Where were you when the normies turned on Denuvo?
Where were you when the normies turned on Denuvo?
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Wtf i love denuvo now
I love my ps4 copy.
I was going to buy it, but after learning it had denuvo, I bought a different game instead.
I'll install and play that the day Automata comes out.
There's literally a thread discussing the technical aspects as to why the PS4 version is superior to the PC version lmao
>Denuvo > All
How can piratecucks ever recover?
>its real
I know what restaurant I'm eating at the rest of my life.
>1080p lock
welp time to refund
arby's does this for literally everything
What's wrong with Denuvo? Besides blocking pirates?
Arguments for it are basically pic related-tier, arguments against it are about it being incredibly anti-consumer and legitimate customers being treated like criminals
Even more of a reason
pirates cant see below 60 fps so they lock all their games at 2 fps
I have literally had NO problems with denuvo.
Post the metroid one
people still posting this misinformation?
>muh feefee's
shut the fuck up you moralfagging pirate
Go back to the Steam forums denuvoshill
that has been up since denuvo was a thing and is terribly outdated.
Holy shit I was planning to install this on my SSD. Dodge a bullet there.
>everyone that doesn't agree with me is a shill
you're pathetic
i haven't either
i haven't had problems with punkbuster or other anti cheat software either
but you know what?
i still try to avoid games that have them, because i don't like mysterious software continuing to run after i closed the game that installed it
>terribly outdated
So you're telling me that Denuvo has nothing to do with the fact that these games are unplayable through WINE/Parallels and that Denuvo won't prevent me from playing these games when the auth servers go down?
If it weren't for the executable anti-tampering we could remove the 1080p resolution lock in 20 minutes. Now it's gonna be a massive workaround.
Denuvo doesn't kill SSDs. These bullshit claims deleligitmize real arguments against it.
>moralfagging pirate
You know something's terribly fucked with Denuvo when pirates actually have the moral ground for once.
>denuvo kills SSDs
this myth has been busted
if I can play the game at 60 fps with my build I don't give a fuck what it has.
>you moralfagging pirate
DRM lovers don't even understand how retarded they are.
I fucking love denuvo
Got any proof?
It's called getting with the times, grandpa
what kind of proof will you accept?
Rather than paying shills to claim it doesn't melt SSD, they should really hire some independant company to run tests and prove it.
Not risking my 1TB SSD until they do. Especially since I don't use a HDD any more.
Burden of proof is on the accuser.
you just let anything run on your computer?
do you use the internet without an adblocker too?
>that Denuvo won't prevent me from playing these games when the auth servers go down?
why is this a concern but not with steam? what is steam servers go down... you'll lose access to a shit ton of games.
I love my future n:a copy for free on pc faggot.
Yeah, no. I'm not taking chance with this. Especially after the huge damage control astroturfing campaign Denuvo and EA launched in defense of it and DA:I.
I don't know if it really does kill SSD's, but with the amount of money those 2 companies threw into their marketing division to convince people otherwise, I'm not running the risk.
Steam isn't some random software from Italy though.
Trust is earned and all that.
I don't need to because not everyone is out to harm me. Not everything is a conspiracy, bro.
I pirate games all the time but i won't act as if it's somehow my right to do it.
Those aren't normies op they're bandwagoning redditors.
>Denuvo doesn't kill SSDs. These bullshit claims deleligitmize real arguments against it.
Denuvo is fucking shit but Fucking hell If you are worried about your SSD dying, you cannot use chrome or firefox. That things writes over 1-2GB/s of data and is more likely to kill your SSD. Don't believe me? Run HD tune and browse the web using one of these and check back.
And now people will deflect actual REAL arguments against denuvo because of this meme.
> I was totally going to buy it but now that it has anti piracy that almost all AAA pc games have I'm not
Lol does anyone actually believe this? Someone pls enlighten me as to why anyone should really care? Isn't the locker fps and res 1000x more of an bigger issue?
because I can play steam games offline all the time? I do so at the end of month every time I have to travel.
Valve has said that there are measures in place that makes our Steam games playable if and when Steam goes down
What is more likely? Steam going down or the successor to SecuROM going down (which went down 5 years ago)?
Ps4 player here, can anyone give me a quick rundown about what denuvo is?
you're the only one here inferring it's a conspiracy
gaben's net worth went from 1 to 4 BILLION in last 4 years alone
so if Denuvo goes down, the devs of each individual game can patch it out.
anti-pirating drm that some games use. generally takes forever to crack, and makes acquiring games that use it a huge hassle for pirates
and you're the only one thinking that there's a boogeyman here out to destroy your HDDs and your PC. Have a little more faith in the human condition.
denuvo is like the nintendo equivalent of consoles, you know, the most anti-consumer thing in PC gaming.
It's a blister on a poorfaggot pirate's ass.
Some pirates don't give a shit and wait until it's cracked because they don't feel entitled for shit they don't buy, they know they're taking it without paying, but feel in no way that they "Deserve" it on day 1, because they're getting it for free.
Then you have the poorfaggot children who SHIT THEIR PANTS when they don't get their way, going as far as to claim they cancelled a pre order they never had or act like Denuvo has ANYTHING to do with performance when MGSV dispelled that myth ages ago, everyone who had used it before then were just shit at optimization.
