Can we have a filename thread?

Can we have a filename thread?

Keep it vidya

Other urls found in this thread:

I'll just post a few to get us started


Fuck you.


now this is a blast from the past




Too bad it got abandoned without resolution





I swear stray demon couldn't do that in DS1








I wouldn't even mind BF1's ridiculous power armor + gatling gun if it didn't advertise itself as trying to teach people about the little known truths of world war 1





Sure, we can put out a few.



Thank god it never did.

Unless you're talking about the little blurbs before matches?

In which case you should probably hate CoD for "advertising" itself as a study on war philosophy.

Here is a fun one.


anyone got that old "filename threads" filename of the japanese guy saying "the people who run this town arrest anyone who isnt funny" or whatever

I disagree but filename thread isn't the place to derail with this argument desu

Can anyone tell me what game is this from?

This is the most relevant thread I could find.

That's not from a game, that's from a comic called Prequel, you can read it here:


this is probably the least relevant thread possible

That's a disappointment. But thanks.

Prequel is based on a character from the Skyrim setting, if that is what you are asking. Otherwise, from a comic named Prequel.

>the Skyrim setting























its so fucking cute






hive mind



The quality of this animation is too good to be bioware.

I don't think anyone who hasn't seen this shortly after the game was released will get it. That's humanity for you.



What is the name of the original video?

Glass, and Pallets?


>Prequel hasn't updated in...~3+ months

What the ever living fuck happened? Three different excuses aside, is this shit dead or not? Scrolling comments with the oldest at the top and loading the new ones manually is horseshit so I'll never know what people are saying.


Im the cook

>I'm the cook.

I was trying to play CK2 the other day when monks and mystics released, but I couldn't read shit with the font being tiny as fuck

One of the targets is nicknamed Glaz, the other Palitz. Those translate to The Eye and The Finger







Reminds me of the hard AI in Worms, where they would use the bazooka to perfectly hit you in some narrow, long tunnel by utilizing the wind speed perfectly

Did she died?

Fuck that's good

no some other stuff happened though

What happened? Is cute girl alright?




horrible people came and stuck their weewees in her butt.

This webm unnerves me
>Those fucking holes in the shed skin you see at the end
Fucking hell user