Whats the verdict

whats the verdict

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it's fun

A broken unpopular mess but the FGC will play it anyways because am stupid.

Released too early. It wasn't ready for official release, there still isn't a proper arcade mode for the casuals, etc.

They shot themselves in the foot.

Why is this game spoiling my interest in every other fighting game? It's like by existing it makes the entire genre less entertaining.

Good game marred by bad online

because you're an idiot

Yeah first impressions were really bad, on par with Destiny

For a game that was supposed to be extremely focused on bringing the casuals, it lacked all the casual features (arcade mode and stuff) a game should have. Hell, it's not even available in japanese arcades, and that's pretty much suicide over there

The FGC is there just for the money; many good players have already expressed their disappointment with the game

It's still THE fighting game only by brand name and all the e-sports money invested into it. Final round gathered 40k+ people yesterday and even if it's fucking boring to play and watch most of the time, sometimes there's just a tiny bit of hype during the matches

It'll do fine. ESPN and shit

should i buy this or wait for tekken 7

or get an earlier street fighter game

>spend 26 years telling people to adapt to wake-up shoryukens and to get good
>get rid of wake up shoryuken because casuals complained about it

Capcom are frauds

I don't want to play other fighting games I want to hate SFV

Killed fighting games

Is Bison any good?

No they got rid of it because all casuals want to do is wake up shoryu. They made it so you HAVE to block unless you spend a bar.


the only people who like it are the ones who don't play fighting games


shit is a fucking joke


Still hasn't outsold SFxT.

Community will drop it when Capcom stops paying them to play it.

>add crush counters to shit on wake up dp fags
>remove wake up dp

? ? ? ?

It's literally the worst Street Fighter game, if you don't count obsoleted versions like Second Impact or vanilla SF4.

Do you have friends to play with? If so, buy literally any other fighting game, including;
Guilty Gear Xrd
Melty Blood
Literally Almost Anything Else But SFV

If you don't have friends, SFV is probably your best bet because everyone online in every other game will pound your shitter and make you quit the genre.

boring af
even sfxt is more fun and i hate that game
kofxiv is where it's at right now


people need to stop saying this shit, capcom said many times before it's release that all of the shit casuals want will not be in the game at launch but people buy it anyway and complain there is no mode for them.

Filthy fucking casuals are really fucking stupid

When's Rev 2 coming out?

Its shit, dumbed down for casuals but also "we want the e-sports audience" cancer that is killing competitive gaming.

kolin is fun.

Don't mindlessly defend a company releasing an early access game.

I don't think you know what early access means, capcom said what they were releasing and did as such. Don't mindlessly think that a game doesn't have a game mode is early access or incomplete

paying 60 bux for a fighting game and only wanting to play single player is the stupidest shit ever. numale betas need to die already

Didn't read your post. Capcom released an unfinished game which is just a bad business practice no matter if you play the other modes or not. Don't encourage or defend it.

but they did exactly what they said, they added it later on, and still, caring about single player shit in a fighting game is autistic. dat mindless retardation just like the 60 fps faggots, pls kys

people are gonna ignore this because they are dickriders

I want to fuck anime Lina

probably the BEST fighting game yet lol it makes smash fags cry because its so good and any other fighting game player because it is the best for gameplay and everything

Capcom managed to make a game that pros don't like and that casuals didn't buy either. That's impressive.

Didn't read your post. Capcom released an unfinished game and that shouldn't be encouraged no matter if you play the other modes or not. Their intentions were bad and the game suffered because of it and defending it shows you don't really know what you're talking about, so I'm not going to bother reading your posts. I mean, really-- who would defend something like that? Only a mindless drone.

uhmmm you had me until the 60fps. 60 fps is very important for fighting games. Not so much for action adventures like zelda or w.e.

Playing it gives me the worst feeling in the world, but I find it pretty entertaining to watch. Final Round's had some pretty hype matches. K-Brad shitting all over Wolfkrone was great.

Just for a fighting game to play I've gone back to USFIV. Hopefully the next balance patch will make SFV enjoyable for me, or else I'll just keep waiting for Rev2, Tekken 7, and Mahvel.

not for fighting but the fags that complain if a game isn't 60fps, we all know fighting games need it

I love it, but they really need to patch an arcade mode in and improve the online experience.

The stink around it will never go away, though. Unstoppable internet hate bandwagon.


I-i need it for important research..

It's a game that tried to get the best of both worlds but ended up getting the worst of both. It's also amazing how season 2 set the bar lower from an already shit game.

you mean anime humanoid kazooie

The only good thing about it is potential. The game is surrounded by bad decisions and Capcom will never do anything to adress them. They better overhaul the game if they don't want it dying to MVCI (if it doesn't turn out to be another shitshow)

I want to impregnate Kolin

bitch is ugly, russian, and ice cold, you have the worst fucking taste

Why did they make her face so uggo

Is there a single person happy with S2 changes. I'm an Urien main, and even I'm mad they made my main a tier jerker.

Terrible game, good soundtrack.

Urien, Laura, Guile and Ibuki players

Casuals hated it and so did the pros. It didn't make anyone happy.

to make her look more russian

Better than BOTW
Well that's any game really

played all betas, played for about 2/3 months after launch and never touched it again. something about it just makes me not bother.

Urien was top tier in S1, don't kid yourself

user pls

he is right tho, she looks like a generic white blonde bitch there

Because you don't play fighting games?

>Comparing a year old game to 5-10 year old games
Compare SFV to vanilla SFIV and tell me which is better

what I dont get is that instead of trying to get the people back in by releasing most requested characters, they instead are releasing 6 completely new ones, almost like they already accept it the game is a failure and are just using the opportunity to experiment.

and nobody did that shit during vanilla, kinda moot point dontcha think. The only thing wrong with vanilla was the damage certain chars did and it wasn't even that big of a deal

Maybe it's because they want to have new characters instead of only including old characters. Shocking I know, not a lot of fighting games do this.

