I don't find games fun anymore.
I don't find games fun anymore
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Dont worry, me neither.
same man
also i cant watch anime anymore.
what the fuck am i going to do now? anime and vidya is all i know in this shitty world
you could go outside
Me too, I just wiped my whole system, I still like to visit Sup Forums and stay up to date but I just get no joy from playing games anymore, sadly.
But look at it this way, you won't spend any money on expensive games, consoles or PC upgrades.
I'm currently looking for a good widescreen 4k monitor just to enjoy surfing Sup Forums more.
If some of you are bored I just created this discord: discord.gg
for all vidya depressed faggots
You just need a better game, I dropped gaming while playing Arkham City because I got bored from it at the very beginning. 4 months later I started playing Demon's Souls and it got me back into games, I haven't dropped a single game in like 2 years. still never finished Arkham City, fuck that game
I havent truly enjoyed games for 5 years now and I am 25. My xbox one and ps4 have sat idly for years gathering dust, and I play WoW, LoL, and Hearthstone casually to pass the time when I am bored. The only game I enjoyed and finished last year was Witcher 3 and none came close.
I also worked for a AAA studio for a gear and was so disgusted that I left the indistry for good and became a school teacher
>when you're losing interest in the only things that have prevented you from being a normie but youre still too autistic to get a gf or fit in with the normies
I'm scared
>If some of you are bored I just created this discord
I am too autistic for that type of shit.
See you space cowboy
Start watching k dramas
Too bad for you. This year has been amazing so far for video games.
Im 30 and still find games fun, except for games made with liberal propaganda. I used to be a lefty, but then I grew out if it.
I find nothing fun anymore
I am lonely and all I have is my job. I recently started lifting and running to lose weight but thats boring too
Just try really fucking hard in competitive online multiplayer. with a team
I was on a top 50 Gears of War team in high school
Got tired of carrying and having obligations
Then you are lost
I know I need to end it
Do something else. Go on a different board.
There are other boards?
Replay your favourite games.
>Replay your favorite games
Let's see...
>I've been waiting for my cousin to re-open his Ragnarok Online server for 7 years now
>I've done everything that it could possibly be done in Digimon World 1
>I sold my Xbox 360 so I can't play Soul Calibur 4
>I've beat Salt and Sanctuary so many times both alone and with my gf that I know everything about it
>I can't play Ape Escape 2 again without feeling nostalgic as fuck thus not enjoying the gameplay as much, also I've played far too much of that game.
>Dark Souls 1 is absolutelly dead PvP wise and I've done everything that made me enjoy it throughout the years
>Monkey Island is a one time ride
>Darkest Dungeon is far too grindy at one point and it just becomes boring
>I got to plat 1 in League and stopped playing because the game devolved into ultra cancer status
Im not OP but Im fucked aswell.
I went into fig and modelism.
It s fun but no replayability, just like my video games.
Which Gears?
>I don't find games fun anymore.
PC gaming will do that to you. Buy a console, play ALL games on it, and all your worries will be resolved. I did just that and I started enjoying video games immensely more. Especially since I don't spend every waking moment anticipating port announcements or play games exclusively to see how high the FPS counter goes.
"It won't feel right on PC" is a very true statement.
I just can't play FPS on PC.
It feels...shallow. Im a sucker for both SW Battlefront 2 and Halo and It's just not the same playing other kinds of FPS on PC.