This is the worst that Sup Forums has ever been

This is the worst that Sup Forums has ever been.

Prove me wrong.

2011 was worse but yeah it's pretty bad nowdays.

I think image boards themselves are just falling apart

GG was worse.

You weren't here for 2011
You weren't here during Gamergate

recent Real Lives threads were a blast

I was here for Gamergate.

This is worse.

Sup Forums is a containment board. Its job is to keep this shit flinging off the rest of Sup Forums. Any fun experienced here over the years was a mere coincidence.

GG wasn't even the worst thing in 2015, the nonstop "Anita has this opinion guys look" "SJW are literally Satan" "Anita has just farted" "Somebody just posted this on thumblr" threads were much worse. At least GG overdosed Sup Forums on this and purged it forever.

This is honestly the best Sup Forums has been for the past half decade.

You think this is bad, now, but you will look back on these times fondly whenever Sup Forums becomes unbrowsable again.

>bloodborne release
>Witcher winning GOTY
>GTA V being released on PC
>StarCraft/assfaggots threads killing dozens of threads because of how quickly they were being created before /vg/
No. This is fairly tame for Sup Forums.

>he wasn't around when the front page was full of HAT GENERAL, WAIFU GENERAL and other general shit

As an optimist I assure you, It can get worse!

Future Sup Forums will be worse than current Sup Forums

Man It sure smells like something Awful in here.

>He wasn't around for Lanced Jack.

It isn't

That's precisely what I was referring to. That shit was already a bit annoying before but it became unbearable. Also, dude, it wasn't in 2015, it was 4 years ago, in 2013

Shit, man, how long ago was that? When did moot finally get rid of Lanced Jack? 2009? 2008?

>This is honestly the best Sup Forums has been for the past half decade.

No, Sup Forums is godawful now. All discussion is simply replaced with LE HAT WEARING CRYING WOJAK
God that shit should be permabannable on sight.

the last consistently great timeframe of Sup Forums was early 2015
>Hunger Games threads
>moot leaving
>Games for Girls threads
>Law and Order Gamergate episode
>Besieged threads

the past year has been pretty shitty because consolewojaks have been consuming all OC and it's a race to the bottom for the worst falseflag shitpost.

incidentally the SJW/Anita era was 2013-2014, back when you'd have at least 5 threads on Gone Home and Feminist Frequency at any one time. LOL threads were also still big back then and they usually derailed to SJW shit

Keep crying faggot. You're literally the cause of it.

You werent here during the Wii days or when ever smash was announced

2011-2012 were pretty shitty but 2014-2015 took the cake for worst time to browse Sup Forums.

Sup Forums is tame and unusually silent for once.

GG got so out of hand that the cancer spread to other boards and fucked everything up big time, second only to the Fappening in terms of recent shitstorms. At least we finally got rid of moot, I like Anne Hiro's hands-off approach.

Isn't that what GG was for the most part?

Some chick got rid of him apparently. Trolled the fuck outta him.


I remember it as 2008, but it might be earlier or later than that.

No, I recognize what the cancer killing Sup Forums is. It's underage children shitting all over the board with console wars.

Hell yeah man these images are hilarious. I don't see how anyone could get tired of all discussion on Sup Forums being replaced by 'NOOOOOOOO BROS WHAT DO WE DOOOO'

Can't be much earlier than that. I joined in 2007 and I remember it.

LOL thread literally derail into SJW shit within 2 posts.

I genuinely don't understand how people can stand seeing the same 20 comics get posted every fucking day.

Sup Forums isn't your hugbox.

Every second thread is console war bait where the only responses are people false flagging and/or pretending to be retarded
You can't discuss any exclusive from any platform anymore

Why does the feels guy crying and obvious false-flagging piss you off any more than when people were more direct in their trolling and just said "epic fail"?

I've only been here for a year, but I can't imagine anything being worse than when pic related was released.

I think Sup Forums started in 2006. Must be around 2007 or 2008. I found Sup Forums late 2006 or early 2007.

Prior to 2010 for sure.

Wonder if he's the reason you can't avatarfag anymore, lmao.

The U.S election has lowered the entire website.

2014-2015 was worse.

>I enjoy shitting up the board with nonsensical, outright trolling false flag shitposts
Some of us want to talk about video games.

Nah, I can't

GG and newfags from Sup Forums are fucking this board up

Keep crying.

GG was broadly about SJW stuff but it focused on Zoe Quinn, a few other indies, and gaming sites. Anita was already starting to fade out of relevance by then, the whole McIntosh debacle soured her reputation with normalfags
That's the exact reason LOL threads have gotten rare, people got tired of posting the latest Buckley comic, Zac Gorman edits, Assigned Male, and so on. The LOL thread that was up a few hours ago just jumped straight to the point and was full of people dumping fetish and porn comics that had nothing to do with games, not even SJW shit. The era of LOL threads basically being up 24/7 is over

honestly that feels like every thread nowadays.

I've barely been able to stomach coming here anymore, in the old days it wasn't great but you'd occasionally get something funny out of here, now it's literally just consolewars, false flagging, and baiting people nonstop in every thread. it's impossible for there to be any actual discussion.

Agreed, it would be much better without all the nintenbros
No fun allowed nu-Sup Forums that found the board through Twitter in 2012 detected

Feel free to discuss the reasons why you don't like what I like without acting like an 8 year old

this is why Sup Forumstards are a mistake.

