>you can't discuss video games on a video games board
what's wrong with you, people?
>you can't discuss video games on a video games board
what's wrong with you, people?
Literally no one that posts here is over the age of 15 and they also don't play video games that aren't on pc/steam
>discussing things in their subject board instead of an off-topic post somewhere else
You're doing it wrong.
>D-do I fit in yet
Console wars hit a critical point.
There's some good threads every now and then, the other night we had a great soma thread
I just wish the mods didn't leave this place to rot
I don't even play video games
filter anything like "this is ___, say something nice", female (male), *blocks your path* etc and you'll see more quality threads
3x3 threads can be good for discussion, and try to avoid browsing at times where American schoolkids are at home
mods let threads about 2-B's ass and e-celeb / twitter bullshit stay up till they die, fucking joke
Every board outside of this one and maybe Sup Forums manage to stay on topic just fine.
When you look at /vg/ the place where problems arise from become obvious. Remove mmo players, weebs and anyone who has ever modded a tes game and all our problemsl would be gone.
are you complaining about those new vegas threads? I don't get whats so bad about using /vg/
Why discuss when you can just shitpost?
Console shitposting would still remain. I just use the board late at night and avoid all major release discussion until it cools off. Works reasonably well.
Sup Forums looks like an investing board sometimes, with businessman discussing sales, market trends, how this or that company faired and so on.
You make it sound like it's something other than 'BOTW GOT 80,000 SALES IN EUROPE LITERALLY BTFO HOW CAN THEY RECOVER'
>all this endless console "wars" threads
>wojak posting false flaggers
>actual shills
>retarded fanatics with buyers remorse
It became much worse in the last few days even compared to the last month. I would not give 2 shits if these shitposters didn't made a thread each time but its actively killing the catalogue, thus board itself.
Don't even get me started on nu/pol/acks fresh of the boat from r/The_Donald that whines about "muh SJW boogeyman" at every single shit they see just like tumblrian landwhales does about "muh ebil whyte men". Seriously fuck off from this board if you don't want to discuss vidya.
Sup Forums is leaking and ironic consolewarring is painfully reddit
the whole WE WUZ KANGS shit with Efi was/is the least funny shit I've ever seen
>one 12 year old to another
>I know this place that you can shit up without any mod cleaning it up, its super funny
>really, cool, ill shit it up as well
>mods: wow, its so shitty we wont bother to clean anymore, maybe they will stop once they notice how shit the board is
I remember during the PS3 nogaem days, there were a lot of childish posts, but the was also a lot of room for OC and puns. Nowadays the shitposters put no effort in, they just slap a crying wojak and "IT'S NOT FAIR" and call it a day.
The worst of that is that people actually find it funny. I'm getting too old for this shit
This place is the territory of false flaggers, legit fanboys and redditors now. Avoid this place during peak hours unless you want to read the same exact threads that are posted daily
>hang out in shitpost threads
>be surprised by all the shitposting
I'll just be over in the threads actually discussing video games. But thanks for making these threads to draw the retards away from the decent threads.
>>The worst of that is that people actually find it funny. I'm getting too old for this shit
I think they do it for the (you)s. Honestly the built in plugin was the worst addition to Sup Forums since it made (you) available to everyone. And since people are fucking retarded they think the amount of replies=amount of people that like your post. So acting like a retard gets you replies. So naturally its funny.
We seriously need a mod to go nuclear
>autosage lol
there's another meta thread up right now. One user said that he found crying falseflagging wojak funny, in spoilers. A bunch of people replied "same". It may not be all people, but that it's a pretty clear indication on where this board is going in the long run
>no one will blindly praise my shitty game like they do on reddit so Sup Forums is shit
that one autosaged
people on Sup Forums like to bitch about how /vg/ is shit but the truth is they just have shit taste and the fanbase reflects it
there's plenty of decent generals on /vg/
It was funny for like 3 posts, it was something you could ignore for 100 posts. But now it is just used so often it completely fucks up any thread. Its like sourcefagging, sure one or 2 sauce questions doesnt do a thing, but as soon as you allow you you get /gif/ tier problems where half the thread are useless replies.
Same with toddposting. It started before FO4 and just got posted so fucking often it was disgusting. Now people think its part of culture. No, just because someone constantly posted a new thread because he felt like he was being productive for making a thread with 500 replies doesnt mean its good.
Some mod just has to go rogue and ban every single of those falseflagging fanboy fucks for consolewarring till they stop.
Let's not pretend it's just this board. The entire Internet is filled with rabid fanboys who suck corporate cock, in the process depriving themselves of the chance to play great games that happen to be on other consoles. This even is seen with reviewers, with other reviewers intentionally low balling scores for click bait.
It's strange just how much the industry has turned to shit so quickly and it reminds me of what happened with the comic industry
>Let's not pretend it's just this board.
it is
Most forums have groupthink and if you say you like/dislike X when the rest doesnt you usually get downvoted or piled upon
dont ever engage the shitposters, no matter what. thats all i can think of that us users can do to make things better.
Go home grandpa
We keep getting older but Sup Forums will keep bringing in the younger people. It's time to move on.
Gentlemen, what could we do to make sure Sup Forums stands for Sup Forumsidya instead of Sup Forumsiral marketing?
Should we make more vidya threads even if we are busy or the thread is meh to counter endless shilling, false flagging and console "war" posting? Should we participate in threads even tho we played the game to bump those?
Didn't played*
>Reply to bait
>Now half of the thread is shitposting and "ironic" posts
>Why don't you people talk about video games?
You're rewarding them with replies. they don't care if they sound stupid, they just want to rile you idiots up. Just filter console war shit, report it, and go on posting about video games.
That's what I do. I'll bump a thread if a game looks cool, or if a nice thread is dying.
Just ignoring them would be a good start.
Hell, I'd like to think a lot of problems can be solved if people didn't sperg out so hard and just ignored anyone that did or anyone that's blatantly baiting.
Don't be shy of making "meh" threads. Anything is a gain, at that point.
Ignoring is more of a survival thing than anything revolutionary. Even if every good poster stopped replying, the cancers would still feed one another with replies, like an immigrant slum taking up space resources in a host city.