Also, it has Ubisoft-style radio towers in it. Really dreary, long, climby ones. Go figure

>Also, it has Ubisoft-style radio towers in it. Really dreary, long, climby ones. Go figure.
you literally climb a tower once every 15 hours and there's only like 10 in the game, why do people complain about this? most towers are surrounded by a monster encampment or have some sort of puzzle to climb them.
why wait so long to review a game just to give it a lower score than everyone else to spark controversy?

Other urls found in this thread:

fat fuck literally has no idea what he's talking about

Mate, he literally lied in his review. He doesn't care about telling the truth.

i would personally hate if towers didnt exist in this game. they are so fun and useful to teleport to and paraglide off

odd he didnt complain about this in horizon... maybe its fine... because its not nintendo...

Even the towers that are surrounded by cunt enemies still managed to provide a nice little challenge while trying to figure out how to approach and deal with threats. The actual climbing takes like 60 seconds tops. Is this actually a complaint people have?

Let's be honest here: He did this so he could get posts like this and make a Jimquisition to get more shekels considering Nintendo is taking a lot of his

>80 other people gave this game at least a 9/10 and this fat cunt comes along and gives it a 7/10 to bring the metascore down and cause a shit storm.
this really isn't fair at all

BOTW is so fucking shit DA Inquisition shits on it in literally every conceivable way.

I bet if some people went back and reviewed ocarina of time today the meta score would drop to 80

It's called a publicity stunt. Chris Chan's brother took a long shit on Toy Story 3 to fuck up its score (which was literally perfect before Cole's review) and then started begging various talk shows (primarily Ellen Degeneres) to let him on so he could "justify" it.

>chris chan has a brother
>toy story 3 was considered near-perfect
have i been living under a rock

So is Jim also Movie Bob?

You actually have been. The ego runs in the family. Cole thinks he's such a hotshot he regularly puts pic related up on Ebay.

Dunnò, maybe because clickbaiting?

the Smartest Film Critic in the World


>reviews play game for 3 hours just to get their review out on time
>see only the best parts of the game
>Sterling takes his time and plays the entire game
>sees all the garbage along with the good

Never thought I'd see the day where I was defending Sterling.

>Waahh someone feels differently than I do
Cry, drones.

I've heard from very reliable sources, about Link, the character Link, that Link is hot. Is Link hot to you?

he literally only made criticisms anyone who played the game for 3 hours could make though. stamina doesnt become an issue after playing for awhile and when it rains you can literally just start your own campfire and rest.

He didnt even talk about how sidequests offer lackluster rewards or how tedious the game gets when you defeat so many monsters that practically everything is replaced by white moblins/lizalfos

>We want honest reviews
>no no, not like that, they have to agree with us

get over it you miserable faggots

he even went on to talk about how good hearty food is. (you only need to cook the ingredient to get a full recovery food) you can cook hearty stamina foods that fully replenish your gauge. Yet he complains about the stamina gauge. what a contridictory

>comparing jim to cwc
Nothing in common, fucking douche canoe.

the towers are annoying in ubisoft games because all the content of an area is locked behind climbing them. you actually can't do anything before doing the tower. zelda's towers are totally optional

>Literally tells anyone to pirate Nintendo games
>Publicly mad at Nintendo
>Gave Horizon a 9.5

I'm sure it's an honest review

and towers in AC only uncover a small area not an entire region and there's 15 towers per city which is like the entirety of them in zelda

>to spark controversy?
That's why. He's a libcuck and he damn well knows it. Those kinds of faggots want attention and only attention and it doesn't matter if they tell the truth to get it or not.

>survives with e-begging
>loves awful games like fallout 4 and bioshock infinite

Reminder that he likely pirated BOTW.

thanks for the read user

Why do you care what this retard has to say. He's a fucking game reviewer, they know absolutely nothing about games. Just ignore him and maybe his popularity will die. Getting upset about it will just exacerbate things, giving him more attention and money.

Remember 8.8? Don't be that guy.

Sad thing is that this is most likely not a troll but how this person really thinks.

>complains about towers, gives game 7/10
>Horizon has towers, says they are fine, 10/10

Fuck this guy

>both are mentally retarded and fat
Close enough.

oh how odd that his site suddenly went down on a Sunday of all days.. I'm sure it has nothing to do with his objective review that was recently posted about a popular Nintendo game.

