Are you guys enjoying your Zelda machines?

are you guys enjoying your Zelda machines?

Other urls found in this thread: eshop

It's an adequate distraction from my own mortality and the ultimate meaninglessness of everything.

I really wish I had the balls to just go through with suicide though instead of bitching about how miserable I am on a Latvian stamp collecting BBS group. I know for a fact that things aren't going to get better and death totally invalidates everything that I do, so why can't I just stop pussyfooting around and just do it?

I cancelled my order after all the reports about hardware problems. I will wait maybe new batch will be more reliable.

But if you kill yourself you can't play more Zelda™ Breath of the Wild™! Be sure to buy the season pass user!

Yep, it has been a great experience so far. Just hope they update the OS at some point, expect before the fall.

I can't buy one anywhere right now so no

You'll miss Splatoon 2 if you commit sudoku now though.

The memories I make of the game will disappear when my brain ceases to function. Just like every other memory I have. My personality and subjective experience of the universe will stop completely forever, it will be as though I never existed in the first place, and nothing I can do will change that fact.

The pills do nothing.

shut up

Yep, Zelda has been a blast.

I take my switch to the gym where I play shovel knight on treadmills.

This instructor asked me if i had 1-2 switch with me, and I told her to fuck off. Some blonde in her 20s who doesn't know any better.

The same meaninglessness is what keeps you going though. The finality of it all is what makes you hopeless but its the same thing that lets you love others and things alike. I hope you understand.
Because there is no meaning it follows that it shouldn't be taken so seriously as you seem to do. Did you really want this whole life experience to be a serious endeavor? Its only as serious as you make it. Live or don't but above all don't take any of it so seriously.

This is why i came to the conclusion that i need a form of spirituality in the hope my consciousness will transgress our current plain of existance.

Otherwise all you can hold onto is using your time to make people happy to build a legacy so people will remember you fondly, tell your story and pass on your memory.

My friend died of cancer 3 years ago at age 22. He lives on through my memories right now. He was a fucking legend, a lovely guy full of passion and care. Always made everyone smile with his good nature and hugs. His name was Zak. I tell his story so he can live on though others, incase i die in an accident tomorrow.

Living on in the memories of others is a nice sentiment, but ultimately since he doesn't exist anymore he is gone in the only meaningful way. Dead is dead, regardless of how many people remember you. It isn't as though the story of him has any sort of consciousness that can feel or think, they're just ideas in the heads of others.

Zak is gone. One day you and me will be too. Nothing you do between now and then will change that in the slightest.

I desperately wish I had the capacity to be spiritual but it just isn't in me.

and then you woke up and found your switch in your fat rolls

Thats fair. I admit my spirituality is a nonsensical clutch, but it allows me to be happy. Otherwise i might be in your position.

If you can afford it, maybe travel would grant you some insight to what you need to feel comfortable in life's apparent finite restriction.
Different culture and seeing new lands is a good way to improve your outlook in life.

plus you can take your switch and play zelda as you use planes, boats and trains.

I got a Wii U.

I've done travel. Spent years living abroad, bumming my way across Asia. I'll tell people all of the stories of amazing stuff I did there, but the reality is I'm pretending. I remember being on the balcony of an apartment, 20 floors up in Shanghai, with a beautiful woman inside on the bed and we had just fucked, and I was just thinking "I could juts step over this railing right now and it would be over, how great would that be.

I've spent an entire life trying to capture all those magical experiences folks use to gain "perspective," but after all that I'm still the same empty person. It's frustrating, because I genuinely believe that my capacity to feel positive emotions has been totally diminished somehow and it isn't coming back.

I make decent money, I have a nice place to live, I have a fairly active social and sex life, I live in a nice part of the world and I've been to many other parts of the world and yet for some reason I'm unable to feel any long term satisfaction or happiness.

Suicide does seem like the most logical thing to do. A short unhappy life is better than a long unhappy life.

