrough for.
>P4's music is better IMO, but it's up to subjective opinion, and P3's music is still fantastic.

She is a nice door too.

No but he does put thought into his lyrics, its just hard to understand.

>monthly bosses are among the best in the series
I found them rather bland and uninteresting in anyway, design story and gameplay wise.

He writes the lyrics? I didn't think he did.
Considering he's fluent in English, I wouldn't have thought he's responsible for them

>The GOOD ending is great, but getting there is a massive chore that you NEED a walkthrough for.
Isn´t it literally a yes or no question near the end of the game?

I couldn't play Persona 3 my first time through. I tried, I really, really did, but it just wasn't happening. I had to wait until P3P.

Whomever thought having party members you can't control was a good idea needs to be dragged out into the street and shot.

>I don't like thing


>tfw Rejected by Junpei

Besides Junpei the characters of 3 felt robotic, I literally didn´t care for any of them.

>I can't step out of my comfort zone so the game is bad.

Good she is for shinjiro.
Or aigis

I'm here to punt tanks and chew meat gum.

And I'm all out of meat gum.

>eng dubs

I'm in love with Mitsuru's sweaty, musky armpits!

Pretty funny considering the characters of 4 just automatically fellate you like a bunch of brainwashed cultists.

He's more male version of crooked hillary

The Answer was a travesty that should never have happened and ruined one of the most perfect video game endings by stating the obvious unnecessarily at the behest of a retarded fanbase.

Leave my husband's daughter alone!

Are they all staring at Mitsuru-senpai exposing herself in public? What a lewd woman.

I want to cum on her armpit!

His policies, the public's view of him, and the themes of populism tie him far more strongly to Trump.
But of course you don't want to see him tied to a villainous character.


Mitsuru just want to explore low-class fun.

>ruined one of the most perfect video game endings
Man P3 fags are deluded

>Not picking Akihiko

I'm afraid I cannot, for I must make Mitsuru a Milfsuru!
I want to marry her armpit pussy!

Yukari distresses fat otaku cocksuckers who expect all women to act like Aigis; i.e, a bland, demure sycophant with zero personality.