Because 2B a Q.T.
Nier Automata
Other urls found in this thread:
>9S haters are already moving goalposts
>Original Nier diehard fans can't explain why their game is better in terms of anything other than banter
>People trying to talk about the game in general are being drowned out by shitposting
Going to be a weird couple of months for this fanbase
The conflicts each character went through in the original felt way more diverse and interesting than Automata.
Being able to understand the Shades during your second playthrough had a much bigger impact on me over the machines getting story books.
>Automata has no character development at all!
2B literally calls 9S Nines by the end route A
For an android as stuck-up as her that is huge progress.
Banter helps with characterization. It is important. The lack of banter doesn't help players get the gist of 2B and 9S other than they are very straight forward and boring characters. The game gives you little reason to actually care about them. When you have a game about characters going through trauma (which is revealed in depth in later playthroughs), you have to give the audience a reason to care. Automata doesn't do that, at all. Nothing in Automata helps you warm up to 2B or 9S's character. Not even the side quests. They just make you care about the NPCs more than the actual playable characters.
How do you think 2B would have handled the second act if 9S had gotten killed instead of her?
So what's the best way to farm upgrade materials, Sup Forums? I've done Endings A, B, C, D and E, and now I wanna get all the upgrades for the inevitable Ending F that requires me to get all the weps.
> tfw like 20 meteorites, but no meteorite shards to upgrade shit.
What do I have to do in the sidequest as 9S in the cellar of the amusement park?
I played through the game twice. He says to find bugs, but I have no idea how to do that.
Fuck this game.
Finished it and loved it so I decided to start going towards 100%. I've got about half of the weapons maxed and I'm around 80% with the sub quests and I'm just tired of it. That doesn't even take in all the grinding and farming I still need to do, as well as making sure I get each chest in case I'm missing intel or something. Whenever I start playing something else I soon quit to start playing Nier again, but once I start playing Nier I don't feel like playing it since almost nothing fun is left.
Maybe I should just save all the extra stuff for when the DLC comes out so I'll have more to do on top of the DLC.
>murder-mode 2B
My dick is diamonds.
>For an android as stuck-up as her that is huge progress.
But it's not huge progress considering why she was being "stuck up" in the first place. There isn't much to 2B's character. Same with 9S's. It's part of why they are so boring. Their trauma and suffering doesn't magically change that the characters aren't multifaceted and very straight forward.
Meteorite shards are bought from the science robot once you finish his quest. A lot of rare shit is bought from Emil after you beat him in his cave. He updates his inventory
I'm level 57, but I get the feeling Emil would be a very hard fight. I already stole his mask, I take it if I steal more shit I fight him?
Yea, you couldn't have used one of the 4 other threads up about 2B's butt? You HAD to make a new one because your version is so unique right?
I liked the world and characters in the first game better. Also a better cast of side characters. Automata has way better combat.
There totally wasn't another bed in our room.
>All these dead players in the amusement park
Were people actually attacking the friendly machines?
I'd advise anyone playing this game to play Undertale, it's basically an American Yoko Taro game.
1st of April is still almost 3 weeks off user.
First time is pass through the wall on the left side. You'll "bug out" through it and win the quest. Second one, attack the core before all the enemies are dead. Third, just play normally
>He says to find bugs, but I have no idea how to do that.
First level has 'out of bounds' bug that lets you leave the play area.
Just run around the 'arena' facing to the wall and shoot.
Second one gets fucked if you shoot the black ball without killing everything.
Don't remember 3rd.
I was level 71 by the time I got ending C. How are you so behind?
I didn't bother doing any sidequests as 9s, because I assumed i'd be going back as 2B.
Also I prioritised combat chips over exp gain chips.
Honestly? She probably would have killed herself.
Going to be honest here, I never really realized just how overrated Nier was until Automata came out and these threads started happening
Posts like these make me feel like I really missed out by only doing half the sub quests. Are a majority of them neat things like this or the lunar tear one?
>People thought Taro was lying about the quality of his work
Nier was never overrated though, just niche. Automata on the other hand.
>When the Bunker gets destroyed, quicksaves at terminals mean nothing and you must load a save file every time you die
What the actual fuck? That makes dying way too fucking punishing
I finished route C at level 51. I barely did any side quests and never used exp chips.
So uh, what does YoRHa actually stand for?
Most of them are fully voiced and give lore or insight on yorha or the robots.
I either never died during [C] / [D] or it works differently on Normal.
I'm kind of getting tired of reading these posts. Just calling the characters boring or bland or dry contributes absolutely nothing. Though I guess it makes sense given how the one time they got even a little specific about why someone put a hole in it, and suddenly the development didn't count because it came right at the end of the game.
Fuck. How long would you estimate they are?
