What games have scary women in it?

What games have scary women in it?

Fuck that comic. So fucking unnerving.

I see what you did there
Junji Ito Thread

is that brianna wu?

Should I continue?

Yes, Ito thread asap.

Post the eternal dream one, that's my favorite

>tfw I have an ito manga translated into my native language sitting on my bookshelf, but never read it
it's just not the same if it's not on Sup Forums

Mature woman eats out two high school kids while another watches

Why did the other thread die

Luckily for you, I have that one now

I got that. I can story time it unless OP is doing something

Doesn't this lady creature marry and have kids with a guy in another comic?

Creepy overall but way too anticlimactic. Are there any manga horror oneshots that actually have a decent ending?

Mods are fags.

YES was really upset when the thread got deleted

Thank you based user you are my second greatest ally after israel.


One day I will overpower the Jews

Gods I remember reading that spiral one he did the same night I ingested mushrooms. Did not set the mood, I'll say that.

no they arent they are doing god's work

id rather get banned every once in a while for posting ito comics like OP than have to deal with the lame shit the homos and pokemongs and Sup Forumsies keep trying to post on here
even Sup Forums and /an/ keep posting their trash here as well as /fit/

so many outsiders




Real Life

You're in a long dream right now.
wake up



Can someone explain to me why some people find Ito's endings bad and/or unsatisfying?



He doesn't end stories, he just stops telling them.

Man this is fucking intense.

same reason why autists want every miniscule detail in series's like Metal Gear Solid explained when it's precisely the mystery and vagueness which makes them intriguing


I impulse-bought a bunch of copies of Ito's new-ish 'Fragments of Horror' hardcover for myself and friends the other week.

The cover is so cool. Best $15 I've spent.

yes yes

keep going


I bought his Tomie volume about a week ago.
She is now my waifu, help



Rip in pieces, user.

>10 years walking out a H.R Giger nightmare
I'd kill myself as soon as I woke up

Ito sucks at endings


Kill yourself now, worthless tripfag.


ayy lmao



These are good.


You first, shithead

If no one objects, I would like to upload The Chill after this. My friend likes that one

someone post the window bitch

I'll get it if I am fast enough


Ito protags are rock bottom retarded 100% of the time.

10 years of therapy right in the drain.


why dont they just shoot her

The long dream and the tale of the principal post are my favorites.

>shooting someone for being ugly

I haven't even read that thing and I already know that it's from Junji. Fucking genious

Why are some of his comics amazing and other ones utterly retarded? Like the one with the sharks that grow legs and hunt people on land is pure schlock.

Then he makes the one about the creepy demon lady living next door to the school kid that's pure nightmare fuel.


> tale of the principal post
That's a strange favorite, isn't it like 3pages long?

I like her face. Actually I like scared people faces in general.

My favorite page

That's the story that got an anti-Japanese friend of mine to start reading Junji Ito, so I like it quite a bit

Gyo was good though it just went on a bit longer than it should have.

>> tale of the principal post
>That's a strange favorite, isn't it like 3pages long?
haven't seen that one yet



Holy fuck that better not be the end.

>kills your friend
>not filling her up with lead and then your semen

yeah right? with the guy that has the haunted house


Don't you worry, there's more.



Is that his opus work?

My favorite page.

But she clearly looks like a man. I mean just at that chest.



post the full thing fag.

Window one is next, as requested by post ID 370292141

Who is the best Japanese horror mangaka and why is it Nakayama Masaaki?


sorry, only have that one page.


thats pretty interesting, letting people dream forever

okay. I am sorry I called you a fag.


So why did it start as all the dreams being horrible nightmares then suddenly they're great?

why do you dump user never dumps some osamu tezuka?

>video game threads but not really just an excuse to do random out-of-subject crap