Bottle of spirit alchohol and a couple boxes of co-codamol will be a painless pleasent sleep then in that case. Not that it matters to you, but that way you wont create a mess or waste someones money getting dragged into hospital.

If you pussy out half way through, enjoy a painful stomach pump and liver damage. Drink the charcoal no matter how gross it tastes, or you'll end up even more fucked up.

I am.

Being able to play Zelda in bed is pretty nice.

On that note, does anyone have recommendations for glass screen protectors? I don't like that the Switch's screen is plastic, it seems prone to scratching and I get very nervous when putting it back in the dock.

yes actually

I want Disgaea 5, but I cant find eshop cards for japan around

there is no case where that wouldn't be too thick
just get a bunch of replaceable ones

I'm sorry but the fact that you posted this in a fucking Nintendo Switch thread of all things just made me laugh.

Switch fags literally on suicide watch

I'm actually having more fun with Fast RMX. I've been playing zelda and it's good but I just love f-zero style games so much.

Kek who bought this piece of junk?
>No games
>Weak specs
>22 fps Zelda
>900p Zelda
>30 fps bomberman
>30 fps i am setsuna
>Meme Knight
This console got no real games, where is Rocket leauge? Witcher 3? Cod? Watch dogs? Titanfall 2? GTA 5?

And Bomberman R, Snipperclips, and I am on the fence about buying that Japanese rhythm game.

Are you enjoying your video game(s), user?

Yeah, i am actualy surprised that this zelda have such long playability even when you play like a madman. eshop

Meanwhile on a real console
>Gravity rush
>Persona 5
Feels good

>that Japanese rhythm game.
You mean Taiwanese rhythm game.

I got Zelda, Fast RMX, and Snipperclips.

Fast RMX is fun, Snipperclips is fun but I think it would be funner if I had a gf who would play it with me.

No I've been playing it on WiiU bought a bloodborne machine instead

>watching Netflix on the Xbone
>screen goes black randomly because the Switch is attached to the same HDMI switcher and is like a stupid child who needs to be acknowledged every 10 minutes
>have to pause my video and wait for the TV to go back to the other input


>Usually ships within 1 week.

That means its sold out.


I'd like to avoid creating a mess for people. I work as an EMD so I know my city's coroner and he's a cool guy. I'd have for him to have to clean me up.

I'm probably just going jump off a cliff.

The switch does that? That's funny

I own a PS4, picking up Nier soon. Good list of games, though Horizon will be a bargain bin game before too long.

Your destiny is to reuinite the dark souls
People go on because it is their programming.Nothing more.

Honestly yes, I can't get over how much I actually like this damn thing

I want one but they're sold out everywhere

>about buying that Japanese rhythm game.

Tried the mobile version since it's F2P, wasn't great.

Tempered glass screen protectors are actually quite common. Not too thick, either.

May pass then and get Fast RMX then.

I thought this thing was going to be fucking cancer to use, but to my surprise it actually feels alright in my hands, even better than the Wii U gamepad

Thinking of giving in my xo for a switch. Yes or no

Switches are really that hard to find right now?

>he actually bought an xbone

Try it before you buy it, the F2P mobile version functions exactly the same except most songs are locked behind microtransactions (Switch has them all unlocked)

I personally really enjoy it, it's a nice rhythm game and some of the (free) songs are my fucking jam

It's nice to know more people are enjoying Fast RMX. Back when Fast Racing Neo came out, none of the threads I made lasted more than 15 minutes.

It's not your blog Reggie.

If you like Zelda, sure, if not just wait for more games to release

whens the fucking restock


Netflix and Crunchyroll apps when?

>its the same thing that lets you love others and things alike
It's called "heroism" in terror management theory.
>Society itself is a codified hero system, which means that society everywhere is a living myth of the significance of human life, a defiant creation of meaning
Morals, love, religion, society, all are constructs to create illusion that human is above physical, to deny the truth about human nature being the same as of any other animal, pure narcissism and self-preservation instincts going into defense.
Language was a mistake.

