Just got a PS4 pro, rate my games/recommend new ones

Hi guys, picked up a PS4 thanks to threads here that talked about some nice exclusives. I have PC for my RTS games but wanted to check out some PS4 ones. I bought pic related, but also was looking at :

Helldivers, MLB, HZD among others. Which ones are worth getting?

definitely get horizon, also Uncharted 4. get Uncharted Collection and Last of Us if you didn't have ps3 versions as well.

>No Digimon

Horizon is kinda shitty tbqh. Get KoF and DoAX3.

Get Last of Us and Uncharteds.

kingdom hearts
dragon quest builders
Valkyrie chronicles

Reminder that All Aboard the Cactuar Express is still the best PS4 theme.

Custom themes are overrated.

Is this bait? This is the worst loadout of PS4 games I've ever seen.

hahahah he buys games!

Horizon, Nioh, Ratchet and Clank, Bloodborne, Until Dawn, Uncharted 4 and Tearaway are all worth checking out. Haven't played Nier yet as i've already got two games on the go and should probably wait till I paid but I hear good things about it.

Odin Sphere is great.

Nier: A Tomato, RE4 HD (if you haven't played it in a while or ever), Uncharted 4 (play on Hard mode)

Nice job getting Nioh and Bloodborne, that's pretty just all you need to justify owning a PS4.

All gr8 games, though I only want to play half of them.

Nier Automata, Tearaway, Digimon Cyber Sleuth, Ratchet and Clank, and Until Dawn are all really fun games.

Beat all but 4 when I had PS3. Any huge difference? Is 4 just a meme game or is it actually good?

I have Valkyrie on Steam, never played any of the KH games, what are they comparable to?

Tearaway and Disc Jam I just got with PS+. Havent played Tearaway yet but heard great things. Other ones listed I have outside of HZD which I plan on getting.

Comparable to what titles? It looks like a fighting game or am I missing something

Nier I will pick up this week and RE7 looks interesting also. Thank you.

my boi


>no black hand

where's Dragon Quest Builders and Kingdom Hearts 1.5+2.5

It's 2D adventure/action RPG. If you're familiar with Muramasa on Wii/Vita it's kind of similar.
I guess some fuckers would call it Metroidvania due to how maps of the areas are laid out and full of secrets you can find, but I dunno. It's really great though, the story isn't really alike something you usually see in videogames, it feels kinda like an act, especially with how scenes are laid out.

I don't know, I didn't make the picture

Sorry to burst your bubble mate

I just purchased R&C for $10, seems like a solid title.

Nier and persona

where to get GR-remastered cheap in USA?

Ya'll niggas forgetting Odin's Sphere.

don't get Nier, it's a meme

Is your pro fans loud when playing pro patched games?

from top to bottom

Get nier it's not a meme

Here (You) go

No clue
I got mine on Amazon for like 30 bucks



I've picked up Digimon World NO since taking this. The graphics, voicework, "multiplayer" and plot are all total garbage, but it's brutally challenging and chock full of shit2do and places to go

Recent pic

The only big stinker is FO4, but Survival mood looks promising.

Change Yakuza to good and he is correct

This, also get Odin Sphere.

I have Doom, GTA and TF2 on xbox and Skyrim on PC so I those. Dragonball isn't really my thing. What's EDF like? Tower defense? Bladestorm?

Never played
Never played

I hope they come out with another Digimon Story sometime, I haven't picked up Digimon World Next Order because of the gameplay I've seen

Is Gravity Rush 2 really considered garbage?

I just got it and was planning to play through GR1 + GR2 because everyone kept saying good things.

EDF is fucking outstanding desu, possibly my favourite co-op game. It's probably better on PC, but the console version has 2p splitscreen - same with Divinity, see Bladestorm is great if you like weird psuedo-action/strategy KOEI games, but it's very, very strange.

I'm a huge fag for weird KOEI stuff.

Digimon World is a very mixed bag. I personally love it, but it's really niche.

it's not garbage, people just dismiss it as waifubait because Kat is a beautiful woman

I wouldn't get DoAX3. It basically has no gameplay. You're better off looking up videos on YouTube. You'll get the same experience.

>200MB game on a Blu-Ray disk
Why? What the fuck is the point of that?

Hell no. Gravity Rush is fantastic. People just like to shit on literally everything here because memes.

I like to collect and the game isn't going to be sold in stores anymore because of the price increase now. Digital only unless you want to buy the base plus DLC.

GR remastered was a limited release on Amazon? Are they going to re-release it any time soon?

Also, thoughts on Ultimate MVC3? Physical came out at GS and I want to get if it's a good fighter. Loved 1 and 2 on DC.

>GR remastered was a limited release on Amazon? Are they going to re-release it any time soon?

I think you can import the european version for like $40. There's no region locking on PS4s iirc.

