A Certain Magical Virtual-On

A Virtual-On and Index crossover game?

What the actual fuck?

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No one on Sup Forums cares about Virtual-On?

I'm just as surprised as you are, user, but Sup Forums is all underage
you're better off asking /vr/ if anybody

I just wanted a VOOT/Force steam port

You know it'll never happen. Sega doesnt let us have nice things. Enjoy some new Sonic ports!

sega ruins everything they touch

I fucking love Virtual On but who asked for this crossover anyway. That said, more exposure to the series

Index was trash. So much potential squandered by crappy characters and the writer turning it into a haremshit instead of something thought-provoking.

People stopped giving a shit about virtual on before Index was even a thing. Wtf are they thinking?

Call me when there's a trailer with gameplay.

I'll just leave this here. Pick your poison


>instead of something thought-provoking.
You what.

Something doesn't need to be thought-provoking or DEEP for it to be enjoyable. You're sounding mighty pretentious.

That Virtual-On is a good franchise that needed the added notoriety of a popular LN/manga/anime series to get some much needed attention?

Everything that isn't a 7

No. They do, atleast modern sega does. So Sega makes a ton of great IPs back in the 80s and 90s, I'm talking Phantasy Star, Sonic, Virtual On, and a few others. These are great games, but modern sega manages to fuck them all up. Sonic has been shit since Sonic Adventure 2, Phantasy Star series has been shit since Phantasy Star Online 2 (I liked PSU), and Virtual On is next on the chopping block to be ruined

I love the game but I have absolutely nothing to say about this thing.

>reviving a dead series with a crossover

If it were a Gundam or anything It would at least would understand...

But it's not enjoyable either unless you're an obese weeb who actually enjoys haremshit. The first season was ok, but all of the fights just end with Touma using his bullshit Gary Stu power to instantly win, and then the second season they go full-force harem by adding a bunch of irrelevant waifus for Touma to constantly surround himself with.

Everything including 7.

why raildex

>Sonic has been shit since Sonic Adventure 2
Adventure 2, Rush, Colors and Generations where great
> Phantasy Star series has been shit since Phantasy Star Online 2
PSO2 was good and there hasn't been anything new since other then some vita game

They don't have the rights to Gundam.

Right. I fucking hate SoJ

>and then the second season they go full-force harem by adding a bunch of irrelevant waifus for Touma to constantly surround himself with.
I wasn't aware just HAVING females around is all it takes for it to qualify as a harem. Only like what, 2 girls introduced actually like him?

>including 7

Isn't it Dengeki's most popular IP? Either that or SAO.

4+ because they always have that 'Glass eye' look that gets me hard as fucking diamonds. Eyes that are just a solid color without the iris and what not are the fucking best things ever. Black Sclera is sub-decent second.

>when you play virtual on for the first time in the arcades

>one guy and a whole slew of girls, most of which have some sort of feelings for him or flirt with him
>not a weeb fantasy self-insert anime
Not to mention the characters are all terribly written, except maybe Accelerator.

Who gives a shit, none of those characters are even around for more then 2 episodes. They all fuck off when its the end of whatever arc they're in, and then lose all importance.

>Index more popular than SAO
C'mon user

I honestly have no idea at this point

Which is exactly why it's bad writing. The permanent characters are all terribly written with maybe one exception and the side characters are mostly just temporary waifus for Touma.

Still a fun ride and world, don't care.

I don't need every series I watch/read to be high literature to have fun.

What the fuck? Did Marz and that other thing not kill VO's integrity enough? Fuck this gay earth.

OT was the last good VO, which is sad.

What's your justification for not covering 7 in cum, you homo

Because there are no discernible female features.

I'm not saying you need to. You're the one who got mad that I shat on Index. Trust me I wanted it to be great, I love the premise of science vs magic. But it's just not well written, it's bland in almost every aspect, and to cover this up they went full-on waifu, JUST like they did with Sword Art Online which is also under the Dengeki umbrella coincidentally.

>You're the one who got mad that I shat on Index
No what I said was that you sounded pretentious for wanting it to be THOUGHT-PROVOKING.

>another garbage cross over

nobody fucking likes those

I just wanna go fucking nuts with accelerator

I would absolutely fuck all of those except 4 since it's too deep into uncanny valley. 5 and 6 preferred though.

I just listed many reasons why I think Index is not a good series. If you think that's pretentious that's your own problem.

I'm not upset that a crossover exists so much as that it exists but we're never fucking ever getting a PSN/Steam port of Oratorio Tangram, and if we did it'd be locked to Japan anyway.