>vanilla sagat is not that big a deal
are you retarded?

The 100% correct answer to that stupid question I've seen before. Well done.

getting back in after a year. What's the tierlist like? Is it still nash all the way?


Naw, everyone has abandoned Nash, picking chars like Urien, Juri, Rashid.

Nash is mid tier right now

no he is pretty mid now, urien/guile/cammy/rog/laura are top tier.

Nash was nerfed hard.
Top 5 characters are Urien, Balrog, Laura, Cammy and Guile in no particular order

No lol, sagat was a nonissue

evo results

1. Daigo Umehara (Ryu)
2. Justin Wong (Rufus, Boxer, Abel)
3. Ed Ma (Akuma)
4. Sanford "Santhrax" Kelly (Akuma, Cammy)
5. Long "ShadyK" Tran (Akuma)
5. Eduardo "Vvv scrub" Perez-frangie (Boxer, E. Honda)
7. Takashi "Dan from Japan" Hukushi (Ryu)
7. Ricky Ortiz (Rufus)

and here is 2010 results

Super Street Fighter 4 — Top 32

1. Daigo Umehara (Ryu)
2. EG.Ricky Ortiz (Rufus, Chun-Li)
3. Infiltration (Akuma)
4. Mike Ross (E. Honda)
5. Bruce "GamerBee" Hsiang (Adon)
5. Vance "Vangief" Wu (Zangief)
7. Henry Cen (E. Honda, Dhalsim)
7. Shizza (Chun-Li)
9. EG.Justin Wong (Rufus)
9. Ari "fLoE" Weintraub (Rufus)
9. Dr. Chaos (Ken)
9. Lamerboi (Guile)
13. Tokido (Akuma)
13. Arubi "RB" Kao (Rufus, Guy)
13. Arturo "Sabin" Sanchez (Dhalsim, Rose, Seth)
13. Soon "Neo" Yim (Juri, Chun-Li)
17. Sanford Kelly (C. Viper)
17. Rico Suave (Abel)
17. Alex Valle (Ryu)
17. J.R. Rodriguez (Akuma)
17. Tatsu (Vega)
17. Juicebox Abel (Abel)
17. Banana Ken (Ken)
17. FYC Ryder (Abel)
25. Eita (Akuma)
25. Hugo101 (M. Bison)
25. Online Tony (Seth)
25. WarahK (Guile)
25. Joe "ILOVEU" Ciaramelli (Sagat, Ryu)
25. Wolfkrone (C. Viper)
25. John Choi (Ryu)
25. Big Marcus (M. Bison)

Fuck Bison in V-trigger god dam

The game is just shit. Takes zero execution to do any combo/setups, every button is so fucking slow and stubby that whiff punishing is basically non-existent outside of a few examples, they fucked up the balance even more in Season 2, nerfed already shit-tier characters for no reason. Crush counters are fucking stupid and reward certain characters being retarded and whiffing buttons because as I said above, whiff punishing is non-existent, v-trigger is a fucking stupid mechanic which is either a glorified combo extender or a reward for retards playing Urien, Laura, Balrog or Guile for getting beat the entire round so they can get one stray hit (Urien: c.mk Laura: s.mk Balrog c.mk, c.mk Guile something into sonic boom) and get a stupidly high damage, high stun combo which leads straight into a 50/50 mixup and if you guess that wrong you're dead. The game just isn't fun to play, period.

Chun either goes commando or thong

fucking awesome

I may go back to it because I cant get any enjoyment out of any other fighting game.

Using evo results is not indicative of the playerbase as a whole. Sagat was a problem just like Rufus was a problem.

Sagat was the weakest top character ever, coupled with the fact that he's hard to use and that nobody fucking played him. If the game had been allowed to live out as vanilla Seth would have been much higher eventually. It's the same shit as Ryu, there was absolutely no need to nerf them

It's not as good as it seems. Urien, Balrog, Laura and Guile are fucking broken, more so than Chun-Li and Ryu ever were.

>online play
nobody should give a fuck about that, sagat and rufus were nonissues

I never thought Chun and Ryu were broken but I did feel I could never actually punish when nash would go full retard without a hard read

When was Rufus ever a problem. Shotos walked all over him

>bitch is ugly
says you
>russian, and ice cold
even better when they either don't care being impregnated or slightly resent you

I would agree with Urien but who people think is top 5 differs wildly between US and Japan.

Japan thinks Ibuki is the best character in the game and Cammy is universal seen as top 5.

The critical arts feels so lackluster, badly animated and unsatisfying. Theres almost no punch to them. Just look at most ultras from SFIV. Goukens Ultra I, Ryu's Ultra II and so on. They're stylish and you totally feel the power and damage of the hits. It's satisfying as fuck.

ibuki is an amazing char, high damage, mixups, 950 health, if only she was ibuki and not naruto

needing fanart for your fantasies when reality and modeling in sf is just bad, dis shit be sad yo

step aside sluts, best girl coming through.

basic bitch



god she is so fucking ugly.

oh look the forgotten old hag.

that face is gross no matter what you do with it, story mode is the only costume for her because that shit be covered.

and then there is that sexy as fuck chun model right below


>K-Brad might take Final Round

Never listen to Sup Forums about fighting games.
Never listen to Sup Forums about computer components.
Never listen to Sup Forums about music.
You guys don't know anything about any of these things. I guarantee nobody in this thread is good at fighting games. It's actually pathetic reading your posts discussing the game like you know what even makes a good fighting game or fighting game character.

I'm good

You're not good.

Yes I am

Prove it. Give me your credentials.