>you'll never go sand surfing with 2B
It makes sense consider what the Bunker's purpose was. Although ending E pretty much renders all of that pointless thanks to deus ex machina
just kinda started the game.
so if i understand this correctly, when you die, you just lose whatever chip you have equipped, right? then to get them back you gotta get back to your body.
can you save scum and load up your save file so you dont lose everything? or does the game somehow know you did this so it wont let you get everything back just by loading your save file?
im playing on normal right now but plan on bumping the difficulty once i get used to everything but i dont want to spend a long time getting a good chip build only to lose it all.
E is not really changing anything, they're being rebuilt from the same parts that they all died with.
Well you could try by arguing the real depth these characters have because I'm struggling to actually see it. There is a severe lack of characterization for 2B and 9S outside of crushing on a co-worker. It's the driving force for their "suffering". That is the only motivation for any "character development" that happens between the two. That's bland and boring.
Longer than the main story.
I think she would've killed herself too. Especially with the pain she holds in when she's around him.
Does anyone have any tips for that Parade Escort side quest in the Ruined City? I can get all the guys to the final part but as soon as that group of large enemies shows up they pretty much just all instantly die.
Just don't die. Its easier than it sounds.
Kill them with things faster than they can spawn.
If you can't do that, wait and level, then retry.
Alright i'll wait until I match the level of the assholes in that mission.
I missed Ending K, does anyone know what chapter I can go to to get it?
Is that the Mackeral one? Just pick whatever is right before the flooded city, I think.
Did we get anything interesting from the PAX interview today, or did he end up joking around and dodging questions because it was short notice for him? Is Taro doing interviews at any other major events soon?
So, I just got ending C, and started up from that file. I thought the stuff was supposed to continue past that, here I am replaying the opening mission again?
Or do I have to do something else to get to D and then E?
She would be as broken as E unit in desert.
If this stream of emotions is how she felt after being forced to kill 9S once fully knowing that his death is not permanent, imagine what would happen with her after his permanent demise.
You gotta pick 9S choice for the last chapter through chapter skip.
E will naturally unlock when you are done with End D.
Ok, so just redo the last chapter via chapter select and choose 9S for the last bit then?
Story was pretty light compared to Nier. I expected something akin to meeting and killing some guy and learning later he was last human on Earth or something like this.
Yeah. You don't have to redo all the game for those 2 endings. In fact, only Route B force you to do so. Everything else can be done quickly with chapter skip.
Cool. I assume I can just chapter skip around to do anything else I missed out on then?
I loved NieR and I was really enjoying this game until i got Ending CDE. They really felt half assed and kind of ruined the game for me, so much so that I am just ready to actively get rid of it, I don't want to play it anymore. Ending E was just boring, not at all "touching" like the redditors keep saying. Reminded me of the undertale neutral ending in a bad way. What in the hell was going on with Taro? All that cool shit that happens in the beginning half of C just stops mattering. No more EMP shit from the robots, no threats of virus, no more anything. Then you get to the tower and they just really quickly try to get rid of the plot points they have no idea how to tie up because either Taro got bored or just forgot how to write. Seriously how do you go from NieR's very powerful story to this meandering shit? Like I said, loved the game and where it was heading, but it had a very sudden and unsatisfactory ending. The last boss fights were pathetically easy and I was underlevelled on Hard...
That's pretty much what you should do, yeah. They even went as far as telling you your quest counter for a given chapter.
Note that the game doesn't have any level scaling for bosses, and it affect only few enemies, mostly the mooses and boars for some reason.
She literally gutted Adam just for touching her shota. Murder-mode is likely for her too.
Alright, thanks! By any chance do you know where to get upgrade materials for some of the weapons? I'm talking their earlier upgrades, like the wires and shit. I have plenty of the common and rarest materials, but I'm missing the wires and shit for like, the level 1 and 2 upgrades.
Harming the shota is surefire way to mark you for death.
I thought the machines were going to be housing human consciousness or something. Like all the shells got fucked so they turned to putting the souls into machines.
I always thought the lack of EMP bots was quite surprising back then, but aside, CDE make a lot of more sense than just the simple conflict introduced in A/B.
Just buy them from Emil and the clown vendor close to the access point.
Emil has 3 specific pool of items chosen at random:
-Chips (2 variations: +3 and +6)
-Weapons + rare material (Memory alloy etc).
You better stock a lot of them when you have the chance if you plan upgrading all weapons and Pods.
Clown vendor has a lot of exclusive stuff like ore (including gold ore), pearls etc.
Note that it is way cheaper to buy from him early game. In fact you can abuse that: buy lots of gold ore early game, switch to an end game chapter and sell them.
IIRC, you buy them for 3K G and can sell them for 4-5K G.
What's up with Jackass and Desert Camp Vendor being voiced? Bit odd.
Can only agree. Story is underdelivering. Better than DK3, but neither batshit crazy as DK1, nor interesting and thoughtful like Nier.
