Have you ever taken a video game on a date?
Have you ever taken a video game on a date?
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Why do black people love fighting games so much?
Why are black people so obsessed with fighting games?
Why do dindus love fighting games? Is it because they're a violent race?
no but I have gone on a date in a videogame
Not a fighting game.
>fighting game
Whatever happened to that black "you jelly?" Guy who recorded himself fucking a pillow and then got arrested for CP?
>A fighting game is a video game genre in which the player controls an on-screen character and engages in close combat with an opponent, which can be either an AI or controlled by another player. The fight matches typically consist of several rounds and take place in an arena, while each character has widely differing abilities but each is relatively viable to choose. Players must master techniques such as blocking, counter-attacking, and chaining attacks together into "combos".
sounds like a fighting game to me
If my life ever came to that just take me out back and shoot me in the head old yeller style.
he got arrested for CP
prom is a pretty shit date 2bh
the girl i asked didn't wanna go because according to her "prom is terrible", only agreed to it because i offered her a $100, she was right, it wasn't fun
Pretty sure he was released, then got arrested again for CP.
>i offered her a $100
Did you atleast get a handjob afterwards?
I never got if he got arrested for 2D or 3D, I know some states in the US treat 2D the same as 3D
B-but it doesnt count because it has items and a different health system!
Not even once.
Acknowledging a race seems to overwhelmingly flock to a particular genre isn't racist, I suppose anyone who has ever said 'Koreans love MMOs and RTS games' is racist too?
>year 2040
>nintendo has just released the switch version 5
>meleefags posting on Sup Forums complaining nintendo still ignored analog triggers 20 years later and talk about playing melee on their dusty 2011 television with their gamecube they resoldered multiple times
meleefags need to be gassed
I'll agree to pay for sex, but paying for a date? Fuck that.
It is a fighting game since black people love it to the same degree as other fighting games
Pretty sure it was 3D, carried it around with him on a USB stick. If stupidity was a crime he'd have been sent straight to the gas chamber.
When you go out in a date you're already paying for it dumbfuck
Both. If 4D CP exists he would have been arrested for that too.
back to r/gaming with you
>Those quotes
I miss when idiots like this existed, used to have a few friends on Facebook who posted shit like Thad, they actually grew up though, amazingly.
He's right, prom is shit, at least I got free food.
I can't tell if I'm looking at a black guys tiny penis or a hispanics tiny penis.
Inner city arcade culture followed by a 1v1 display of dominance white boys can't cope with.
is madthad our guy?
ayo hol up
No. Black people love Nintendo stuff and 90s /early 2000s Capcom stuff. Not just fighting games. This falls into Nintendo.
lol look at this stupids fucking smash babys play a real game like street fighter where you FIGHT and PLAY not stupid smash you fucking babys
Do you realize how gay you are for having this saved
He sure is.
I've seen this before, what were they trying achieve exactly?
Dude went too deep into the autism, some high-up people took notice of his strange autistic powers and decided to lock him up before he could cause any more damage.
circumcision duh
I think people are really dumb posting on Facebook. Once you write it and upload it, it's Facebook's property. And that's stupid stuff like I hate my job or my ex is a cunt.
Then you have this retarded nigga..
It's both
I'm not arguing retard, I'm calling you what you are, a faggot that is shitting up a work safe board. Enjoy your hate filled life cuck
Circumcision. I recall some user saying that in whatever village it is it's required to be cut and if you're uncut above a certain age you get it done like that, and if you yell out or cry they beat the shit out of you. Supposedly it was his girlfriend who told everybody. Might've just been some shit he made up, though.
Blacks just love video games, what the fuck?
It doesn't matter if it was Nintendo, Sony, or Microsoft. If someone owned it, they went over to play it.
t. black man
How does he not flinch from that, must be excruciating.
They love video games because that's the closest they'll ever get in life with somebody accepting them, video games do this quite easily, cucks.
He's not a sissy white boi
Most black people would cry from that too
What the fuck was that twirl. He's not actually imparting any momentum.
That's nice Final Smash
>Sup Forums never crossboards or shitposts
not him but that post reeks of Sup Forums - not that you're wrong but the phrasing screams *I wanna have an argument about non vidya related shit*
> fillename
No one has ever claimed that. It bleeds through in every other thread
I suppose, seems to happen pretty often nowadays. If the mods aren't deleting the threads they clearly think this is a-okay, so that's something.
What the fuck are you smoking? /vol/ is always rushing to remind people that Sup Forums is innocent and that anyone who gets doesn't want to see shit like on Sup Forums is from tumblr.
If we're just talking multiplayer games, I would date, make love to, marry, and raise three strong children with Quake 3 Arena.
Stop false flagging. Makes you look more childish than you already are.
Kinda good banter. I think because the conflict in fighting games are simple and straight forward. Takes skill, timing, practice. Not so much of abstract thought
What was it?
A smashing good time.
by this logic mario party is also a fighting game.
either that or they're both party games for babies.
Why do white people love shooting up schools and fucking their sisters?
>Someone does something funny.
>They just happen to be black.
>"I don't understand why black people are obsessed with race."
>"They're always playing the race card."
Actually yeah. Back when LovePlus was still fairly new I waifu'd up Rinko hard. Shitty kinkos posters, shitty OC drawings, the works. Even brought my DS to prom and played it outside the ballroom for most of the time. Still never got around to playing the 3ds version
you can't honestly think paying for a girls dinner (which you aren't even obliged to do) is equivalent to handing her a wad of cash and saying "i'll give you this if you go on a date with me"
>melee is for babies
Don't pretend you can accomplish what the best melee players can
>Is it because they're a violent race
You answered your own question.
The only real difference is the level of charisma. And I mean that monetarily. The ore charisma you have, the less you need to pay. People that pay for literal whores, are paying a tax for lack of charisma. While everyone else is paying less, but still paying.
posting link to non-madthad video
>i offered her a $100
>not being vidyasexual