If push comes to shove, you could always download it digitally but since you're collecting I doubt you'd want to do that.

I'm the same way. I like to collect. Glad I got GR when I did. Fucking scalpers. This though . I remember seeing a European version for like $30-$35 not too long ago.

>Yakuza 0
>Shovel Knight
Haven't played NA

how come Kat's in Zangarmarsh?

mate just chill out you got like 300 hours right there already

She's questing. :^)

this game really needs day and night cycle

I really need Kat

Agreed. That would be sweet.

9 days until Raven's game

There ya' go bud :^)

Just finished getting the platinum. Took my time getting it. I'm gonna be sad after the dlc cause it's just gonna be over.

What's a good PS4 game that's dirt cheap nowadays? I'd get Nier but I'm not paying £40 for it.

Something that isn't some boring cookie cutter western AAA game would be nice.

is it possible for Kat to not look perfect in whatever she wears?

she should be Sony's mascot she's so perfect

How should we know what games you own/like ?

Get Bloodborne for 20 when the game of the year edition is on sale again, probably in some weeks

What genres do you like?

Ps4 doesnt have any ga----

>first person shooters



user COME ON

seeing people do this physically hurts me, especially when it's people on Sup Forums

Got bloodborne already and love it. I guess between that and my interest in Nier I'm looking for something fast-paced and I'll play any genre.

What's the difference between regular and Ascension? Did I make the mistake getting the regular one?

ratchet and clank

Not that guy, but Titanfall 2 has NO PLAYERS on PC

>tfw PS4 Pro and just copped a 4K HDR Sony TV

So fucking good, it's 43' but since it's in my room it's more than enough for me, I'm even using it as a monitor.

The demo was fun and cool tho

Games I have

Battlefield 1
Borderlands Handsome Collection
COD Ghosts
Diablo 3
The Division
Dying Light
Witcher 3
WWE 2K15
Yakuza Zero

Yeah my taste is pretty pleb. Got Mass Effect and Persona 5 on pre order and thinking about getting the Gravity Rush games.

Nice, when I eventually get a 4k I'm gonna go for one of the oleds. How is HDR?

Open to it. I loved R&C on PS2/3.

Oh yeah and I have Fallout 4. IDC I love it.

Not him but would love to know also

Do you want recs?


>still buying physical games

Yeah I wanna know if HDR makes a difference. I have a regular Vizio D series 4k tv without HDR. Does it make a difference?


still buying games in general is pretty dumb...

That's actually the one thing I miss after moving to PC, is being able to turn around and sell a new game on Craigslist for $50 after you beat it. And selling old games of course

Titanfall is easily the best FPS of the last decade, and the PC version is hopelessly dead.

Sure. But I have a huge list of games I'm going though. Like I wanna go though all the Yakuza games and I got Mass Effect and Persona coming out. And Im interested in the Gravity Rush games. I guess a few more games on the to play list wont hurt.

Yeah you messaged up. Sphere is basically the same game, but improved with expansion packs.

I'd get the latest Romance of the Three Kingdoms, but I hear it has serious problems

user, neither Next Order or Cyber Sleuth are really all that good if you're not already into Digimon.

I would say HDR makes it a bigger change than 4K if you could only choose one.

Ratchet and Clank looks amazing

Hey Sup Forums give me a PS4 code, I don't own shit besides Bloodborne, [email protected]; or send your ID and game if you want a friend to play (? 21 yo cute and poor student


Next Order is a loveletter to fans of virtual pets and Digimon, but otherwise eh. I enjoy it a ton


Not even drunk yet.

if you're a girl and single I might

Sup Forums's filled with children. Couldn't you tell?

There's a reason the console war bait threads get so many replies.

Nah, not a girl, sorry user :( I can be your friend tho, no games needed

Ascension? I have the first one, is it worth getting ascension or should I just keep it.

No, people are stupid and just like to call japanese games with attractive women "shit" because it's trendy to hate on foreign games lately.

If anyone on Sup Forums ever tells you a game is "shit" it's a safer bet to try it yourself or seek other outside opinions. 9/10 they're just blowing stupidity out their asses.

What a pathetic cuck thing to say.

I'd get Ascension if you're half as big a fan of the franchise that I am.

How is Romance XIII? Any other games similar to Nobunagas?

You should consider Rez Infinite, especially if you ever get PSVR. For PS4 Pro, Rez Infinite is 60 fps at 4K resolution. Even though the game was originally released in 2001, it stands the test of time. It's amazing.

I got that game actually along with Resogun and FF7. Nex Machina looks good also.

How is romance 13? I hear a lot of negatives. Anything similar?

If you're new, it's great.

If you're a master of strategy games, you may be better off with the older games

What's wrong?
Can't handle playing an fps with a gamepad? Git gud my dude