What does Sup Forums think of the Mega Man Zero games?
What does Sup Forums think of the Mega Man Zero games?
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I think I played the one for DS. What was it called? ZX? Dunno. It was absolutely terrible and awful.
For the GBA? All fucking great.
Good games, but hard as shit. Harder than X6, I'd say.
How are they any different from Mega Man games?
You shut your whore mouth, ZX was a great fucking metroid game
MMZ1 kicked my ass but kept me interested enough to finish it
got too bored with Z2 to play it for longer than an hour
poorly thought out mechanics (like punishing you for using cyber elves, forcing you to replay levels if you want to explore or get punished with taking too much time in rank, locking better fights behind only a or s ranks etc).
mmz3 > mmz1 > --- good line --- > mmz2 > mmz4
i like x series better. zero series has too many flaws, especially in terms of design. the low points of x series (x5, x7) are definitely worse than the low points of zero though
Dropped the series with 2 because of the awful ranking mechanic.
twas cuck shite my friend
now then.... *grabs you by the collar and slams you against the wall* don't fucking post again without my permission, got that? :)
They're all enjoyable, though all 4 have their own flaws. Nowhere near perfection, but still worth a playthrough if anything.
I can't forgive them for taking away my Shield Boomerang in MMZ4 though.
They are a wasted potential, could have been better than X series but unfortunely it was limited by a handheld
Z1 > Z4 > Z2 > Z3
Z3 is massively overrated, level design is worse than Z2 and its easy as fuck
I loved Z1, hated Z2, and from what I remember I enjoyed Z4.
Started Z3 recently, its pretty alright so far, definitely an improvement over Z2.
Honestly, they milked the shit out of this Mega Man series too. Just doing the first one would have been enough. Maybe one legit sequel that truly improves on everything.
I don't know what policy capcom had regarding Mega Man, but it seems they just did those games to milk the shit out of the series.
Best Mega Man series. Good story, good music, good style, good gameplay. Basically what the X series should have been.
2 was the best one. Amazing games overall. I would say the multiple weapons get tiresome by 4, but hurrah for variety I guess
Get gud scrub
>tfw zero is not a girl
u havin' a giggle?
I agree. X5 fucking sucked
I have no idea why Mega Man started doing these rankings. At least because the games never keep a running track of scores.
i beat all the games with a or s. doesn't change the fact that the games are poorly designed, zerocuck. same thing with azure striker gunvolt
Azure striker is a shitty game, just like shitty n9 is a shitty game.
You are not criticizing a mechanic, rankings don't make you do anything.
retard please. in zero series, the bosses danger attacks only happen on a or s rank
Z2 =Z3 > Z1 > The last 5 minutes of Z4 >>>>> Z4
Also Levi
that was the worst post I've seen all day between not liking zx and just everything else about it.
>z1 first
god what the fuck is this?
I only played 1 and wasn't a huge fan. The only cyber-elves I received were for healing which didn't really matter since everything I died to was instant. The spear was also completely worthless until the final boss.
Z3 has the best kind of final boss ans best boss theme.
It's unfortunate that the guardians didn't have their battle AI adjusted much if not at all between Z1 and Z2.
Z1 is quite experimental. It is interesting for trying something different, but Z2 and onward streamlined it more towards traditional Mega Man/X titles, particularly Z4.
That's actually the most overrated Megaman track in existence.
I like a lot of the concepts of the Zero series. But I'm really upset they never really to expanded on some of them.
The Z-Knuckle seems like the kind of thing an entire alternate player character could be based on.
Hard as fuck, but still very fun to play.
liked z3 the most, might be because of my massive hard-on for fights that use your move-set. overall, thought they were good, loved the designs overall, but still hate the design on zero to this day. enough has been said about the ranking systems
Its called good taste.
no it's called fucking garbage taste, 1 was a good start to the series but everything it did wrong from it's dull music, lackluster stage design and simplistic boss fights were beaten by every other game in the series. There is no quality that makes 1 better than the others.