Old thread was full.
>Can't directly purchase cosmetics.
only complaint from me.
Quake Champions
By directly purchase do you mean you can't choose to buy specific things and that it comes in "loot boxes" or whatever or that you can't purchase them at all and they have be earned or dropped or something?
I hope they put QL for half-off before QC comes out so I can get people to play it with me.
>It's shit
only complaint from me.
You have to get them through loot boxes.
>You are retarded
only complaint from me
>Being hyped for a cash grab game made by a shit tier russian dev.
Enjoy your inevitable disappointment.
Their also does appear to be some kind of in game currency you earn through playing and lootboxes. No idea if you can buy skins with it though.
>its a doom and gloom post for no reason other than I like to shitpost
Well memed friend.
I always get mixed feelings when I see clever usage of dumb memes.
thanks doc
throw a nigga an invite
sent :^)
Not funny.
Where is the grenade launcher anyway?
first shot is a rocket, then he switches to nades after
game slow
Its CPMgay so he gets instant weapon switch like QW
I never had high hopes for QC so I haven't followed it closely, but all the videos have had me itching to play some Quake again. Do we know anything about when they'll start handing out keys?
(You) slow
there goes the thread
Bad kill with a bad meme.
no we know nothing about that. seems like the bethesda booth is wrapping up at PAX and they didn't hand out little papers with keys on them, like i thought they would. all you can really do right now is sign up for the closed beta on their website, and then if you're chosen, you'll get sent an email with the key.
Why do quakefags always play maps with no textures? I get it for duelfaggotry since you want to show your epeen and win but not regular deathmach.
Gotcha, thanks. I guess I'll try signing up a bunch of accounts to increase my chances of getting in early then.
and the overwatch-style abilities
Press Q to win
I'd say it's more press Q to not die as fast.
that is duel
and turning the texture quality way down allows you to focus purely on the gameplay
>he doesn't lg rail combo
nigga just pick up a health pack
to make it easier and faster to see and identify things.
same reason we use simpleitems.
that is all.
everyone just chill the fuck out, and lets give it the benefit of the doubt. I mean shit, it's a quake game.
If it doesn't have clan arena, then we can burn bethesda to the fucking ground.
>clan arena
I replied
No, do not give benefit of the doubt to amoral business, you fucking idiot.
better to judge quality of a game before you play it
Not even mad
Alright yeah fuck it. Let's just assume it's gonna be shit from the announce, and then just make threads to piss and moan about a game we've already decided we don't like and aren't gonna buy! Fucking great idea mate.
Or, we could wait until we actually see some fucking decent footage before drawing retarded conclusions based on nothing but your own opinion of the current state of 'the industry'.
When did I say "assume it's shit"
I'm good with just Ranger.
may be slow. quake champion slower.
I hope Quake Champions doesn't have this level of config mutilation. Quake 3 has excellent visibility, and even for some dark as hell Quakeworld and Quake 2 maps it doesn't really matter. I don't like seeing footage with the autism placebo filter applied.
It'd be better to increase the textures and ect on demo playback
you didn't use those exact words
you're the one that's fucking implying
>do not give benefit of the doubt to amoral business
t. never played Quake
>air control
oh shit
>all these champions
>less than 320 speed
>Crouch sliding
Literally the only good thing from Quake 4
Assuming Champions has demos in the first place.
Wall jump sounds cool.
is there a classic quake mode, people say there is but I have not seen shit proving it
well shit
I'm guessing they want to show off the champions more, but classic mode does exist and abilities are off by default in duel.
I'm guessing the real reason for character abilities is just to make team based matches more "interesting" to watch and play.
Why is a railgun some kind of energy weapon that works with green goo instead of a projectile weapon in which a magnetic rail is used to propel the projectile at breakneck velocities?
The railgun used slugs in Quake 2.
pls no
>"If you create custom game mode, you should be able to set the game up the way you want. If you need to turn off Champions, we'll let you turn off Champions. That won't be a problem."
So what the fuck is everyone worried about?
If you like your shooters arena-ey, you can look forward to yet another one. (this time with modern grafics)
If you like your shooters hero-ey, you can look forward to yet another one. (this time with arena eternal theme)
>Reminder that Ranger have a skin were he is wearing the head of a dead Shambler.
>the railgun is some kind of energy weapon that works with green goo
citation needed?
I was always under the impression it was just a man-portable electromagnetic linear accelerator. (railgun is still a bit of a misnomer I think, none of them have ever had conductor 'rails' that I've seen, seems like more of a coil dealie.)
fuk u
Looks fast, and we've got more than 2-3 weapons at a time. I'm pleasantly surprised.
I also like the visible timer on the pickups.
>class based shooter
Quake too hard for you isn't it?
>oh fug its deeemsix
>but slightly different
>tfw too inteligent for class based shooters
Fuck you
yeah i don't get why they added that side path
>mean shit, it's a quake game.
it isn't though, it's brink 2
Honestly I think quake champions will die just like every other quake, the game takes too much skill for very little reward. Also if the player base stays the same it will be fucking boring, clan arena and ffa all day, fuck that.
>theres a f2p option
>clan arena fag
kill yourself
who the fuck is gonna join your custom lobby?
nobody does that outside of valve games
Abilities and classes are disabled by default in duel, i.e. the only mode that truly matters for this shit.
that's pretty good
how'd you get that in the launcher
Here's your (You) you silly cunt. Made me laugh more than I should've.
not him, but if you read the details you'll notice he got it through nepotism.
Duel will be dead, try to duel in quake live right now, the moment you you get a two frag lead, your opponent just leaves. Also if you're too good or too bad you get kicked or banned and if your elo isn't just right you'll just be instantly kicked or banned. It's pure cancer.
go back to developing the game stincerror