>2B calls the time she spent with 9S "memories of pure light"
>9S' heart goes doki doki when she said that his voice is calming
this game gives me too much feels
i don't remember another game with main characters having such tragic yet adorable relationships
Yeah you can save scum. Hard is not fun.
Really, Emil's shit changes? Every time I met him he only sold chips. Fuck. Do I need to beat the level 99 version of him first? When's the earliest chapter I can do that in?
I didn't discover Emil until pretty late in my own game so I dunno when you can find him the earliest.
Dude, the driving force for their suffering is the fact that their lives being devoted to a pointless cause was established for them from the moment they were created, and transcending that is not something that artificial life like the Yorhas (or the machines) can do so easily.
9S starts out as a devoted soldier fighting for humanity, he kills machines because they're his enemy, and 2B is the one android that he bonds with. He learns that he exists to perpetuate a lie and that he will both live and die for the sake of that lie, but he can't just fuck off and spend the rest of his days boar drifting so easily because of the devotion to mankind his personality is built on top of, which he cries about in the final boss fight, unless he (and A2, and 2B) evolves. 2B's explanation in Pascal's village for why they don't kill nonagressive machines on sight is even falls under the framing problem, where their idea of the enemy is just vague enough that they don't have to respond in the exact same way every time and The Council has to send out a message to coerce them into killing all machines.
9S goes on fighting machines when 2B does die, even though he learns that he's built like a machine, because that's all he's got. No humans, no 2B, all that left for a Yorha is the idea of an enemy to fight. It's exactly the same thing the machines are doing before evolving, and once the fighting eventually did stop and there weren't any opponents left for him to make he was going to kill himself, which we learn from Gathering Keepsakes.
In Ending D he's talking about how machines are sentient and admitting that the Yorhas aren't fit for anything. He's giving up and accepting either death or what he sees as exile and not evolving, but in Ending E the pods find hope in the possibility that he and the others can.
But feel this is all bland waifu faggotry, right? It doesn't count if you aren't laughing or crying at the character interactions every 20 minutes, right?
>tfw he didn't lie
>It doesn't count if you aren't laughing or crying at the character interactions every 20 minutes, right?
It doesn't count because the narrative gives you, the player, 0 reason to give a shit and get invested in 2B or 9S as characters.
That's also why you couldn't save in the prologue. They didn't have a good connectivity to upload data to the bunker, hence 9s lost his memories and 2B barely got hers
You have to check his shop first, then, zone out. Saving and reloading your save will reset his state, leading back to his usual first pattern being the chips one.
It can take a huge while, but AFAIK, the "rare weapons + rare materials" pattern only appear when Emil is very close to the resitance camp. And when I say "very close", I mean it. If you see Emil driving around Engels (the goliath wreckage), it is very likely he merely has chips or normal materials.
Also, note that sometimes, Emil will change his shop pattern if you immediately talk to him again, but that only works with chip and normal materials.
So if you see chips, close the menu, but then talk to him again. Sometimes, it will change into the normal material pattern.
At some point, I lost 1 full hour because Emil was dicking around, switching only between his chip and normal material patterns.
For you to be invested in 2B or 9S's character with as little characterization that's given to you about them in the beginning, you HAVE to be a waifu or shotafag. Period. All the bullshit you're suppose to have emotional feelings for when they are revealed aren't earned through solid characterization via narrative. It's just there, expecting you to care for no real reason.
Can anyone tell me what praying over another dead character does? Also how long do those retrieval bonuses last?
Man, A2 looks like shit.
Not him, but I came just for P action shenanigans and warmed up with 2B and 9S due to the existencial stuff left and right but also their behaviour and changes over the subquests.
The one character that absolutely needed more characterization was A2. You basically know next to nothing about her in-game.
everyone would look as shit after going through what she did
Should I go into the first Nier completely blind? Or should I know some shit before going into it?
I'm sorry to be that faggot, Sup Forums.
Is there a way to get her skirt back? I'm aware of how gay this question is.
so how is everyone enjoying the game? been thinking about getting it
Just go for it.
I think saving and dying is a sure-fire way.
Save/Reload, transport. Or use the dress module (bought at Emil's shop)
Equipping Dress Module will prevent cloth destruction completely. Using Dress Module will switch the costume from normal to "destroyed" and vice versa.
What is a counterattack in this game and how do they work? Some of the chips involve those but I haven't figured it out.
Is there an A2 stageplay script somewhere?
>16 days until the OST
>probably another week until a proper rip
Fuck man. I can't have youtube open all day. Shit eats up my data like a motherfucker.
>Emil interrupt is showing up in comics now
tilt your stick towards the target. The timing is slightly tighter than perfect dodge.
I don't understand. Not sure what perfect dodge is either.
What happened to A2 before the beginning of the game?
Nice, thanks user.