Is she, dare I say it, /ourgirl/?
Blizzard confirms symmetra's austims
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I need answers
>Girls can have autism
What the fuck.
We had threads about her autism last year didn't we?
She literally says in the comic that she's on the spectrum.
OP here. I can't believe how many of you sound like me... even though I didn't mention many of the things you are talking about. Like many of you, I was really successful in school. I skated by on memory and deductive reasoning. I never studied. I never really had to. I was a straight-A student despite hating school and that environment. As I became an adult, I really struggled with a lot of things. (For the sake of full disclosure, I have not actually had an IQ test.) In this new environment, my self-confidence has been on a steady demise. I have gone from a steady influx of "straight-As" and "top tier classes" to me feeling like I'm missing information everywhere. Part of the issue is that the inner-narrator and ambient stimulants make it very difficult for me to concentrate on anything. I feel like I'm totally inept unless I can hijack my concentration. At home, I can usually sing or something. That allows my mind to start working properly. However, in the real world it's more difficult. I can skate through using a stress ball or by clicking buttons, but it's just not enough for me to do my best. Anyway, I guess in some ways I am technically intelligent. At the same time, I feel my strengths and major weaknesses balance themselves out. At the end of the day, I feel like the whole "genius" thing hurts my self-worth, especially with the whole "Big Bang Theory" stereotype. Yes, I am an Aspie. No, I can't do math. I can't repair your TV, stereo, computer, or anything else. I mean, I'm happy where I am in many ways, but the expectations of being an Aspie can be very damaging to my self-image.
why do overwatch threads attract redditors
This isn't news. Lurk moar.
I even play this game but I feel nothing when I see shit like this anymore.But I understand that it didn't started there and you can bet your ass it won't end either, it's almost like a joke.
Catering to the playerbase, nice.
maybe if she were white, but i don't like the retarded non-white pandering.
i'm not trolling. and no, there's nothing wrong with me disliking propaganda that elevates non-whites at the expense of whites.
Smart to leave their character bios as vague as possible so they can make up anything for pandering purposes.
Which character will be revealed as trans for the next stunt?
Fortunately, what you say is irrelevant.
She straight up fucking said she was 'on the spectrum' in her comic released over half a year ago. This isn't new. It's only new to autists who need flat confirmation because they can't accept vagueness or reading between the lines.
Sombra. Not even kidding right now.
the sky is blue and you're irrelevant too. what is the point of saying this.
We already saw Sombra as a kid. It will be Mercy.
So literally no one read those shitty 10-page comics? It was covered in that. Why the hell is it news now?
>people will pretend we didn't know this for a year now just for the sake of being as offended as possible
Sit on my face!
the true enemy of humanity is...
>turret destroyed
Well here's the thing: Most overwatch fans don't have autism, they're full-blown mentally retarded.
It amazes me people still play and care about this shit game.
That's the average person who unironically plays videogames.
This industry has thrived on shit games.
Quake 3, Wolfenstein ET, Team Fortress 2, Cawadoody, and now Overwatch.
I think a lot of people mistook it for a reference to her light-based powers or whatever. Like Aquaman making a fish metaphor or something.
>more publicity stunts
Is the game dying or something?
>tfw not playing videogames ironically
Clearly ive been missing out
>Quake 3
Fight me
No, that's a fact, you need to be brain damaged to take part in this industry.
I thought female autists were ultra social, immitated people, were very quiet and usually fixted on people or animals.
>Character named Symmetra
>Doesn't have OCD
>This industry has thrived on shit games.
mfw I can't argue yo-
>Wolfenstein ET
You meant to say Quake Wars? cause ET was GOAT
No, Wolfenstein Enemy Territory.
She does though
I'm pretty sure that's what it meant literally. The word was used as a subtle nod to it.
What a shame.
But opinion disregarded.
Except she does numbnuts. Still hilarious how shes actually retarded tho
That's not what it was meant literally. She says something like
>People have always asked me where I sit on the spectrum.
