What games let me customize characters in depth? Dark souls and GTA Online comes to mind. Any suggestions? Pref. singleplayer.
What games let me customize characters in depth? Dark souls and GTA Online comes to mind. Any suggestions? Pref...
I know what you're trying to do.
Get some vidya suggestions?
What is it? I'll just go downstairs quickly and grab a bite.
I always randomize my character anyways.
MGSV is pretty good customising your guy.
Camo patterns and some alright gun customising too, not bad.
quick rundown?
This has to be the most forced meme since that fast guy from X-Men Apocalypse and the ''sweet dreams are made of this'' scene on Sup Forums
Pure cringe.
Dragon's Dogma
Honey Select
Do not post our lords and saviors prior to their enlightenment.
rate my Bog
>Spend 40 minutes tweaking facial geometry, skin tone, saturation, wrinkles and facial markings, eye color, eyebrow thickness, eye spacing, ear size, ear lobe angle, jaw line, hair style, hair color, etc, etc
>camera follows from behind in third-person and you wear a fucking helmet the whole time anyway
Probably the most EPICCEST thing i've seen in this sub.
I'm sure you can already feel a tingling sensation.
Buncha clowns. Not only are Rothschilds are their friends, but you won't see them giggling on some low budget TV show with bouffants and botox'd faces boasting about their power. Sign of being impotent is bragging about your dick in public.
It was initially forced, and I hated it to.
But then it grew on me. Can't be a forced meme if everyone likes it, even if some autistic eurofag started it through spam.
how can you hate them
>hey guise these are the illuminati because they look weird xDD
After so many years, this is what this place comes up with?
if this is the worst you have seen here, then you should probably just leave
You can't just sum a meme up like that.
>An image or phrase people think is funny.
That's all memes.
How many bogpills has this guy taken?
They all have a reason as to why they spawn.
This shit is a thing because some autist started spamming it over and over in Sup Forums
You sound like someone who saw a bunch of ebin screencaps from r/Sup Forums and came here expecting the whole site to be that all of the time.
You're like a silly Jap getting Paris syndrome
>This shit is a thing because some autist started spamming it over and over in Sup Forums
That's the origin of 99% of the memes here, just replace Sup Forums with Sup Forums, Sup Forums or Sup Forums.
>mfw this thread
Actually i've been here since 2008.
It's just the site is falling into a spiral of shit, trash and faggotry, pushed by the obsession this place has with forcing memes into existence and trying to make everything popular fail, on top of the ones who think they are Anonymous 2.0
>memes are never made for no reason
it is so adorable you think that
I don't think it was simply because it was spammed.
I checked out the threads when It was spammed, but there was no OC or anything from it, just the faggot op.
Somewhere along the way another user asked for a quick run down on them and he sparked the meme.
I doubt it was the original faggot, so I think it's a case of a meme being born from a forced meme.
>here since 2008
>on Sup Forums in 2017
>bitching about quality
The difference is that now people are just absorbing garbage from Twitter, Facebook and Tumblr.
>le *action*
Even ''JUST'' is based on some black twitter ''meme''.
That right there is the stuff of nightmares.
I see the problem
It certainly was better than just having the catalog full of Zelda threads and people posting 50 times a day about how bad the animations of BioWare's latest turd are.
Damn, Minecraft is going to run sick as hell on those.
Kek what a newfag. I'm 06 here and even I consider myself a newfag for not being around when Snacks ruled.
08 was when chanology started ruining everything. At least it wasn't as bad as the anti-meme era in 2010.
Nier Automata is kind of an allegory for Sup Forums. All the humans left long ago and now it's just us robots engaged in an endless meme war.
It's funny how people see this picture and think they were good looking before they went overboard with the surgeries but they looked like shit before they started getting any of them
They look better now
Too bad the robots here aren't cute anime girls.