>CEMU devs are making 20 grand a month
This can't be fucking happening...
Other urls found in this thread:
Did they start a funding page because of zelda or was it already a movement they started before?
Honestly I expect this to end the same way as the 3DS guys who hacked the system and ended up losing their house.
This meme satiates my autism. Keep it ups lads.
97... what?
>Patreon artist makes 60 grand a month by drawing boobs
This can't be fucking happening...
I love these so much.
It's all over
The fact that they are making so much means slower progress. By the time they actually get BoTW fully playable, you could have earned enough to buy the game.
BTFO of the Wild was at 98 on metacritic, then Jim sterling gave it a 7 out of 10 and bumped it down to 97.
Allowing Sup Forumstards and reddit to post here was a mistake
>t. proud Switch owner
What ps4 games got a 97?
Fuck I'm balding too
Keep trying.
Isn't this the same guy that gave Watch Dogs a 9/10?
Someone posted a troll image of their patreon site. Like only a month ago they had $3k per month then once Zelda came out it ballooned to $17k.
Switch posters on suicide watch?
That sucks man, but that's what you get for being white.
Ah, ok. That makes sense. I was assuming it had to do with Patreon which it doesn't.
Jason Alexander may be bald, but he's a lot more cool and successful than any nigger that posts on here.
This fucking falseflagging doesn't even make sense
Wouldn't a 97 be bad for CEMU as well?
Funny thing is no one would be doing this if the Nintendo fanbase didn't decide to start openly being little faggot instead of doing it quietly like they have for the past 5 years.
Now look at all the memes. They brought it on themselves
This are truly bitter times for nintenfaggots. How different everything could have went if BoTW was truly exclusive to the switch. Imagine if the switch version was at least superior to the wii u version and not just a shitty port. Hell, imagine if the definitive edition wouldn't get released one month after the switch version.
>someone isn't white
>MUST be black!
Don't try and pretend like you're not that tiny dicked nigger that always posts his stack of PS4 games.
No words, only dreams.
Nope. Keep crying whiteboy
You can't hide nigger.
Why the fuck is everyone so assblasted about an emulator?
Yeah, instead of a 97 it might have gotten a 98, or 99, or 100. This would have made a world of difference.
>[this kills the Switch]
Eat shit sonnyggers
Man these threads are really getting old.
Not him but a nigger could blend into the darkness and hide easily. He can also sprint to your house and impregnate your wife before you realize he's gone
Why do you assume it's all Sony?
>switch mascot is some furry shit
Where did it all go wrong?
This should be the plot of the next Hollywood block buster:
Unless you're indian or paki you're not immune to balding cunt
shouldn't the switch dog be the one eating shit?
>there were a shitload of people on here literally crying when iwata died
Shit was so cringeworthy. Nintendogaf will never cease to amaze me.
Started going wrong with the N64 when they started appealing to mama's boy tier literal children and pushed the proper video game developers towards Sony. GC was worse and Wii was past the point of no return.
It's raycis though
I know to spot my sonnygger when I see one
Your tears are delicious
A new IP versus a well established franchise with heaps of fake gamer "street cred". Yeah 9.8 but that doesn't make it the better game, just the more well known one, but some reviewers that aren't or can't be bought are telling it like it is: BotW is a flop. It is indeed a flop considering the magnitude and hype that surrounded it.
On to top it all off, the veritable icing on the cake is that BotW can now be pirated and emulated on the fucking PC for better frame rate, better overall graphics and draw distance and better resolution. It's over.
Hahaha, I know, right?
Nintendo is FUCKING finished! The only reason ninteniggers haven't killed themselves yet is that they don't have the courage to go through with it. Say it with me now:
someone post the guy singing on stream for iwata
You misspelled Sony. It does have 2 n's. Either type it right or you're illiterate and automatically lose the argument.
>crying over some faggot you dont even know
even as a nintendofag I still dont understand how the fuck they started crying
CEMU can only perfect emulation of games on a dead system off the marketplace. People are paying $5 to get the most recent download then will cancel in another month.
Anyone have the one with wojak crawling towards ratto Miyamoto counting money?
New wordfilters so they have to try and become creative.
This has to be satire, someone has to go out of their way to look this much like a numale.
You missed the point
Question: Is there anyone who actually unironically cares about metacritic scores, or is it literally ALL shitposting?
*nods respectfully towards you*
Yes, because review scores directly affect sales.
Bump for interest
>Someone posted a troll image of their patreon site.
a troll image?
Why does nintendork oc always look like something an autistic 10 year would make?
>not knowing about filters
How can sonyjews even compete
It's all shitposting. Or do you really believe anyone would actually care about metacritic scores?
I guess you're illiterate and automatically forefit the argument. I made you my bitch Lmao
What a time to be alive. This is the last Nintendo console.
lol he made you his bitch dude
Because in case you can't tell they just took Sup Forums Hilary vs Trump edits and added Switch logos to them
>miss the holiday season and release 3 months late
>rest of the year consists in 3 releases and a bunch of meh multiplats
>meanwhile the competition has dozens of better games
>"i-i'm not tired of winning yet... h-haha"
Please stop trying. You're only hurting yourselves.
The Wii U was Nintendo's last console. Don't tell me you fell for the marketing trick that the Switch is a home console handheld when it's clearly just Nintendo's version of the Vita with HDMI out
Where can I read more about this?
I wonder how it feels that less than a month after release your console gets basically hacked and emulated. All that money for pretty much no exclusivity. It must feel absolutely awful, possibly even physically sickening and painful.
On your computer screen
Kek. I need to see this.
No. They still have 1-2 Switch..
memes aside, why would nintendo-fags be mad about this? Wouldn't they be happy that other people get to experience this game?
Hey Vsauce, Michael here
It's an ironically badly drawn pepe of hillary doing shit to Don, there were a bunch of them, but they purposely made hillary look bad. Someone replaced Hill with the dog.
One to Switch to what?
Nintendog stronk.
I wonder how it feels that less than a month after release your console's biggest game gets basically hacked and emulated, on top of the console being a cheap and fragile plastic toy. All that money to have it break and have pretty much no exclusivity. It must feel absolutely awful, possibly even physically sickening and painful.
Which is just fine by me.
Where were you when nintenbros gave up the hat and became real human being again?
It's locked behind a paywall, which is incredibly scummy.
Literally isn't you sperg.
People have been posting links to the unwalled version all day here, and even if they weren't it goes free in a week.
...And that's the story of user. A little man with a little penis, living in a little house, with nothing but hate in his little brain. If only he had learned the Golden Rule; Don't hate the player, hate the game, always stay in your own lane.
Now he has to live with his hate... In The Twilight Zone.
I just wish nintendo would try to create a decent console on par with the others that isn't full of dumb ass gimmicks and kid's games. But that's like hoping the sun not to come up, it's just not going to happen.
Holy shit this is gorgeous
Please just end it, I can't live with myself defending Nintendo anymore, my crimes are too great.
If you play CEMU you're still probably a Nintenbro
it feels like this I would imagine.
I'm actually shocked that monocle doesn't exist