Anyone here ever dumpster dived at Gamestop container? You have any findings you wanna show? :)
GameStop dumpster Diving
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I still have too much self respect for that.
One day... one day
Same.... My germophobia dosnt help either
>no gloves
what the fuck are you doing???
>being such a poor mong that you go dumpster diving
I'm lower class and that shit is sad
This fucking rat found so many games what the fuck
I'd probably take it still :^(
Food is one thing, but there is a reason that technology is in the trash..
Technically not dumpster diving but they let me have some Sega Genesis game cases they were throwing out back in the day. All for games I owned as well. Wish I didn't lose those cases to begin with.
Wow a bunch of unsellable plastic garbage that I never cared enough about to purchase, what a score
Maybe I'll hit the jackpot next time and get stuck with a used hypodermic needle from an AIDS afflicted heroin addict
What's the big deal?
He didn't even find the phone itself in that.
Not OP but throwing away technology is easily one of the worst things about modern society.
This shit degrades horribly and ruins the environment with all it's toxic ingredients
OP here. There is alot of metals in electronics that are really valuable for stuff. We are mining to much metals and our consumerism is ruining our world.
Don't they break everything worth keeping before trashing?
OP's pic is probably just some cases with broken discs inside
>r9k thread about little caesar's 5 dollar pizzas last night
>that user who said he just went to the dumpster by his local lil c's to get a "cold and ready"
I love /r9k/, those damaged faggots are absolutely adorable.
They're like Saint Bernards, cute and adorable at first but then they get big and smelly and before you know it he starts jacking it to girls with dicks
>these posters are ruined
>i can just poke my finger through these
>presses his finger against the paper as hard as he can to actually do it
fucking kek what a mongoloid
and what's his deal about empty boxes? what's wrong with these fuckers?
fucking americans are disgustingly stupid
>cold n' ready
Holy fucking that's disgusting yet hilarious.
>that user who said he just went to the dumpster by his local lil c's to get a "cold and ready"
Don't they purposely scratch the disc so they won't be usable. Also I'm sure any console or whatever would have been broken in the first place.
Why would they throw away something worth working?
jackpot for finding an empty iphone box? wat?
What I meant to say was a lot of these things are probably broken or dont work, hence they were thrown away, unlike sealed food that's "ouf of date" and illegal to be sold anymore, but is still perfectly fine to eat. I would imagine most of this stuff gets recycled and dismanteled and not just thrown into a landfill.
the gamestop near me (tribeca, nyc) has a compactor to destroy all their unsold shit
>cold and ready
>cold and ready
I literally almost shit myself spontaneously laughing.
why would he want a poster of a game that says "pre order at gamestop" ???
Most of it is thrown in landfills, I imagine gamestop doesn't give a fuck either way.
>night 127
>how excited he still is about everything
>tfw you aren't even 1/100th as excited about anything in your life as this guy is by literal garbage
Some bipshit posted a video of them getting in our dumpster on youtube so all the employees just took fat shits inside empty ps4 boxes. Have had no problems since
Pretty surreal, not sure if I should be envious or not.
I pretty much live out of dumpsters. It turns out that if you live in America, we have a very real waste problem. I spend no money on groceries, and I sell half of the shit that I find.
Gamestop around me very rarely throws away anything worthwhile. A couple of weeks ago, I got three or four Dark Souls 3 hardcover strategy guides, but they have a policy about ripping the cover off before they toss books of any kind. A little bit of glue on the binding, and it looks quite nice on my shelf.
I've also occasionally found really shitty games (Cooking Mama DS games, old 2 dollar sport games from 360/ps3).
ESL here
what does cold n' ready mean?
It sucks man.
Little Cesar's pizza is know for the ability to walk in, grab a 'hot and ready' pizza and walk out
It's a play on their 'Hot 'n Ready' pizzas. Basically, you can go into a Little Ceasar's at any point, and they have a rotating stock of hot pepperoni pizzas ready for five bucks. Cold 'n Ready means fishing it out of the dumpster later.
Lil C's aka Little Caesars is a chain pizza joint and their slogan is "Hot N' Ready"
What are your favorite spots?
If I worked at gamestop and had to throw away something these neckbeards would pilfer out our dumpster I would take a massive smelly shit right inside of it
Just piss and shit all over the thing and toss it in a black bag and into the dumpster for the peckerpumpers to stumble across
Dont employes cut the discs?
