Tfw you finally realise what a shallow waste of time this game is

>tfw you finally realise what a shallow waste of time this game is

Thats 300 hours I'll never get back.

Whats an actually good multiplayer shooter?

Titanfall 2

Have you tried rocket league ?

every vidya is a shallow waste of time

only overwatch doesnt make you feel good while playing it, thats the difference

Have you tried Titanfall 2? The movement makes it a lot of fun and there's some good mech fanservice if you're a weeb.


I've moved to Seige

Why does it take people 300 hours to realize this game is a heaping pile of uninspired, unoriginal shit?

The reasons it's played are only, and ONLY three.
>made by the Blizzard overlords who can do no wrong
>gacha and/or gambling addiction that the crate system perpetuates

Not a single one of those represent what good videogames should offer: fun and depth.

team fortress 2

The only ones that aren't a complete waste of time are the ones that have competitive communities where you can make actual money by playing them. All the rest is just masturbation.
Getting good at titanfall 2 isn't going to make you smarter or more agile in real life. By definition, it's a waste of time.

>play 300 hours
Apparently it was fun for something jesus. Not a lot of games get that many hours short of modded to fuck RPGs.

Quake is still the king, but good luck there unless you are damn good. Maybe Unreal.

TF2 just makes me wish I was playing Quake so never liked it.

CS:Russian B edition if you to shove An Item Shop Tale into a shooter.

Honestly you have 3 options these days yearly release bro arena game, old but gold but high barrier of entry, and TF2/Overwatch.

Overwatch had potential, but fucked it up.

Things which are garbage:
>you have to wait 30-50 seconds before the match begins
>no balance at all (there is literally a meta comp consisting of like 11 heroes, the rest just cant compete)
>no content (literally 2 hours of content)
>the fucking grinding to get skins
>no other accomplishment than skins
>competitive is a mess if you pug (as gold or below you are fucked)
>loot boxes have shit tier drop rates because of the cuck shop
>no fucking pve mode
>no fun mode with auto aimbot (for the normies you don't want to make playing games their job)

Overwatch is a F2P game with a price for the brand. I wouldn't find any flaw with this game if it would have been marketed as a fun f2p game, but for a full priced game it is just bad.

More like, you had fun and now you're tired of it. You don't sink 300 hours into something you despise, retard. Thanks for blogging though you waste of flesh.

This actually

You hit the nail on the head for all of these, nice

It's a real shame, the game is all style no substance

I liked Dirty Bomb.

I liked it too, but I couldn't justify paying for characters on a game that felt it was already dying. Fuck the character rotation thing, I just didn't have fun having to wait to play the character I wanted to play

I wish they'd make overwatch a less casual overwatch mode
>Finite ammo, and ammo packs on maps
>Ulta dissappear on death so it's more use it or lose it rather than last minute ult spam, you'd also really have to protect your mercy

I took me 300 hours as well to notice this. I'm going to trade my Xbox and Overwatch (the only game I play on this system) tomorrow and buy a Switch.

All this game does to me is make me angry.

any shooter fueled by nostalgia


It took me 27 hours. A day of my life gone to this shit.

It's a fun, competitive, shallow and 'progressive' fps.

figured this out before I even played it on release and returned it day 1, how can you fuck up this bad?

Why is everyone in this thread so angry that they enjoyed a game? Are they real life symmetras?

You've forgotten the fourth
>Wanting that E-Sports cash

>play free weekend of tf2 (lol)
>everyone is just camping because you die so fast that running out in the open is a guaranteed death
did they ever lower the ttk in that game? it's seems pretty dumb to have cool movement when using is almost always at your determent

>It's another thread were salty TF2 players falseflag about how they hate the game
>Some of these salty TF2 players bought the game just to shit on it

If you didn't instantly realize from the slow as fuck movement speed that Overwatch was gonna be shit then you're a retard.

day of defeat source my dude. the 24/7 avalanche server is goat

Are you playing on console or something? Moving quickly is how you're supposed to play and people who camp are usually easy prey.

Things that are garbage
>your entire list

>people who camp are usually easy prey.
not really if they can aim and have good awareness. and since it's on pc, good aim isn't hard to come by

>What a shallow waste of time
>300 hours
You can only choose one brah

Wolfenstein Enemy Territory, but since it's kinda dead so Dirty Bomb or Unreal Tournament 2004/Quake 3/any Battlefield

>what are addictions

> all this autism ITT about loot boxes and cosmetics

Falseflagging Pcbros detected ITT. You're the only people in the gaming industry who would ever give this much of a shit.

Don't worry, you can always trade away your hats for some not-dead games.

Never been a problem for me. People who sit in one spot end up getting flanked or satcheled.

I stopped playing at lv90. here's my problem with why it's not fun:

>can't 1v1 each other without being hard countered
>Too panicky, game doesn't give you room to breathe
>can't carry your own team, can't solo the other team
>6 player teams is not my thing

>can't carry your own team, can't solo the other team
I rather like this.
Teamwork is actually important in the teams. That's fitting.

However, the skill rating system is pretty dumb.
>if your team loses, you lose points no matter how good your individual perfomance was
>if your team wins, you gain points no matter how terrible your individual perfomance was

But skins are literally worthless.
The only godo things are the voicelines and they are like 75ea or something. I have like a hundred hours and easily over 10k points. I have all the voicelines I want.

>Win and lose between 10 and 80 points depending on your performance
>Not fair

If you're not the reason your team is losing, even with 50% winrate you will still climb because of how the system works.

Git gud, fag.