>tfw a steady flow of video game and other material goods are the only thing keeping you from the rope.

Can you imagine how many people are alive only because they think that they will one day play Half-Life 3?

jesus christ dude

go outside and get some sunshine

emo pussy

>Terrible design
>Only one game
>Eventual pay to play online service
>No Trophies or Achievements

Not worth it.

I do though. Read the thread faggot.

>>No Trophies or Achievements
back to plebbit

Remember all those people who simply lived for MGS5?

Honestly a clincher for me. I like the option.

I have it hooked to my switcher as well and haven't experienced this yet.

Are you docking it properly?

Under your bed the whole time

Dude. This is about the Switch, not about your fucking life. Nobody cares about your life. Juat kill yourself already, you weak coward piece of chicken shit.

You are not wrong.
That same line of thinking can apply equally to validating pure narcissism and selfishness though. Because all we do is unimportant there's no reason NOT to do the things that may be irrational and not worth doing to begin with.
I'm willing to bet you felt a little smug writing that out when the act of sharing knowledge is just as much a waste of time. You still felt some need to say what you did smug or not.

Its all a matter of perspective.
Its only as serious as you decide.


Try mushrooms a few times. Could change your life entirely.

Because you're an underage faggot. Have fun being sixteen.

do more psychedelics. Either you fix yourself or you lose yourself, win-win

>The pills do nothing.
Well fug. Although I should've expected that pills won't be an option in such cases. Neither are talks with psychiatrists, counselors, smart people, kind people, it's all the same when you realize they don't hold any secret that would help to put one's death anxiety to rest because everyone's equal in its face.
Fuck, I used to think about my death at maybe 2 times a day some months ago, now it's pretty much a constant downer lurking in the back of my head and popping up all the time. It's like drowning in the middle of the ocean, you think you can hold on and your mental health will get better if you think about it and figure it out but it only gets worse. I'm scared. When you really, really think of your own mortality and lack of anything special about your nature you get so desperate and struck with fear you can only shout "fuck!" and fling your fist at nothing. Why the hell am I even typing and sending this when I know noone will be able to put my mind to rest?

see The results are mixed but generally positive and worth looking into.

>Because all we do is unimportant there's no reason NOT to do the things that may be irrational and not worth doing to begin with.
You don't understand, that's not the problem. The problem is mortality itself and lack of any higher meaning. So yeah, you are free do live your life to the fullest because you know it's all meaningless, but that doesn't solve the fucking problem. You're just going into denial like everyone else, and live a happier life, too, but that doesn't solve the problem. You have to define what the ultimate problem is. Is it happiness, or is it the goddamn lack of anything beyond physical? I wish I was born deaf and was never taught a sign language so that I could never comprehend my self-consciousness.

Shame Nintendo's screenshot tool actually captures at a lower rez than the game itself for some reason. Tried to get a Neo vs Rmx comparison but when the images both come out at 1200x600 something looks of

Have you been introduced to metaironic humor yet, user? Try that.

>>No Trophies or Achievements

Why in fuck would you care about achievements? They're always either impossible to do, come naturally with game progression or tedious to do.
All they do is make a bing noise during a cutscene or something. They mean fucking nothing and don't give you anything other than a small icon and a bing noise.


Hardwear problems worry me too

Haven't opened it. Hidden in my drawer waiting until new monster hunter.

Sense of accomplishment. Replay value. A sense of ok now I'm really 100 percent done with this game.

>>No Trophies or Achievements
>being this fucking shallow

Why can't consoles implement screen capture correctly? PS4 takes a screenshot every time I earn a trophy eating up all of my already limited hard drive space and the Wii U does it through Miiverse making the retrieval of those pics somewhat tedious.

How's it done on Switch?