That boy gave the ultimate cold shoulder to Rachel, goddam.
>night #127
My god.
I hate divulging that because it always makes it more competitive. I know that sounds insane, but it's a real thing. However, CVS and Walgreens are great for it. Walgreens usually has a compactor or a gate, but occasionally you can find one without either.
Also, check any grocery store in your area. If they don't have a compactor, you're pretty much good.
Pic related. Grocery store's power went out for a couple of hours, so they had to pitch ALL of their freezer stuff.
If Gamestop is throwing out some games that are current-gen, do they get sent back to the publisher or something?
These're all cakes and pies and sweet stuff from a local grocer. I usually hand them out to the neighbors that have kids and shit since if I keep them in the house, I will decimate all of them. But, this was one night.
>omg dumpster diving is so gross!
I don't do it, but you guys are retards. All that's in a GameStop dumpster is packaging, games, and maybe an empty soda can here and there.
Nice. Thanks for the pic, user. Have you ever gotten sick or touched some nasty shit? That's mostly what I'd be worried about.
1. please tell me you wash you hands when you actually start cooking/touching the food
2. please tell me when you give that shit out they are out of the fucking containers.
Listening to him really is a mindfuck, surely his spirit will one day be broken with the rest of us though.
fuck that makes me hungry
What the fuck dont they throw this away because they go bad and rot? You eat them anyway.
Typical console gamers.
Stuff like that is too full of sugar, salt, and preservatives to go bad. At worst it might dry out.
Depends on the store/area. My local GameStop throws their junk in the same large dumpster as nearby food places do. Have to swarm through balled up tissues with dried cum, empty yogurt containers with spit in it, and half eaten checkers food.
When shit goes out for a few hours, you don't want to risk having to sell possibly bad shit to customers and get sued, even if the chance of the food actually going bad is slim you don't want to deal with paying 100x in a suite vs selling the possibly rotten food.
legal shit user
if the freezer goes out for a few hours that shit will stay cold, its in a giant fucking freezing box full of other cold shit, but if someone gets food poisining or some shit they could sue
also, for similar reasons companies mark expiration dates earlier than it actually expires especially milk and yogurts
Metals don't evaporate in the trash.
If we ever run out we'll just mine the landfills for more metal.
Freezer food takes forever to go bad.
Why don't they donate this shit or give it away with some sort of program for goodwill? Fuck, you can do more than tossing them into bargin bin cases.
It's a lot faster and uses less employee effort to just throw it away
Gamestop would rather burn it all to the ground than give away shit for free. So glad they are dying.
That kind of thing would be ripe for corruption and cost them money, actually. It's easier for them to throw shit away.
I fucking hate dumpster divers. They always rummage through my trash, opening bags and leaving them there for dogs to spill all over the fucking place.
I started mixing broken glass with my bags lately hoping they cut their hands.
icing is usually fine since it's pure sugar, but I would be careful with whip cream.
you gonna get sued.
>3.3 million views
>for dumpster diving
So this is how it all ends.
>le current year man
>Don't they break everything worth keeping before trashing?
Only after they discovered people were dumpster diving like OP.
It's funny because they can't be assed to liquidate working stock instead of just throwing it in the trash, even if it's 50 copies of Madden NFL 2013.
For what?
sometimes they 'break' stuff by doing easy to repair things like snipping wires
lock your bin nerd. It's cheaper than finding glass to break and tactically spread around the bin
I, nor any of my roommates, have ever gotten sick from any of the stuff I bring home. Obviously, you have to be thorough when checking stuff, but 'sell by' dates are usually bullshit. I've touched plenty of gross stuff, but it all washes off. If it bothers you, wear gloves.
I wash my hands a lot during the process, and I wipe down containers that've touched anything else. Nine times out of ten, like in the case of the frozen food, they throw out the entire cardboard carton that the stuff came in, so it never comes in contact with gross shit. When I hand it out, I explain where it comes from. People are usually skeptical the first time, but they're usually fine with it after that.
They throw it out because they have a federal mandate to do so by the date on the packaging. That date is usually WAY too generous.
