Gaming on the go is autistic and childish. No adult with things to do would be interested in this gimmick

Gaming on the go is autistic and childish. No adult with things to do would be interested in this gimmick

Prove me wrong.

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As a personal example, I travel a lot and love having something more powerful than a 3ds to throw in my bag, but I am just one person

Poor karen

> No adult with things to do would be interested in this gimmick

well it's a good thing video games are for children.

You like nigger dicks up the ass. Prove me wrong.

id deal with karen
if you know what i mean

I saw several adults over the past week using Nintendo Switch.

As an adult with things to do I rarely have time to sit down and enjoy console gaming, so something I can play in bed before I go to sleep is nice.

Honestly everyone I've spoken too seems to think it's the coolest thing ever.

the target audience clearly isnt just children fool


>with things to do

>"We're DRINKING, Karen."
Normies everyone. I'd hang out with Karen.

>it's a "Sup Forums gets defensive about it's own hobby because of a bait" episode

My only exception of ever bring video games out of the house would probably be during a flight but even then I'd keep it to just my vita or something.
A co-worker of mine already had his switch tablet stolen from him right out of his backpack in his locker at the gym. The fucking switch will definitely grab a nigger's attention if he see's it. It's just not worth taking it outside

Hung out with my bros last night and brought my switch with Bomberman. They all played while I drove. It was great I think it's very convenient to have.

why would a nigger want that piece of shit?

i want to bully karen

Are you implying only autistic manchildren play candy crush and farmville?


You don't have to pay for Candy Crush and Farmville

uh a nigger can easily pawn it or use it to scam other niggers on craigslist. you do know niggers just do these things on primordial instinct rather than rationale right?

a nigger could sell anything dude

>Prove me wrong.
First prove that the same isn't true of gaming in general.

easy we all know people masturbait at home but nobody cares.
Now imagine someone masturbaiting outside where everyone can see.


So no adult should be considering to play videogames.Retard,leave mom's basement at least 24 hours a week.

Only retarded Nintendo man-children would play with a handheld in public.

So the vita and mobile apps doesn't count? Anyways,nobody bought the Shita shit,right?

I don't go to parties and rarely go outside
The times I do I act like a normal human being, only playing games on my phone to avoid attention.


What's wrong with you drones? Who touched you when you were a little girl?

One day Sup Forums will be gone, Reddit will be gone and any other social online safe spaces will be gone too. Then what will you do?

I don't like handleds because all they do is playing vidya but I emulate vidya on my android phone since I also use it on my daily life.
I would never go out with a giant tablet that has controllers on the side, or use the thing that makes the controllers look like regular controllers. It's even worse if you use this weird controllers seperated and wrapped around your wrists.
Who tought this shit was a good idea? They already have 3DS for portable so why not make a regular home console?
Fuck nintendo and fuck their shitty gimmicks. This can't be the same company that made NES/SNES. Most importantly, fuck these toddlers that defends this shit. Sole reason that this company continues this kind of faggotry is because this drones not only buy it but also defend it.

>Sit on an intercontinental flight
>Escape to Hyrule for 10 hours

feels good man

chewbacca does not live on endor, so you are wrong.

now explain why you treat masturbation and playing a game as equal.

both hobbies

>Sit next to a fat fuck with a fedora
>he doesn't notice his own stench
>turns to every girl that passes by and stares
>pulls out one of those tablet games that kids play
>pulls out cheesy puffs
>cleans off his fingertips with his trench coat
>cheesy puff all over his tablet

I had to deal with this for 10 hours

top kek

Really, it's the parent's fault that these manchildren think playing video games in public is acceptable. Me? I enjoy reading proper literature such as The Great Gatsby.

>a hobby
You need to talk to someone user.

Well it's not a 3DS.