What do you define yourself as though?
I think the "ultimate problem" is man-made as much as whatever it is you define yourself as.

Billions of years ago you were the big bang or whatever it is that started this whole thing.
A few billion years later you were a star.
A few billion later you were the all the process on Earth that lead to your being born.

The universe is like a river. You can easily see what it is supposed to be but the shape it takes and all the water and crevasses that make it up are constantly changing.
That last breath you took, that last meal you ate, that last thought you had changed what you were.

The you that you define yourself as doesn't exist and never has. You are all things. I know I'm that too. We are the universe having a conversation with itself.

That's why I don't see why you take it all so seriously.

im not that guy, but im pretty sure he's referring to his conscious, not the atoms he's composed of

Posting to Facebook and Twitter only at the moment.

Which is fine. His thoughts are still what he's made up of just the same as the rest of what he is. His thoughts are also in the universe. It holds up.

>not buying Switch for fast racing RMX

Bro are you high ?

>What do you define yourself as though?
I define myself as self-consciousness that formed when I was taught language and was able to have inner thoughts, to think. That's when "I" that so desperately clings to existence formed, and "I" don't want to cease to exist. The molecules and atoms that make my body, that's not me, or at least what I tell myself to cope with fear of death. It's a funny and weird experience, to be able to see yourself both from neutral perspective of the Universe of things and from your own personality. I know it's all irrational, I know what makes me tick and what runs my fears, doesn't make it any better. To know what you are is painful.

i wish, didn't think id need to pre-order and really regretting it. just heard about smt 5 too

It isn't just the matter and energy, it's the structure that makes you "you."

It's like smashing a plate into a thousand pieces and saying that it still exists in some meaningful capacity because the pieces are still there. No, the plate is gone.

Even if your constituent matter and energy will still exist, you won't, because you're the arrangement of it that produces a functional consciousness.

You know it, baby. I'm taking a break right now because I've been playing Zelda every day since launch. Can't wait for Splatoon 2. Not sure about Arms, if it receives really great reviews I might pick it up.

the conscious and the brain are not the same thing, though. while his thoughts come from signals to the brains, you can't exactly touch them.

why are sonygers still allowed to post?

I think it's been blown out of proportion. I bought a Switch and 3 of my friends bought one and none of us have had an issue with anything.

I would recommend getting a screen protector though.

>Zelda: Breath of the Wild
>Fast RMX
>Super Bomberman R
>Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
>Splatoon 2
>Super Mario Odyssey
>Xenoblade 2
>Project Octopath Traveler
>Blaster Master Zero
>Runner 3
>Steamworld Dig 2
>Shovel Knight Treasure Trove + Specter of Torment
>Has Been Heroes
>Disgaea 5
>Snake Pass
>Puyo Puyo Tetris
>Constructor HD
>Stardew Valley
>TES V: Skyrim
>Flipping Death
>Hollow Knight
>I Am Setsuna
>No More Heroes
>Project Sonic 2k17
>Sonic Mania
>Ultra Super Street Fighter II
>Ultimate Chicken Horse
>Dragon Quest Heroes I + II
>Dragon Quest X + XI
>Story of Seasons
>Lego Worlds
>Lego City Undercover

Wow, so many video games in just nine months without even knowing what E3 will get us - I love my Switch!

Yes. The only time I feel happy is when I'm exploring Hyrule.

>That's why I don't see why you take it all so seriously.
Because the safety mechanism of denial has broken in my brain and I can't ease back into its bliss. I want to be ignorant, but I now can't. I know it's very arrogant to think that I figured it all out, but that's what my logic tells me based on information I am presented by other humans. It makes sense to me, so I put my belief into it, not that different from how a religious person commits to his faith. Only to them it promises salvation, and to me it promises the ultimate death. I thought myself to be an agnostic for a while. I wonder if it's possible to find faith with the worldview such as mine? Or has the loco train already left the platform and it's all a downward spiral to madness for me from now on?