How humorous

How humorous

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probably could have done without the last panel

Prove it.

>eleven stores

But it clearly shows he only goes to one.


well, it's clear the kid is supposed to be retarded because he physically goes to stores to check inventory instead of just calling or even ordering online

nah he meant 7-eleven stores but kept it cas' by shorting it to just eleven
that's why they were sold out, because 7-eleven doesn't sell consoles



you won't do it


Is it funny because it's not true? I can literally go to any store I want and get a switch any time I want since launch, I swear the "it's sold out errywhere" thing is a marketing tool or something.


Really moves my mind matter.


Loss stopped being funny years ago. It's on the level of the cake is a lie at this point.


Is this your first LOL thread?

No, I'm just sick of loss

So the switch is wii 2.0 instead of wii u 2.0? Or will it be more like 3ds and start weak only to get strong much later?

Ah yes, opinions from a mini-ruggarel posting reply bait webcomics. Truly epic!

Hah, videogames.

>tfw borderline noodle

i wish i was dead

Fresh Grad
Equal Height
Average Breasts
Bob Cut
Mostly Equal
Heavy Drinker, Cool, Bant-Master, Idealistic, Cunning
Public Sex,Triple Cross-dressing, triple Oral, Milking Dry
Fishing, Videogames, Hiking, Instrument.

Probably 3DS-style, with okay sales between the time Odyssey comes out and Pokémon comes to the Switch.



Did you expect me to post good comics?
That aside, the humor in loss is just recognizing it at this point. There was a time when it was funny because you were making fun of Buckley, but now everyone just recognizes it and goes "Subtle" and "I've been here too long" eve when the loss reference is as in your face as it could possibly be.It's not funny.

Will I be able to buy and play minish cap on it though? One thing I hate about my 3ds is no minish cap

>you will never experience the pipe strip for the first time again

Well it's funny because it's a "loss" joke. But where are you? At least where I am in the US, it's universally sold out.


Wait what? Whats the joke?

Didn't read but here's a (You).

I usually don't like furry shit, but that artist is top notch.

I don't get it

Why is pets spelled backwards?

yeah that last strip was flat

Source for that cat?


It's a window, man, come on.

you are blind

>at a loss


i think her name is blaze

Go outside to one of your windows with a marker. I know the sun burns, just do it.

Now, write "PETS" on the window.

Go back inside and look at the window you just wrote on. What do you see?


Windows don't work like mirrors

the reflection of a broken man


i have never got when it was first posted and i dont get it now.
is this the new loss? is this the post-reverse ironic era now?

Loss is pretty funny

It's just a dumb meem, I think Sup Forums was forcing it for a bit but I might be wrong


Riddle me this.
Do you only look at a window from one direction?

It's just a cat with a pipe. Don't think too much into it.

Now I want to see a strip with sonic as jon arbuckle and blaze as garfield.

What do y'all think of The Far Side?

>It's just a cat with a pipe. Don't think too much into it.

Bullshit. That's like saying the "Mona Lisa" is just a portrait of a woman.

Of course not! That band is cancer!

God-tier, and it ended before it got shitty

at least you can be a wizard

It's fine.
Gary Larson seems like a pretty cool guy.

The last panel is there so that american people can understand the joke

Read the collection books over and over as a kid, same with Calvin and Hobbes.

I haven't read it in at least 15 years but I'm sure if I did I would still laugh my ass off.

I liked him when I was younger but now it's like reading newspaper memes the series before the internet was a thing, and now everyone uses memes so I fucking hate it.

I want Blaze to blankly look away from me as I cum inside!

I can pick a clear favorite until the personality traits. There's way too many of those that sound great, especially in combinations.

We have had a similar childhood in that aspect.

so its the "taking something simple saying blowing out of proportion with words and more words in a conspiracy matter like creepypasta"
more things change the more they stay the same
just great. more endless recycling of memes.

i already am, senpai

Named for a notorious The Far Side cartoon of the same name, showing a set of primitive looking but vaguely familiar tools which a bipedal cow is showing off. Gary Larson would later say that it was the strip he'd gotten the most inquiries about, as people tried in vain to figure out what the hell they were for, when in fact Larson hadn't meant them to be anything but strange. Larson later said that he regretted having made one of the tools look vaguely like a saw, thus implying the rest had real-world counterparts. He got the idea from the recent discovery that some animals could use tools, and then wondered what it would be like if cows had tools. He thinks his biggest mistake was thinking this was funny — which it was, but for different reasons than what he intended.

Garfield took his pipe.

it's funny because cats don't smoke.


I wonder how many people that ended up on Sup Forums were obsessed with those two series when they were like 6 years old.


But it is not a recycled meme.

It's Lasagna Cat.

Calvin and Hobbes was my shit as a kid, alongside the Winnie the Pooh cartoon it was all I ever needed

Ironically I have two Calvin and Hobbes t-shirts laying around from shopping bootleg tourist stops


The cynical absurdity of the two series has definite parallels to this horrible place.

Why has this shit been getting spammed for the past few weeks?

not the meme itself but the setup and the linked video is just a different coat of paint. like red and pink, similar but not that the same because its a different shade

artist name?

Google 07/27/1978


I don't think that's the real translation

what's so funny?