>PSO2 was good

PSO2 was never good, this is coming from someone who played since open beta. Episode 4 was the shit frosting on top of the shit sundae.

Hey fuck you, Virtual-On is the shit.

>this is coming from someone who played since open beta
This is supposed to add validity to your statement how? PSO2 is fun.

In Japan, it might still have a greater general following than SAO. Remember, Index basically had an iron grip on LN sales and overall product recognition as far as LNs go in Japan for at least 5-10 years before the decline the last couple of years.

Worldwide it's not even a contest because Index doesn't even really have a following, but in Japan it might give SAO a good go in terms of popularity.

They have the next best thing, which is Katoki since he designed all those Virtua-On.

Why would you give Virtual On such a dumb crossover? Especially with a shit LN series like Index?

I would kill for a legitimate new Virtual On game. Well probably not. But I'd at least drop an unhealthy amount of money on Twin sticks that I can only use on one game to play it

How's the port on XBLA? The one that is available in the West I mean, in case there are more.

You know what? Fuck it, i'll take it. I'd love to play Virtual On again.

I played the shit out of VO for Saturn as a kid. Were the sequels worth it? I remember seeing one for PS2 at Gamestop ages ago.

Pic related was my favorite with BalBasBow close second

>I would kill for a legitimate new Virtual On game
And you're getting one. I just has Index in it.

If the gameplay is good they can cross it with whatever they want

I'm happy to be getting a new Virtual On game, but what the fuck? How did this happen?

Both are owned by Dengeki

I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall when this idea was brought up. Was this some sort of fever dream idea or something?

I'm glad you have fun with it, but it's not a good game. The constant drip for any relevant content is a drain, and when content does get added, there's never enough of it or it doesn't stay relevant for long. Not to mention with episode 4 SEGA has been making it harder and harder to get back into with every patch at least for the average gaijin. Classes are still completely irrelevant outside of cookie-cutter builds and Sega refuses to do anything about it.

I'm not disputing your claim that it's a fun game user, it's fun as fuck playing Fighter. I'm just saying it's not a good game.

My problem with you is that you dont have a problem with the plethora of content already in the game but that you aren't getting MORE content faster.

You see the problem with this?

I didn't know Raildex is still a thing. It's not over yet?


It's based on a crossover LN apparently

Index characters piloting Virtual-On mechs

i'm saying that nearly every fucking crossover game ends up being shit with no reason other than to tap into as much potential buyers as possible

>nearly every fucking crossover game

Not true

You can't play Virtual On without one of these.

Shit yeah
Armored Core and VO games

>new Armored Core
>new Virtual On
>new Ace Combat

Well you can but it's just not the same.

Not anymore.
Marz destroyed the entire franchise for me.
If this has anything but OT gameplay I'm not interested in the slightest.

>new Armored Core

At least they confirmed that Season 3 will finally happen for real

Wait really?

After everyone started to get pissed again from the bait and switch Miki pretty much said just give a bit more time for Season 3

>Kino thread
>Indexfags BTFO
>now this
>Also Jack yesterday
We are truly living in the best timeline.

>Kino thread
>Indexfags BTFO


Cyber Troopers Virtual-On was the one game I always wanted to play in the Arcades. But I never did ;_;

What was it like?

Well I like Index, and I like robots so this might be fun

Every Light Novel adaptation for the last few years has been cancerous harmemshit. Even if Railgun is as old as Haruhi I don't trust this to be any better.

just a little remainder that the 3ds has a virtual on rip off but with magical girls, which is an enhanced version of a dsi ware game, sadly jap only but then at this point everyone should have their 3ds hacked right?
just in case you want to scratch that itch for something similar to virtual on's gameplay
seeing this makes me wish that sega or m2 could port operation moongate on the 3ds

It was awesome.
>fighting the tonfa bot with a Viper2
I fucking hate it and love it so much.

i dont see how a game where you can only really turn by jumping is going to fly with modern audiences

simple, either they simplify it or change it completely to the new audience because i'm sure as fuck a good deal of them hasn't played a virtual on game on their lives

You can turn without jumping, user.
Push one lever forward and the other backward with the direction depending on which you did to which.

>thought provoking

Noice. Didn't know Index was still alive, but noice.

Holy SHIT it's virtual-on! FUUUUUUUUCK

I'd play a Virtual-On on my Vita.

MARZ is the ps2 one you're thinking of. It...isn't very good. I played the fuck out of it, but God damn does that game have problems.

What kinda game is it gonna be tho?

PS4 or vita?

Okay, but will the best girl be in the game?

>Shitty index being anywhere near my Virtual ON

The anime adapted some of the worst parts of the novels.