
>video game player
>video game enthusiast
Let's settle this once and for all. What is the acceptable term to refer to someone that plays video games?


No need to analyze this shit.

For the player.

Ritsus my big sis


gamer boy
boy sounds kinda gay doesn't it?


A fag

>I play video games
>I like video games

You really don't need a term. When you read you don't call yourself a reader. You just say you like to read or you read.

This was a meme thread anyway.

>When you read you don't call yourself a reader.
Yes I do, you fag boy.

Hardcore autism.

Gamer is fine.

You're just a self-conscious cuck.

i like video games


>tfw no gaymer bf

i identify myself as a vidya-kin

Yes, yes, might as well call yourself a "movie viewer" as well. Fucking ridiculous labeling yourself with frivolous things.

"Gamer" is dumb but everything else is worse.

A U T I S M .

Neck yourself.


The only acceptable girl is Mio unless you like retards or girls that hate fun.

This desu senpai
The term has been watered down to shit, but there's no alternative.

Honestly, someone using the word 'gamer' to refer to themselves is more of a red-flag than anything these days. You don't need a label. You just enjoy the games you like and that's it.

What kind of person calls themselves a gamer, anyway? It'd actually be autistic if you called yourself a gamer.

I know you lack self-awareness, but you're probably not a working adult, so you don't understand.

person who plays video games

I love retards

I'd marry Ritsu in a heartbeat desu

I call myself a gameslad

Player but announced as "playa". Not only the term is established in daily life, it also makes more sense since you aren't actually "gayming" but rather playing.

>outing yourself as a mindless consumer
I read books every day, yet I don't call myself a reader. I just enjoy books.

Same thing with games.

Kill yourself.

Depends on who is asking. If it's some casual faggot I say that I like video games. If it's someone who is deep into the hobby himself I go more with the enthusiast thing.

I guess you've never heard of the term 'bookworm' huh?

Wow, how poor is your reading comprehension, you fucking cretin? It doesn't matter whether the word is "bookworm" or "reader," it's just retarded to identify yourself as a consumer of a certain medium.

I dress well, but I certainly don't call myself a fashionista. I went to Yale, but I don't call myself a Yalie.

Fuck off.

"I'm an avid reader."

"He's an avid reader."


This is autism.

Try to avoid being like this faggot.

>a fucking loser

None of these, NEVER ADMIT to playing video games!

That's more of a descriptor for someone. I'm talking about self-identification.

All right, gamer.

While posting on Sup Forums...

Be honest with us.

Are you on the spectrum?

>how poor is your reading comprehension
Pretty poor in comparison to your level of autism.

I'm a gamemaster not a gameplebian

Someone who minds his own bussiness.

Why the fuck do you need a tag for yourself so desperately ? Maybe you should fuck off to tumblr.

No, but I am very important and very pretentious.


No arguement fagatron. Gamer is ininspired shit

Pretty much sums up my perception of those who refer to themselves as gamers.


>every response is waaah a-autism
So you have no argument? Can i call you a "Tarder"? Since you're an avid fucking retard.

>What is the acceptable term to refer to someone that plays video games?

Someone that plays videogames.


Cinemaphile is what you're looking for

>>video game enthusiast

The only acceptable term, it's analytically sound and is too proper to be co-opted by the jews.

When was 'gamer' ever not Reddit tier? The 90s?

Sup Forums will argue about anything.

Was gamer even round in the 90's? I dont ever remember anyone running round calling themselves one

epic meme bro, you browse /r/Sup Forums too??


Have you been out of the basement in the past twenty years?

Probably in some magazine somewhere, I feel like I saw it at least a few times, it was early days.

Were you even around in the 90s?

>I'm a gamer
cringey 2bh

>tfw 22 years old
>old enough to grow out of my "le gamer xD" phase at 14
>old enough to not fall into the SJW phase



fuck girl video game enthusiast and casual video game enthusiasts though