>Giving a shit about a fat SJW "journalist".

The difference between the towers in most games and the towers in Zelda is that in most games climbing one covers your map in collectibles and side mission markers like herpes but in Zelda it gives you a more detailed map and a vantage point to look out for stuff on your own.

Some no name gives Zelda a 7/10 Nintendo drones go into meltdown. Your over reaction to this reveals all I need to know about this game thanks kids

>wanting any reviews at all
Reviews are only worthwhile when they're retrospectives years after the fact that can examine a game without their opinions being colored by marketing, hype, bribes, potential ad revenue, etc. Reviews of contemporary games are worthless. If you're surfing Sup Forums, you should be able to tell if a game will be worth playing for you just by watching gameplay of it.

>Link is hot
-Reggie Fils-Aimé

I think people should give a shit when they're allowing literal e-beggers to post "professional" game reviews for the sake of drawing attention to themselves to get more money. And bringing down a game deserving of a high score with it.

>a useful metric
Pick one. Sterling is a fat fucking retard, so is everyone else who reviewed BOTW, because that's what game reviewers are.

Daily reminder.

How did both these shit games get such high scores?

Fuck, this actually triggered me, They better have given SS a 50.

>i speak as a critic who has played more "open sandbox"....
he really is pretentious

I'm fairly confident he is just shitposting in his review because there's too much that's blatantly wrong otherwise.

>Claims you need to do shrines immediately to avoid backtracking all the way back later.
>Calls towers Ubisoft towers.
>Calls hearty items the best.
>Says the game isn't really open world because you need to do shrines to reach the castle.

His audience eats up the "Fuck Nintendo" mindset and he loves the negative attention, posting outright false stuff a week after the Nintendo fanbase has had time to see how wrong it is just makes it all the more effective.

why does his breath of the wild review sound like a food review?
fat fuck

>70/100 is yellow

what happened to 7/10 games being just good games

>Praises Xenoblade X

>Knocks Zelda for the same shit

Oh well his opinion, it's not going to change the general public opinion of being the next big step since Ocarina


I'm 100% sure, 70/100 is the kind of score you give to a soulless yearly entry of AC or a shooting game, not to mention he has been really butthurt about Nintendo recently.

>ubi towers are shit
zelda is released, featuring ubi towers
>fuck off they're not bad plus there aren't even that many of them

Jim Sterling made a video shitting on Zelda fans for not liking Skyward Sword, comparing them to Fallout fans:

Slant gave Skyward Sword a 4.5/5:

whoa, this place really is nintendogaf when you have butthurt toddlers coming out of the woodworks to complain about one sub-par review

>Ubi towers literally give you all the information about an area
>Zelda towers just reveals the map area

Sick meme bro

>it's not going to change the general public opinion
Except for all the retarded drones who just keep repeating what these moron e-celebs say until it becomes ingrained in the community like its a fact. Look at Valkyria Chronicles, I STILL see people parrot Yahtzee's review of the game 10 years after the fact, even though he didn't even get past the fifth mission and every criticism he had of the story was basically him not understanding it.

Christ I hate e-celeb bullshit.

This is Sterling's attempts at "revenge" for the strikes against his videos on youtube. What do you expect of a manchild?

Why does nu-Sup Forums love this fat cuckold so much?

>Ubisoft executes something poorly over and over for a decade
>that means that no one could ever possibly do it well

Really made me think, they must REALLY hate BotW.

Because we live in a world where game reviews are under the fucking school grading system.

>liking skyward sword
>disliking BOTW

Slant also gave No Man's Sky a 4.5/5.

>NMS a 4.5/5

This is suspect.

The point of that statement was to remind Nintenbros this game doesn't entirely break the open-world mold. It's still got cliches. And apparently he didn't have fun climbing them whereas he did have fun climbing the tallnecks in Horizon.


Its more like he hates the fact its infinitely better than the sjw migrants game.

I appreciate that someone called BotW out on its bullshit, but a 7/10 is a bit low and the fact that he gave horizon a near perfect score is just retarded when it has a lot of the same issues as BotW and more.