Some mom and pop places do, but big box stores don't want to waste time or effort. Plus, there's a modicum of liability that comes with it, and they don't want to deal with that.
Another grocery haul.
I never go dumpster diving but I used to have a friend that worked at GameStop and I would always ask if he can give me the shit he's about to throw away.
I ended up getting a giant persona 4 golden box, some posters for games like diablo 3 and tales of graces f, and some budget PS2 games.
user, he's throwing his trash away. How is that illegal?
>thinking that companies should take resources out of work to donate their shit
>giant persona 4 golden box
Not bad.
is that a set of marching band bells/xylophone in the backseat?
Wow you must save a lot of money.
Or, leave a sign that tells 'em to be respectful if they're going to dumpster dive. Most people would rather take care of a place so they can keep going back to it than eventually have it padlocked.
> Dumpster diving
> Get a PSP charger and a bunch of shitty PS3 games
I guess that's the reason they're in the trash
That actually is. It was a particularly weird find that night, but a grocery store nearby had a broken compactor so they pulled in a flatbed dumpster, and that was in it.
A ton. Between me and my girlfriend, we used to spend about 300 bucks a month on food. Once I started dumpster diving, we eat significantly healthier food for absolutely no money aside from the gas I spend getting it. It's also kind of a hobby, though, and I admit that I enjoy doing it.
> Implying those inbred mexicans can read
The box is a bit beat up now but it's pretty rad.
Here's a picture of it stacked up to a normal Vita game case.
well not good games at least
One of my CVS/Walgreens hauls.
>That actually is. It was a particularly weird find that night, but a grocery store nearby had a broken compactor so they pulled in a flatbed dumpster, and that was in it.
cool. You can actually sell that shit for pretty decent money, but don't do it at a music store like sam ash or they will try to rip you off
>Go take out the trash to the back of the apartment building
>Compost bags always sliced up
>Some disgusting hobo had been going through our trash
>Makes a fucking mess all over the place
>Start putting rat poison over trash it before tying up the bag
>No more messy garbage on the street
So much for free shit, faggot.
Everything I find I usually sell on Craigslist. Never deal with 'professionals', since they try to rob you. However, I ended up giving that to my buddy who wanted to learn how to play it.
holy fuck
i would have terminal diabetes if i was in your shoes
>buy some products
>make up a story about dumpster diving
>people subscribe
>use the subscription money to continue to buy products and make more videos
>perpetual product machine
Dumpster diving is dangerous and gross, especially having to compete with mentally ill nogs
Why don't you become a voluntary to a big company and to it? Spend some hours when they are throwing away their garbage every day, sort it out what can be donated, put all of it on your pick truck, you do have one don't you? than take it to people in need.
Easier said then done isn't it you little socialist shit?
That's why I end up having to sell/give it away. It's a constant temptation, and I'd prefer to not weigh a million fucking pounds.
The nignogs are seriously the scariest part. There was a video about some Pokemon Go streamer that got robbed. Nig was clearly a dumpster diver given that he had a flashlight in his head. They're seriously fucking crazy
>becoming a voluntary
>owning a pick truck
you must be a kids wet dream on halloween. also this thread has made me way too hungry so now its time to go BUY groceries like a retard
What sort of things do you get right after major consumerist holidays?
Depends on where your'e at, but I rarely ever run into other people while I'm out.
My buddy actually owns a super nice house in the 'rich' part of town, and we handed out full sized candy bars for this past halloween. The kids were fucking stoked.
I don't donate to the homeless because we have enough of those sorts of programs in place, but I feed a shit ton of people in my community, and I have a truck for dumpster diving specifically. It also comes in handy when all of the college kids move out in the summer and toss out all of their super nice furniture.
This haul was from a local health food place. Their freezers broke down, and they ended up tossing like 30k worth of shit.
u jewish by any chance?
>mfw a friend of mine living in the US managed to build himself a 2nd toaster pc in 2 weeks of dumpster diving
>mfw I can't do that in my country as the dumpsters are not in the back of the shops but in their front, in plain view where everyone can see them, and they're considered the shop's property, so taking anything from it is stealing and anyone can call the cops if they see you dumpster diving
>mfw i have no face
You're ignorant. They wear those to look into vehicles that have tinted windows. They generally have nicer shit in them. Source: I used to use it for exactly that after I watched someone else do it.