Other games can't even compete
Other games can't even compete
Was good, but there have been far better games
except it sold like shit compared to the size of the user base.
keep grasping
>you'll never know if this is true because you're not willing to shell out the cash for a PS4 and a TV
it sold like shit because normies and casuals cant handle a good challanging game unless it is spoon feeding and hand holding them all throughout
Its a fine fucking game thats for sure.
Im convinced that if anyone says something otherwise, they are just a jealous PCbro.
just use your PC monitor?
Best game since OoT for me
Didn't know you could do that.
Still not buying a $300 console to play one game.
too bad that it's on a console with like 3 decent exclusives including this one.
Still not worth it.
Of course, you shouldn't.
...but it would be great, wouldn't it?
You didn't know that you could just use the same HDMI cable from your monitor to plug into a PS4 or any other HD component and play through it that instead?
Nothing personal kid.
Bloodborne is a great game but the framerate is garbage (like 80% of ps4 games). Console plebs can't tell the difference but if you use a PC it's obvious how shit the performance is. The worst part is it still runs like ass on the ps4 pro, nice one sony.
PC gamers are literally retarded. What did you expect?
Well I'm a PC gamer that did this exact idea when I couldn't use my TV so what does that make me?
I'm also not poor so I don't really care about the petty squabbles over master race shit anyway when you can afford all of them.
The last console I bought was a Gamecube. I don't think they were even using HDMI cables back then.
I dont know why it bothers everyone unless they have severe untreated autism. I have no issues switching from DaS2 on PC to BB.
60 FPS is nice and all but since when did it become mandatory?
>playing DaS2
here's your problem
Too bad Crysis as a game is and always will be shit. It was made so people would buy graphics cards and still not be able to run it properly.
Since the NES days?
It's both a nice extra feature to have and a good gameplay feature. It gets annoying watching the framerate fucking crash, especially when it comes to face-paced boss battles.
Undeniably the best architecture and art design of any game ever.
I played BB a couple months ago and the game ran better than any other console Souls ever did. The only people complaining about BB's frame rate are secondaries who didn't play DeS or console DaS.
finally played the dlc and... this is the best game ever made. No contest.
I enjoy all souls games.
DaS3 > BB > DaS1 > SotFS > DeS > DaS2
Debate me.
Serious shit goes down in BBs fights but i never noticed any gameplay altering framerate drops.
Roaming around, fighting off a few mobs here and there is fine. It's certain boss battles and the occasional visceral attacks where blood goes everywhere that fucks the framerate to
It's co-op where frame drops come in the hardest, the game generally ran fine outside of that. Frame drops during viscerals aren't even a big deal because you're literally not controlling the game during that period.
Hell it runs alot better than what people here would lead you to believe.
Muh FPS is the only thing its detractors have to shit on it.
Ludwig and the One Reborn are the ones that comes to mind with the blood going everywhere each time you break one of their limbs.
To be fair they all run like shit, I've played them all. It's just sad that consoles can't even get their games to stay at a constant 30fps when it's such a low shitty requirement. Back when I was playing PS3 I figured it was to be expected because it wasn't that powerful of a system, just a meme cell tech demo.
The problem isn't that it's not running at 60 FPS, but that it doesn't have a stable frame rate at all.
>chalice dungeon shit
Main game never runs like this.
And even this BS only happens as they spawn.
>i never noticed any gameplay altering framerate drops
If you're using to playing on garbage hardware with shit fps you get used to it and don't notice.
>Muh FPS is the only thing its detractors have to shit on it.
The performance is really the only thing holding the game back, I really enjoyed it but hated the slowdown and playing at less than 30 fps.
>Main game never runs like this.
The main game always runs like this. Every boss fight was like a fucking slide show. I don't even see how console faggots can be so blind to the shitty fps. It's like you get used to using something so poor in quality that you accept it and defend it.
I dunno, i was PC only for a long time but it just dosnt bother me.
I still think its only an issue to people that cant play it.
I know this because I did the same thing
>he thinks chalice dungeons aren't part of the main game
The game tells you you'd best seek for one of the chalices that was lost in the world. You need them to farm for those fucking upgrades.
Any bets on when PC-only race will get to play this gem?
They just got to play Demon's Souls (although it's a messy start)
I'd say around 2025
When there's more than one good exclusive for the PS4
>Pc-only race
I game mainly on pc but you'd have to be stupid to not play some consoles every once and a while to remind yourself of how shit they are. and to play some exclusives
t.Toaster PC poorfag
Bet Undertale runs like a charm on this beast