2015, right?

Then leave, faggot.

>redditors that came here back in 2011 think they're oldfags now

Honestly, I feared that after Trump's win, Sup Forums would become unbearable, but Sup Forumsacks have been relatively tame. They're no more present than they were before. Certainly not as present as they were in the GG days.

I love the platform wojack meme honestly

It's toddposting tier

>LOL threads have gotten rare
There's like 2 a day dumbfuck.

>Isn't that what GG was for the most part?
GG was a lot better than all the preceding Anita whining threads because it went outward.
Tons of trolling and a lot of actually funny shit happened during it.
*Nods respectfully towards you*, Law and order episode and a bunch of other decent jokes happened during it.

Compare it to like two years of "Anita just farted" 24/7.
That was getting to me a lot more than a short term outrage of GG.

You've got selective memory.

RE threads, unnerving enemy threads, Dino Crisis threads, etc. etc. are all good.

Sup Forums is at least 1/4 decent discussion.

Also, I guarantee you get a few good laughs every day.

Yeah and that's a far cry from when people swarmed to every one that was up and there'd be 12 a day.

>feels guy

2007 was probably THE absolute worst it's ever been with trip/avatar fags and the like.

That being said I have NEVER seen Sup Forums this butthurt over a console/game release in history.

I'd rather have 2 comfy threads than constantly spammed shit where everyone flocks to

>starts a thread with Trump
>what are some games where I can be a good guy
>starts a thread with hillary
>what are some games where good triumphs over evil?
>thread with Trump tweet
>what are his opinions on videogames

I love videogames

>Be on Sup Forums and Sup Forums since 2007
>Still considered a newfag
It's not fair

I'm not even saying LOL threads are good or 'comfy', I'm just commenting that they've gotten a lot less popular over the past few years

i'll prove you wrong

*unzips pants*
oh man i've been waiting for this

whew, it's coming out..


yeah.. that was a good one

*wipes with hand and zips up*

I'm away from home this whole week and Sup Forums is my only escape. The past 3 days on this board have been awful. Never cared for Zelda before but now I want to strangle the next faggot with a triforce tattoo I see for putting me through this hell.

Everything has gotten less popular for flavor of the month psuedo generals

What game is this? Looks interesting.

>PS3 has no gaems.
>Lanced Jack threads.
>Rage threads.

That's all Sup Forums was in 2008.

If you're weren't posting on something awful with moot then you're a newfag.

Ok it's about time

what terms do i need to filter do make this board readable again. I've got "bros", and "it's not fair" on the list but there's still some things that slip through the cracks.

Those threads don't even tend to get to 300 replies. They're pretty rare on the catalog, I found. Just as frequent as any other off-topic thread ("What are some games where you can X")


Lanced Jack returned in 2010 or 2011 or some shit. Don't you remember Niiro Dorinku? ´That was him with his 'moe brigade'

Brap posters are even worse on /fit/

Shoo shoo, away with you

2007 wasn't heavy on trips and avatars.

Manly tears/Nigba/Kovacs were like 2008 and Lanced Jack was 2008-2009

it is sonic heroes

AWww... are you mad Sup Forums isnt your safe space anymore? Mad that we arent orgasming all over Mass Effect Andromeda?

>let me tell you how much you enjoy something
well ok

I genuinely haven't laughed at anything on Sup Forums in ages, the only reason I keep coming back here is due to habit of coming here nonstop almost since 2007, also the fact that a lot of gaming news pops up here and makes it easier since I don't use twitter or anything.

I want to leave this shithole I don't think anything really interesting has happened since Japan Time (the Brawl one)

filter "shill".

You've literally missed the cutoff point for newfaggotry by a year.
How does it feel?


>Comparing Toddposting to Wojack posting
pls don't

You're actually right. Not even post gamergate was bad.


Toddposting was actually humorous and didnt stifle discussion. It was just a cheap laugh.

I've been here for longer than the vast, vast majority of this website. I'm an oldfag, as far as I'm concerned.

you are the cancer.

ban all console-warring dickheads

I would add "allowed." Always signals a terrible thread.

i miss when Sup Forums was about video games.

Why don't you prove yourself right you double nigger

You're in the wrong part of town, my man.

>you are the cancer.

Wasn't it actually 2014? I remember because it was around the time when I bunch of Smash 4 leaks showed up back in August.

I can't. I've only been here for 3 months.

I fell for the motion control meme and bought a Wii at launch. That and the Wii version of Twilight Princess, which is objectively inferior to the GC version that I should have bought instead. Fuck, I even ended up buying that piece of shit Red Steel just because there was fucking nothing else to play.

Should've just waited until Prime 3 released.

August 2014.

I really like it when people catpost

It's been pretty bad since Zelda came out. It's like a few Nintendo autists got let out and are making up for lost time. I'm not sure they're even playing their switch as they do is post bait threads

I unironically think that the blatant false-flagging and the crying wojak meme is funny.

yeah it's awful, but hey, Sup Forums goes through phases. this'll pass soon.

don't forget, you're here forever.

I do too. I won't hide it.

It's funny as fuck and never gets old

I just sort of figure that at any given point there's going to be somebody saying Sup Forums is shitty. I've stopped caring, I can find good threads just fine if I look hard enough.

Granted, things could always have room to improve.