What Vidya Character can beat the Flash?
What Vidya Character can beat the Flash?
>click The Flash
>Apply Adjective
Reminder that the last Scribblenauts game was a DC crossover in which you could do this very thing. Shit's canon.
All right, Barry, that's it. You need to leave.
We'll be fine, you just have to go.
it must be really lonely to be flash, like you live live for decades decades before the other person can finish a sentence.
If we're talking speed we know who's winning this
>Can reach literal infinite speed
The Flash can go fast enough to enter parallel universes without building up speed for 12 hours first, though.
bayonetta because she can stop time and any speed below literally instant can't move in stopped time depending on how you interpret things
2 ez
I think speedforce fixes that.
if he's so fast, why didn't he help Wally?
He only needs 12 hours if he isn't pressing A, if he's allowed to press A it's over
I got an ending to this last night by using only prompts from the Eight Ball
Shit was hilarious
>(ADAM picks up the advice ball.)
>Adam, I know what you're trying to hint at...
>(The advice ball reads, "Maybe Later")
>(ADAM puts down the advice ball.)
>about me...
>about our lifestyle...
>Do you really want the honest truth? Huh?
>Maybe later
She left him and on her way out I turned to trip and said
>So trip, tell me about Maria
>I should have told her that...
>I -- I could have told her that...
Last comic I read a few months ago he mentioned that it was like torture doing this so he just slows his brain down most of the time
Because wally is a nigger.
There's that one page where Flash manages to evacuate an entire city right before a nuke goes off in it.
So I have a problem with this; wouldn't the sudden acceleration and stop just fucking gruesomely kill all of them anyway?
Unless you acquired the speedforce through "illegitimate" means, it only speeds up your mental processing while you are using your powers and when you're in danger.
Big Rigs truck can, in reverse, reach a velocity so fast it occupies every single location in the universe at the same time
Speed Force is fucking magic.
Do you think the idiotic hacks who write comic books even realize that it's physically impossible to perceive a distinct event that lasts for less than an attosecond?
This reminds me of that cutscene in Injustice where Joker is setting off a bomb in a city and The Flash was running towards him but 'didn't get to him fast enough'.
>comic books
please don't do this, there are many comic books that are legitimately well written in a wide variety of genres
cape comics just shit it up for everyone
This is bad science though.
You can't "perceive" shit without the light reaching you, so it's just really slow.
And light moves at the same speed no matter what, so it can't "appear" and it can't be "frozen."
Flash is probably the most boring superhero.
>lol so fast xD
What's the point of having a brain that can proces events that fast when the human eye is still limited to 30 fps?
its a comic book. its not real. stop trying to bring science into childrens reading material
>What is Superman
Sup Forumsmblr should be sent to the gas chamber.
Comic Sonic beats that with being able to scoop up and throw a ball of water within a picosecond, as opposed to only observing an attosecond (and Flash's best actually demonstrated feat is reacting to a bullet by moving a few centimeters within a femtosecond).
Chose Control > Speed Force as well, at least CC from the comics.
DC really has the most boring superheroes even by superhero standards.
That's the problem with these things though, they don't stop at "superpowers, deal with it", but try to coat it in long paragraphs of pseudoscientific bullshit.
Is there anyone who can defeat Captain Britain?
No, it's worse than that, it's just some meme image posted on Sup Forums for some reason.
Or are you telling me this whole thing is out a comic?
The thing about capeshit in general is that when you're dealing with multiple writers over several decades it's near-impossible to be consistent about anything.
This is particularly noticeable in regards to crossovers, where the writers will try to put everyone on an equal field. In a Justice League comic, Superman and The Flash will be much less powerful than they are in their solo comics, while Batman will be much more powerful.
Realistically, Batman shouldn't even be in the Justice League since you've got all these superpowered gods and one normal guy in a bat suit.
*Chaos Control
Oh, and CC beats out speed force by the virtue of it enabling straight up universe re-writing as opposed to at most being able to open a pocket dimension
>The Flash writers
Any vidya character can stop mansplaining from evil straight white men?
>absolutely loved Super Scribblenauts, would spend ages fucking around in the really limited title screen
>download Scribblenauts Unlimited
>quit after typing a few things
>Captain Britain is a muslim woman
This HAS to be satire.
getting cucked by a nigger on the show. flash living the typical white mans dream even with super powre. cant get better
>getting this offended that a comic is daring to depict sexism as bad
You need to go back, Sup Forumsmblr.
all comic books are good for now is pushing the liberal agenda
>a hair's breadth short of the speed of light
>13 trillion times faster than light
somebody fucked up
It was a temporary thing. Ultron was attacking Britain, Captain Britain's worried he might die in the fight. There always has to be a Captain Britain because parallel universe bullshit, so Faiza Hussain temporarily adopts the mantle just in case. Then she gives it up once Brian doesn't die.
Why doesn't he just get rid of the nuke?
how the hell that happen
When will video games grow up and reach the level of social consciousness as cape comics and have the BALLS to address important current day issues?