>It didn't bother me because they were wrong, but because I knew it was true.
She was very, very clearly talking about the autism spectrum. The only people who thought otherwise are autistic themselves and needed Jeff to say in very clear words that she's autistic.
I don't care if characters are canonically gay or autistic, but why the fuck are they making news out of this?
what the fuck is wrong with his chin
>you will never be born a bogdanoff
I can see a game with matching a sickness with Overwatch character. Winston has AIDS.
give me a quick rundown on this kid
I thought it was a very heavyhanded metaphor about where she fits in the company
>Learned to be a doctor because she was amazed by sex change operations
This game was so much better back in closed beta
esports was a mistake
>"diverse" games
>men, women, whites, blacks, trannies, asians, latinos, gays, asexuals, and autists
>never any left-handers
> Team Fortress 2
Lefties are not people
Literally Link you fucknugget.
"we want to be treated like everybody else"
>News treats them like special individuals and gives them too much atention
why do people pretend as if there's a disease that makes you bad at talking to people?
just fucking talk to people, it's not difficult
It's Blizzard trying to make their shit game relevant through manufactured controversy, like with the ass thing and the lesbian tracer thing
Do try not to fall for it anons
why does it matter, why does anyone feel the need to ask in the first place, why do they feel the need to make note of something as pointless as that
>say character has autism
>give no indicator of this anywhere in media or in game
We had a thread about this yesterday.
It was terrible.
His dad neglects him so his dad feeds his video game addiction to keep him "happy". Little does dad know, the Internet isn't meant to be your babysitter. So this kid is going to grow up with a false sense of realty and filled with bitter and hate as he finds out life isn't as easy as a video game. You can't just restart or quit and come back later.
She does show some autistic traits
Did you read her comic?
>SJWs cry about your game
>Make up some mental illness back story for one of the characters
>News cycle averted
It's just good business practice.
Is that what the japs do with weeabos?
>people weren't happy with FFXV
>I know let's give them a game with a robot with a fat ass
>easy 5 stars on Amazon JP
imagine if blizzard spent the same amount of time balancing the game as they do virtue signalling and representing (((minorities)))
>2 1080s to run minecraft
oh jesus this kills me inside make it stopppppp
I haven't touched this shit in months. Is Ana still broken? Did the nerfs to D.Va kill her survivability?
I wouldn't call her broken but she's still pretty strong. She's getting nerfed in the next patch. She does less damage to enemies mostly. is still pretty strong. The damage nerf wasn't as bad as it looked (she does like 10% less than she used to)
Are you one of those negroes that get pissed that a game based around heroes from around the world has minorities?
>it seems we've both got autism, haven't we?
>well that's good to know
Calm down pajeet
its forced diversity and pandering only because hyperleftist ideals are en-vogue right now
i wouldn't care if my tank was also black or my healer was also latino or my damage dealer was also a woman
instead its the opposite
We are all irrelevant, user
Can you give me a quick rundown on thia guy?
>Make the autistic chick a mega bitch that no other character in the game likes
sounds about right.
Half the roster in siege has autism
>its forced diversity and pandering only because hyperleftist ideals are en-vogue right now
Fucking what? So they need to all be white so it wouldn't seemed forced and pandering?
literal retard detected
ur reading comprehension could use some work
And the other half are psychopaths
So...why do you care? Because the game has all of what you described.
why does Wheels have Professor Xavier's wheelchair
Nah, Overwatch's diversity is fine. The various characters are actually from various places in the world.
Forced diversity would be shit like Battlefield 1, that has Britain's four online classes be 2 blacks, 1 brownie, and only 1 white guy.
>be black
>also have autism
>can finally fetishise my autism with the perfect vidya girl
I might just pick this game up.
Is this Idlecil?
She's indian REEEEEE
>At the expense of whites
It's one character.
god dammit
the search continues
But that wheelchair is not orange.