Since the Wii U is dead, what are the key games to get for it?

Since the Wii U is dead, what are the key games to get for it?

Bayonetta 1 + 2
Captain Toad
Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze
Devil's Third
Fast Racing Neo
Hyrule Warriors
Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
Lego City Undercover
Mario Kart 8
NES Remix Pack
New Super Mario Bros U + New Super Luigi U
Pikmin 3
Pokken Tournament
Shantate games
Super Mario 3D World
Super Mario Maker
Super Smash Bros.
Star Fox Zero
Twilight Princess HD
Wind Waker HD
The Wonderful 101
Xenoblade Chronicles X
Yoshi's Woolly World

I quite like monster hunter 3 ultimate. has about a hundred people playing it online, which is more than I thought.

you already know, there are no hidden gems

tropical freeze is best

mario kart
mario 3d world
wind waker hd

i like xenoblade x, but it's not for everyone

Bayonetta 2 and W101 because you just know they'll never be ported to anything.

smilebasic big

Just play these at 1080p in cemu.

>CEMU playing anything smoothly
kek in 3-4 years maybe.
A better option is to buy a used Wii U for $150 or refrubished for $200, external HDD for $30-50, and 128 GB SD card for $40 and you can hack the Wii U and get literally every game for free, with DLC and online multiplayer, no risk of getting banned. And can play Gamecube and Wii ISOs through Wii mode, and get every virtual console game for free (most of which emulate better than on PC)

Cemu can only smoothly run DKTF, SM3DW/Cpt. Toad, NSMBU, Mario Maker, and XCX currently - and even those are with minor issues like shader inaccuracies and audio problems.

>WWHD runs flawlessly a stable 30 even on my shitty i5.
>Bayo1 gameplay is a solid 55-60, but cutscenes run too fast and will be probably fixed by next week.
>Bayo2 runs as good as Bayo1, cutscenes work but the down breaks when you use witch time.
>All the Mario games and spin offs work near flawlessly.

You're fucking retarded if you think it will take 4 years.
Fucking hell, WWHD ran at 15FPS and Bayo ran at 10 and had no textures 6 months ago on my exact machine.
CEMU has been progressing at an amazing rate, it's no surprise they apparently have "stolen" WiiU documentation.

CEMU doesn't have DLC or online-support

Last I checked, bayo and especially bayo 2 had wild flickering going on in half the stages - did they finally patch that?

CEMU has DLC support as of 1.7.2.

I think it depends on the cycle rate settings, I recall seeing videos with no flickering in Bayo2.
Bayo1 had no flickering for me, just x2 speed cutscenes, though I only did 2 chapters in cemu.

>le every Wii U game is good
The HD Zelda games and Xenoblade are the only good games for it

oh, nevermind then

Anyone who is smart will hack their Wii U at this point with brazillian method and they're worth playing for free

t. hasn't played those games

There's definitely more than that. Bayo 1+2, Tropical Freeze, MK8, 3D World, Wonderful 101, Splatoon, Smash, and Smash are all worth playing as well.

Sorry, don't know why I said Smash twice.