Even if the math worked out, he's an accelerating reference frame, so the bomb would kill everyone after one trip.
Think twin paradox.
This nigga right here. Canon abilities to instantaneously apply adjectives to his enemies, outright vanish them or, when feeling trollish, just spawns a stronger, obedient version, thats also a vampire, zombie and god... Probably the strongest video game protag ever.
even Sup Forumsmblr thought this was retarded.
He time travelled.
>Hair's breadth short of the speed of light
>Literally had to have gone significantly faster than the speed of light to have achieved this feat
Thank goodness this page is ignored for Flash's fears, cause it's internally inconsistent as fuck - at that point the Narrator's completely unreliable, so he may as well have said that Flash was also simultaneously cumming out Unicorns and the Narrator's word would still be worth just as much
Comics or Flash comics in particular really have no understanding of how things work. Take the infamous "hair short of lightspeed" which when calculated it works out to something like 32 million times light.
That being said, him seeing things happening and him reacting are two different things. I can perceive a shooting star, but if I was put in its direct path I wouldn't be able to do fuck all about it.
Comic writers just throw out stupid shit to sound cool all the time when really it means shit. That plus Flash has never perceived events that lasted less than an attosecond so he's just bragging about it.
That's because comics made by conservatives are shit.
Big Rigs truck going in reverse
Yeah capeshit is retarded. Flash should be one of the strongest shits in the universe, just moving at the speed of light means stopping time, but also for an object of his mass means a ridiculous amount of energy, let's not talk about how resistent he must be to sustain impacts at such high speeds.
Oh yeah but his biggest enemy is a fucking gorilla.
I know it's superhero stuff and all but at least don't bring pseudoscience to explain such shit. Just say that he's super fast, no nedd to bring in Einstein's relativity nor attoseconds
This. How can you ignore the deaths of all those youths who didn't do nothing?
that's hilarious, when faced with someone who genuinely believes in something you consider wrong (power of the lasso), you don't try to convince him he's wrong with reason, no you punch him
did the writers do this on purpose or are they really that stupid?
>12 attoseconds is the shortest measurable period of time
What? No. It's the current record, I think. But it's not the shortest amount possible.
Choice Scarf Imposter Ditto.
comics are so stupid
How did Flash get his powers?
Damn, Sup Forums looks like *THAT*?!
>Lasso of truth that has worked 100% of the time every other time unless I have forgotten something
>"No, this must be because of mansplaining."
>why don't they just reason with the supervillains?
Why weren't they all disintegrated by the movemenet? Something with human mass moving at that speed is probably subject to more force than a nuclear bomb.
It's a universally detested run where Deathstroke kills the entire Justice League.
>Ditto turns into a faster Flash instantly
>Unsolicited Opinions on Israel???
Based Marvel BTFOing butthurt Republicunts.
What was in the actual strip?
well with supervillains that's because they're genuinely criminals who are actively threatening the lives of thousands of people
the only criminals in that page are the folks who tied him up and beat him up
An attosecond is 10^-18 seconds.
The shortest possible length of time is 10^-44 seconds.
No, it's the shortest direct measurement.
Measurement requires energy exchange, the fastest of which is light absorbtion. That takes a minimum amount of time.
Indirectly, though, sky's the limit.
>Why weren't they all disintegrated by the movemenet?
Speed force protects against the consequences of high speed
Only those that follow the shenanigans of the most powerful heroes. Something like spidey is great because there's at least some tension here and there because he can get hurt and his powers don't allow him to fuck with reality.
>well with supervillains that's because they're genuinely criminals who are actively threatening the lives of thousands of people
So, Trump?
That's not an edit.
Why do people even give a shit about cape comics?
I'm not some hardcore weeb that disregards every western piece of work, quite the contrary but come on, capeshit is really trash.
How the fuck can you even be interested in 30 years of story about the same character with continuos retcones, changes of writers that fuck up everything, reboots etc.?
That, regrettably, IS the actual strip.
>what is suspension of disbelief?
Found the man-child who unironically enjoys capeshit
Spider-Man is still the best. Has Marvel tried to ruin him yet?
Not counting that one saga
Okay, dude, we know you're thirsty for (You)'s.
Comics in general are shit desu
That's obviously a tumblr edit though. There's no way something like this would be printed and sold in stores.
Probably too slow to transform. I'd raise you a quick claw imposter ditto, because even if Flash cant outrace the instantaneous, quick claw has a chance to ALWAYS go first.
You would probably enjoy the show. At least the first season of it.
Until he got stuck in Octavius's brain and then erased him from it.
Also that time he literally made a deal with the devil.
Conservative comics are extra shit, though.
It was.
You're forgetting that Sup Forums is the laughing stock of pretty much the entire world, outside of their hugbox.
*can outrace
>The flash is really fucking fast, here look at the things he can do because he's so fast
That one is pretty good
It is hard to believe, but it is the actual strip. Marvel has been going full blown SJW recently.
Oh, and yes, that is a female thor.
guys, you are never going to enjoy comics if you take everything seriously. just enjoy it for the trainwreck that it is