Brilliant. Let's just hope that Konami patches it out of Metal Gear Solid V The Phantom Pain
Surely nothing can go wrong with leaving DRM removal up to the publisher/developer... Oh wait, there's literally hundreds of games that are unplayable thanks to GameSpy master servers/SecuROM/TAGES
dont forget that it also makes the games cost more.
wait the 1080 lock thing wasnn't a fuckgin joke? !
Fucking incredible how the twitter guy of a food place gives more respect to a video game franchise than its own creator
Anons who think they don't even need that much protection, always show up later with computers that are filthy as fuck with all kinds of shit, asking why this and that doesn't work.
"I never get virus' or malware! I'm too smart!" is an absolute guarantee of the opposite.
you're the only one in this conversation inferring that something is going to be destroyed
why do you keep bringing up these off topic ideas?
Anti-tamper bullshit thrown in too. So, modding support is heavily limited. And stuff like fixing developer retarded shit like FPS and Resolution locks becomes overly complicated.
Why would anyone just go on the internet and upload viruses with ads or make software that could damage my PC? That would just hurt their business and stop people from using it.
name 10
you sound very stupid or just really innocent
>why do you love denuvo
what a fucking shill
Fuck, i want Arbies now, but im too lazy to drive there, now i have this dilemma looming over me. Thank you for ruining my day user.
Well why would they though? I wouldn't do that to anyone because that's very shitty to do and I wouldn't want it done to me. Treat people like how you want to be treated, right?
Battlefield 1942
Battlefield 2
Operation Flashpoint
Delta Force
Delta Force 2
Delta Force Black Hawk Down
Chronicles of Riddick Escape from Butcher Bay
Chronicles of Riddick Assault on Dark Athena (Steam version, released on GOG but it got pulled and they never patched out the DRM)
Kane and Lynch Dead Men
Jagged Alliance 2
Takedown Red Sabre
Rainbow Six 3
Rainbow Six Rogue Spear
Ghost Recon
That's just off the top of my head.
Ok i can deal with the 60fps lock but the 1080p lock is just too much. I will wait for release but if that's the case it's an instant refund.
>corporation with nothing but earnings as their end game
>please have unconditional faith
>the human condition
Jesus dude, I don't have to call you a shill just to show everyone how much of a corporate cuck sucker you are.
>there are people this innocent left in the world
Normies don't play shitty weeb games though.
>Going onto steam forums
I'll bet 50$ paypal this game sells 5 times more on console and no one gives a shit about this little crusade save a few people who think they're internet warriors for helping poorfaggots get free games.
How are legitimate customers treated like criminals? It's like asking for a ticket to get into a movie.
Objectively all you need is Common Sense 2012 and malwarebytes.
Darkspore was killed by EA, nothing to do with DRM
also SWAR 4 is on gog
the witcher 3 didnt use drm and sold like crazy
thats because it was a great game
if your product is good
it will sell
hahah, wrong! just smart people
>it was a great game
Long time PCbro here. Used to pirate games back when I had zero income and all I could afford was enough food to stay alive. Weird as to how games were better then despite the rampant piracy. I would say let Denuvo do its thing and just let piracy die so devs can stop worrying about sales targets and just concentrate on making better games.
>Company tries to protect investment.
>"Well these guys didn't safeguard their investment and it sold"
This isn't an argument against DRM, it's literally an anecdote that is a non sequitur.
You may as well have said "Yeah DRM is bad because Gorillas prefer apples to bananas."
>just let piracy die
that's never gonna happen
better than deus ex mankind div, homefront rev, just cause 3, da:i, mad max, sniper elite 4, fifa, mirrors edge catalyst, unravel, dead rising 4, abzu, inside, just dance, need for speed, battlefront
I hate denuvo because it fuckups performanse of the game.
Come to think of it we are the problem for being so reliant on cracked AAA titles on day one and people are freaking out over a semi-decent DRM and start coming out with excuses how Denuvo is anti-consumer. Know what's anti-consumer? Shitty full-priced games.
>Pop in new Denuvo game with my GTX 50 and I2 180
>10 FPS
except it doesn't.
actually it was pirates shilling "Dude witcher 3 is worth the money lmao. I removed the torrent because you should buy witcher 3"
>Darkspore was killed by EA, nothing to do with DRM
And if it wasn't always online, people could still play it.
What's your fucking point?
>Kane and Lynch Dead Men
>Jagged Alliance 2
Maybe if they made good games they'd actually fucking sell.
>5 times more on console
I suppose you missed the fact that Steam has 125 million users and Steam continually outsells games on all three consoles combined
>it was pirates shilling
Yeah, I bet
Guess I should just tell that to everyone now if I don't want to be called a "shill"
"Hey bro that game is 10/10"
"I pirated it!"
"Ah, your credentials check out sir, guess I should buy this game at full price"
No official information has been released so it's just a rumor.
>Nier Automata and zelda botw are beloved
>pc players want to pirate
here is the deal pirates dont steal shit games
and having ushers wandering up to you at regular intervals and interrupting the movie to make sure you still have your ticket, which if you don't have then you are immediately ejected from the movie with no refund
If you think even half of those accounts are active, or even half of those accounts can run the game, or even 20% of those that can run it will buy it you're fucking delusional.
>takes forever to crack
5 D A Y S
>required always online DRM
>stopped paying for authentication servers
>DRM permanently registers users as offline making game unplayable