This game is literally unplayable until you turn off the HUD

This game is literally unplayable until you turn off the HUD.

What the fuck were they thinking?

Normie hand holding.

I agree, it's so much nicer once you switch everything off. I actually don't know if I'd be able to play it with that default HUD.


I have a PS4 sitting right next to me. I'll buy it once it's around $30.

But it would make more sense for the default option to be the dynamic setting. You get all the HUD elements when they are necessary, but otherwise they go away so you can actually see the game world.

What other bad choices of default settings can you guys think of?

Overwatch having the kill feed off by default is a big one.

Out of curiosity what kind of game warrants $60 from you?
Like what kind of gamelength are you looking at?
Does story play a role?

Then how would you know its unplayable with the HUD on?

not that user but, there's generally no reason to buy anything for 60 dollars. Even on release you can get small discount somewhere, and especially as a pc gamer there's no urgency between multiple libraries of games to have to play something without a strong multiplayer component on day 1.

except main nintendo games. nintendo keeps them full price for a long time

This. Horizon has no multiplayer connectivity at all. Not a drop. Meaning that if you pick it up a year or two later at 20 bucks, it's literally going to be the same experience people paid 60 for.

So no multiplayer = no buy full $60 price?
So even if the game provides 30+ hours of gameplay it isn't worth spending that money on.

No, I'm fine with paying 60 for a game (and am even a faggot that pre-ordered the HZD collector's edition, so 120 here), I just understand why people hold off on buying.

>30+ hours
Quality > quantity. Collect-a-thons and crafting shit shouldn't count towards a game's length.

Whats wrong with the HUD?

By default, all elements are on at all times. This takes up a ton of room on the screen.
Dynamic is the way to go.

Not the point. I am talking about 30+ hours of gameplay that doesn't consist of shit.
I mean no one would spend money on a game if its just 30 hours of grinding/collecting.

my brother just deleted all my horizon data

How many hours?

What? Why? Why do you share a console with your brother?

Delete your brother

PRO tip: Go and turn on dynamic HUD ASAP.

Also, get the tinker skill. Hands down best skill in the game.

i beat the game and the hunters loge cauldrons almost everything

Wow, it LITERALLY doesn't work till you turn it off? Like, I press to run in any direction and the game doesn't do it because of the HUD?



Don't you have like 9001 quick save files?

Fuck off, mate.
No one here uses literally literally any more. Sometimes colloquial usage trumps formal usage and only autists have an issue with this concept.

Not that user, but I assume the brother deleted it to make room for another game to be installed on the PS4 and delete ALL save files is an option when you do that.

Holy shit thats the dumbest thing i have ever heard.

I feel sry for that user.

Wow, calm down friend! Defending your precious image board while calling someone out on their autism is like the pot calling the kettle black.

he wanted to copy some shit from the old ps4 to the pro and and every game the we played on the pro got deleted somehow my older brother is fucking mad at him

I'm just saying that pretending to be dense and to pretend to not understand what OP meant isn't a funny, smart, or useful post. Especially considering your point is "you used literally wrong" when everyone here does.

Oh yeah if you do the transfer i think it might partition and wipe your whole drive for the new data.


Reddit please go

So your point is, follow what everyone else is doing because I should give a shit what people online think of me?

Also, you also seem to be the only one with a problem with it so maybe it is just you?

Why does it look so much like far cry primal? Even the fucking crafting is like primal, the menus, the map system, the skills, everything is fucking far cry primal?

yeah at least my kingdom hearts saves got copped over so thats a good thing

I agree, it's truly cancerous. Luckily you can disable all of that bullshit.

>until you turn off the HUD.
>were they thinking?
Yes, they let you customize the HUD, So what the fuck are you talking retard?

Not Guerrilla's fault the average video game consumer today is a mouth-breathing retard.

Far Cry is a good game. It's obvious it's a tribute to it.

Nothing warrants $60. I have plenty to play while I wait for the price to go down

The fact that the dynamic option is by far the better option and that it's not the default.

They need simplify the HUD and icons further.
I mean they already copied a lot of Ubisoft's game mechanics why not also copy their minimalist HUD

They also need to give players an option to set a number when buying common crafting items, There are people who already has a tons of shards during late game and thinks that it's already inefficient to savage crafting

Yeah, once I got the shadow ropecaster, I started going through so much wire. Being able to buy in bulk (especially since you can sell in bulk) would have been handy as shit.

Irrelevant, the HUD is costumizable, do it.

Just about to start this tomorrow. What are the implications of turning off the HUD, other than it being aesthetically pleasing?

Just put it on dynamic or otherwise customize it to minimize it. You don't need to turn it off entirely and that would just be retarded.

>Nothing warrants $60
Except for the vast majority of people who doesn't want to play old games but instead wants to play new games at high production value.

I assume dynamic is things pop on screen as needed?

You can customize the HUD

I didnt really do anything besides turning it to Dynamic

Yeah. If you're full health, the health bar goes away, etc.
Most of the time when you're just walking around, only the compass will be up (and honestly it isn't that useful, so turn it off if you want minimal HUD).

I think he just means work through his backlog until the game price drops. I know a lot of people who work 50 / 60 hour weeks, who just for convenience stay 6 months behind the release cycle of games, and save a fuck ton of money. Wouldn't work much for multiplayer games I'd imagine.

Shilltastic thread guys!

Will do. Cheers!

Also, if you're not going to play very hard (where it's locked off), turn off aim assist.

Is Very Hard worth it? Or just larger health bars? I would usually just play Normal on a first play through.

They know their fanbase...


The main effects of difficulty that I could tell is that enemies do more damage and you do less. I don't know if enemies had more health or if it was just me doing less that made them take longer to kill. Also, harder difficulties seem to give out rarer drops more frequently.

Normal has a good learning curve.
At the beginning of the game big bots will rape Aloy, by the end of the game she is a goddess of destruction.

But are they more agressive or do new movesets?

just do less and recieve more damage is lazy and dumb

she doesnt look like zac effron

you can stick anyone's face on there and try to push it but it wont work

Not him but I'm a Canada fag so a new game is 92$, so literally none or worth buying on launch unless I'm a fan boy.
Only games I've preordered in the last few years have been das2/3 and bb

To spend time and assets to program in new behaviors and moves for higher difficulties when most players are just going to pick normal is simply inefficient, not lazy.
Not to mention, even on normal, the bigger guys all have insta-kill moves to start with. Them doing more damage is a challenge.

That's only like 8 bucks more than USD.

>6 months
I don't know of many games that drop price by 50% in that short a period though.

Not really, new games are 59.99 usd
For me it's 79.99 plus 15% tax

... now I'm going to have to check this myself

Getting that mad. Just start fresh

I've been playing with no hud for 7 hours now. It's perfect. You can press the touch bar on the controller to breifly show all of the hud elements.

There is literally no reason to have the HUD on.

Honestly... I never found the hud to be way too cluttered. It doesn't bother me at all.

I doubt it really bothers people who actually played the game either.

then delete all his shit.

Turn off everything. (Cept the reticle)

If you just slide your thumb across the center touch pad without pressing it brings up the full hud for a couple of seconds if you need to check any of it

>want to play horizon
>remember pic related
It's like they did it on purpose to attract edgy kids.


What are you doing in this thread again Mr. antigaming?