Name a better looking game.
You can not
Name a better looking game.
You can not
That's great. Now all it needs is a real protagonist, a story that isn't phoned in, a plot worth caring about and to be on a platform worth a damn.
I liked the art-style since the first E3 presentation. Good shit.
Sadly just another game forever lost for future generations.
Really disappointed this game didn't made it to pc.
>Trying this hard
Go outside for a little bit, man.
Wake me when it's released on an open platform that can actually run the game.
*stabs you with a bad animation*
I thought the story was incredible, and Aloy was based.
Am I a retard?
It's mediocre. Also the protagonist is ugly for no good reason.
It looks good but there are plenty of games that look this good. Vanishing of Ethan Carter, Uncharted 4, Metro: Last Light, Battlefront, Battlefield 1, Crysis 3, etc.
Post a petition first.
inFamous Second Son
I can't, I guess that's why games as a whole suck. Games like Horizon are the best the interactive medium has to offer in the visual department, then games are pretty fucking gay.
No. The story was very intriguing and well-crafted, and the reveals are all given away very well. It's a really neat twist on religion and creation myths - one that I've never really seen done before.
Aloy is based. 9 out of 10 people who say she isn't haven't played the game extensively and have probably whined about how she's ugly.
That looks like a PS2 game :/
Zelda looks so much better! Nintendo knows how to make games!
looks like play dough
play dough is fun
games are supposed to be fun
way to out yourself as a neogaf sonybro
That's beautiful. I'm always blown away by the Switch's incredible power and performance.
I've seen enough hentai
kinda looks like garbage 2bh
Sigh, I wish that's what the Cauldrons did.
Loving the reposts friend. How much is Sony paying these days?
So this retarded Sony faggot has went from making his usual Uncharted screenshot dump threads to Horizon screenshot dump threads?
but Zelda isn't fun
>play dough is fun
I was 3 once.
>one that I've never really seen done before.
>Aloy is based.
>haven't played the game extensively and have probably whined
Get out more.
I don't know, sometimes the IQ just makes me go whoa. No other game looks quite as good.
Uncharted 4. Battlefield One.
Horizon is open world, though, which I think is more impressive. It's absurdly high-quality for how big the world is.
>Also the protagonist is ugly for no good reason
Where did this meme come from? It's not only here on Sup Forums. I think Aloy is a CUTE!
I agree.
Wow, you greentexted things I said. Great argument.
Just took these screenshots, friend.
Well you're wrong. Getting rid of her disgusting hair and replacing it with something decent might go a long way but she has face problems too.
I guess she's not so pretty. I don't care about that though.
Muramasa Demon's Blade
Robotron 2084
Those are just from top of my head and I actually like Horizon.
Out of curiosity, how much have you played the game?
>Robotron 2084
You must be fucking joking.
Why do I need to play it to know she's ugly?
Not even a good shot lad.
lying isn't healthy, user.
I thought she was ugly as fuck before the game came out and I hadn't seen her much, but after following her around for 30+ hours, she's really grown on me, I've gotten used to how she looks, I guess, and while I still don't think she's particularly attractive, I don't think she's ugly anymore.
Robotron is a masterpiece of functional graphics.
If you had played it you'd know that there can't be anymore detail because of the intensity of the game.
friendly reminder that this guy did literally nothing wrong.
It's functional in the context of the gameplay, but it's not impressive. Horizon's graphics are near-photorealistic; that's impressive.
Aren't you pushing this meme too hard.
Guy was outright faggot, should have been shot when the plague source become known.
Who would have funded GAIA then? He made one mistake, but from then on only good decisions.
There are other merits to graphics than photorealism.
Horizon has very good graphics, people look mostly lively (animations could often be better), there is no clutter in environment and the robots are amazing.
But how do you compare that to something that never tried to be photorealistic?
Nah. Horizon have them all beat while still being technically superior aswell.
He knew mankind deserved to die.
That like natural in humans, we will get attached to shit the more we expend time with then, even if your parner is fugly as fuck, you may fall for her overtime.
Does not change the fact that she looks ugly.
Robotron never tried to be photorealistic because it couldn't be photorealistic because it was released in 1982.
Games can have simple graphics for good reasons (like benefiting gameplay), but I don't think I'll ever go so far as to call those kinds of graphics beautiful. They can be indirectly help the game work better, but that's it.
>Who would have funded GAIA then?
Just publicly declare him the cause and use his money after executing him.
It's not like anyone would protest.
>He made one mistake, but from then on only good decisions.
>made killer robot swarm that killed Earth's life
>fucked up implementation of ZD
>killed the top eggheads for his crazy idea of innocence
>new humanity has to endure dark ages now because he was a faggot with overinflated ego
they need to make a game together
Has Sup Forums ever done a complete 180 of a game like they have Horizon? Everyone rightfully said it was shit but now people are shilling it daily.
I mean taking a look at data gathered pre-release it's a stark difference.
It doesn't have that Cinematic fog, you lose
You fucking reard he funded the project only because the redhead threatened him that she will reveal everything about the robot situation that it was his mess
why do we have to fight over this
cant we just agree horizon is a good game and is pretty and zelda is a good game and is pretty
First time I can actually say, no. No I cannot. It's fucking gorgeous.
I thought Robotron and Defender and all those Vectrex games were and are really pretty.
I just finished the game with every single trophy. It was pretty good.
Uncharted 4 is better looking on the same system, and is a year older.
Checkmate, loser.
Yea, I'm surprised how much I am enjoying the story despite some big spoilers.
That only strengthens the Sony shills narrative...
>Everyone was shitposting at first but now that people actually had a chance to play it for some times the shitposters can't use the same weak bait anymore.
Sup Forums spoilers actually helped me to enjoy the game because they were all bullcrap.
I haven't seen this much misinfo about any game for a long while.
It's like they already did:
>pretty graphics that everyone wanks about
>open world filled to large degree with shitty fetch/kill quests
>ok story (for a game) W3 >> HZD
>witcher sense / focus highlight overuse
>gameplay is somewhat lacking HZD >>>> W3
>look guys I am going to post offical screenshots so they will call me a shill and I will get those sweet (You)s
kys faggot already
Snapmaw is a bro, easily best machine.
Don't mind me, just rumblin' on through...
What do I win
My only problem was that the invincible armor was fucking OP and it killed the fun. I know noone forced me to wear it but it looked cool.
I never used. It didn't even look cool with the glow effect.
Great main story but I felt the side quests were lacking. Would have been interesting if some side quests actually had you face situations/threats that were almost as dangerous as the main quest threat. But instead it like 3 flying robots are killing our whole town save us.
But everything about the game sans graphics is terrible. The game is selling purely on graphics alone, while everything else is shallow.
It's the epitome of what's wrong with modern gaming.
>Would have been interesting if some side quests actually had you face situations/threats that were almost as dangerous as the main quest threat.
Kid king + mother quest had just that from the top of my head.
Also Hunter's guild final quest.
>But everything about the game sans graphics is terrible.
What a bunch of bullshit.