It's time to discuss the greatest MOBA FPS

It's time to discuss the greatest MOBA FPS.

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Not anymore.

the legendary system is fine man

It isn't the greatest, its enjoyment comes from how fucking terrible 99% of the player base is and how stupidly broken things are.

the terrible playerbase is what makes it frustrating because it forces you to carry literal retards against slight retards.

I haven't gotten into comp yet because leveling 12 heros to 5 doesn't interest me. QP is just a fuck storm and great to duo queue into

Not Battleborn?

Not interested.

>214 players
Top tier game

>He's an uncultured swine.

>Only 2 of the 5 healers can heal effectively
>Tanks are boring and ineffective at everything that isnt standing on objective
>Damagers all feel like poorly made versions of the Overwatch cast (except Bomb King, hes /ourguy/ tier)
>Most Flanks are fun but 9 times out of 10 each team is guranteed two of them being played by retards
>f2p gurantees huefags and children
>Cosmetics + Loot system sucks
>Card system is a bad joke

It was alright, just felt quite litterly like a poor mans Overwatch

i can't believe there's actually anyone in the world who thinks this is a good game. Overwatch is a pretty meh game but that game is 10x better than paladins.

have you played both? what issue do you have with paladins? i like paladins more because it's easier to carry. champions all around feel more capable/flexible, but they also have more health so it has a higher skill ceiling.

>moba FPS
The only options here are Paladins and Battleborn. So yeah, it's probably the best, but that's like saying your cooking is more edible than literal dog shit.

>Only 2 of the 5 healers can heal effectively
pft all 5 healers are picked in the current meta. I've seen grover, pip, and grohk picked in today's online qualifiers, alongside the 2 that are always picked (ying and maldamba).
>Tanks are boring and ineffective at everything that isnt standing on objective
no they're not. flanking is an option with plenty of them, especially flanknando, torvald, and makoa.
>Damagers all feel like poorly made versions of the Overwatch cast
what about them is poorly made? and BK is definitely a cool design but there's only so many original designs you can have. of course there's going to be an AR hitscan kind of guy like viktor. but then there's tyra who is similar but has her own strengths that makes her a better pick on certain maps and in certain comps. her fire bomb is great for clearing points or blocking chokeholds. also drogoz is much more fun than pharah.
>f2p gurantees huefags and children
>Cosmetics + Loot system sucks
completely agreed on both.
>card system is a bad joke
card system is awesome, and was made better with the legendary system because the cards which were thought to be the "most viable" for each champion was mostly moved over to the legendaries. there's more build diversity now. i HATE the amount of essence required to unlock all cards and legendaries though. that should be changed.


Heroes of the storm is the best


>design is sorta cute
thats not from battleborn
i-is it?

also you most likely got our ex paladins artist that made good shit to get that champ

>>Only 2 of the 5 healers can heal effectively
support characters =/= healers
for most support; their main goal isnt to heal
only mal and grover seem to be focused healers

>he doesnt know about the new first person mode

>greatest MOBA FPS
are we handing out trophies for being the best of the worst now?

Ying is babby's first healer who basically plants heal turrets, Maldamba is the loaded kit one with 2 heals and 2/3 debuffs depending on legendary. Pip is the mode switcher where he can have burst heal or a slow with ridiculous uptime, Grover and Grohk are kinda in the same position though where they have to hug the tanks to heal but grohk has become a street sweeper and grover a CC bot thanks to new cards improving their RMB..

the only reason I'm playing this game right now is for Maeve since Genji is fucking dead

Honestly Maeve is much more fun to play and ever since they introduced the special card that lets you shift after an elimination she's amazing