>openly despises Nintendo
>gives the best console Zelda game in over a decade a mediocre score

Nope, no bias here

The video game press is sycophantic as fuck and metacritic knows it.

>fire a self employed e-begger allowed to publish gaming reviews
you fail to see the problem

Money matters more than integrity user
Why do you think he went solo?

>It's the Mario Kart 7 vs Call of Duty comparison except the game are almost identical

I wouldn't have mind his opinion if his attitude towards BOTW and Horizon wasn't so drastically different

The tower's are nowhere near ubisoft level. You get geography information and a place to glide off of.

It's the complete opposite of Assassin's Creed towers where you go up just to get a bunch of dumb icons and then jump back off onto the ground.

because nu-Sup Forums love numales like them

Jesus Christ

It wouldn't be so bad if they weren't the only two mixed ones since it gives away so much why they scored that way

It was kind of expected that not all people are going to accept BOTW as a Zelda game

If your not into this style, your going to assume the series is going in a bad place

Jontron was originally on the same boat until he actually played more of the game before talking

probably got destroyed by the increased traffic

i have some bad news. if you like jontron or videogamedunkey you are gay

because of

>ubisoft did X
>I hate ubisoft
>Thus I hate X

>not being gay or at least liking feminine penises

I don't mind that

What I don't mind is that those 2 are literally the only ones in said review

Going from a 90 lowest to a 70 and 60 is big drop

I feel Jim is literally overblowing the negatives because he plays every single open world game

Which is dumb

Horizon makes you wait like 2 hours before you can do anything

Zelda makes you start from the beginning

Been here since 2008. I've literally never seen Sup Forums collectively like, let alone defend Sterling for ANY content he has put out. Suddenly Sup Forums is praising him. This board is shit.

Gaming will be better when these fuckers are out of a job

Except that's a dumb reason since it's literally NES Zelda in 3D

I can agree with that, BOTW takes somewhat unexpected and unwanted changes which the series doesn't usually do but overall the game as the actual game is one of the best I've ever played.

Twilight Princess is still my favorite for characters and story however.

>Says the game isn't really open world because you need to do shrines to reach the castle
If he wrote 2000 words like that you'd think he would know more about the game. I don't think he's ever played it. It's well known botw was developed to be free from the get-go. A speedrunner has finished the game in one hour already.

>BOTW has 13 towers you climb to reveal the areas map and they usually have some sort of challenge surrounding them, whether it be puzzle based, or platforming based

>Horizon is roaming flat head robo dinos that reveal and arbitrary size of the map and you have to climb the pre designated yellow climbing ledges


I like Jontron's humor, his recent videos are meh

Dunkey's better videos are when he's actually taking about a game in full or situations like Difficulty and remakes

But Horizon met every political statement needed for a game in 2017, therefore Jim would naturally find such a game much better.

Seriously his video are never about gameplay they're often about the effects and screw ups from videogames.

If I want to watch a fat fuck stir up shit I'd read up on Chris-chan or watch TLC.

Also what the fuck is an Ubisoft Tower? Only Ubisoft games I remember playing were the Rayman revivals and Division.

Honestly, I like the towers in this. They just give you a map for the area instead of filling it with icons and collectible locations. You still have to physically look for shrines and other areas of interest from the top. Plus a lot of them have unique aspects to them like how the gerudo tower is stupid tall and you need to climb the nearby mountain instead or the one surrounded by water and enemies that use electric attacks. They're by no means perfect but they aren't really comparable to Ubisoft towers.

I say this as someone who likes Jim sterling: he's an awful reviewer, and I'm not one of those guys that thinks that just because he doesn't like what I like.
I think he's done way more good to the industry of video games than any other big reviewer but that being said he has shit taste.
I don't know what you guys were expecting, he has been giving these stupid scores all is career


>Praises Skyward Sword and it's stamina system

>Complains about the Stamina system in BOTW when it's literally the best usage of it

Honestly I feel that Jim just fucking sucks at this game

And they don't even do the same shit as Ubisoft towers. Those say you "hey, there's good shit here here and there". Zelda towers give you a topography map and nothing else.

>More people reviewed Horizon than Zelda
What the actual fuck?

Zelda is a ubisoft game.