Ranking Sonic Games

So I just started playing Sonic Generations and I'm loving it. The only Sonic games I've ever played were the first 2 or 3 on the Genesis and I remember playing the demo for Sonic Adventures 2 on XBOX at a Target like 15 years ago. I've also played the two recent Sonic racing games.

I know a lot of people hate Sonic for how badly the series went downhill. When exactly did this happen?

Rank Sonic games from best to worst. Or just divide them into tiers from great to shit.


Sonic 1, 2, 3, and Sonic & Knuckles are great. Sonic CD is good, as are the Adventure games, Generations, and the Advance games. Unleashed, Colors, and the Rush games are decent. Heroes, Secret Rings, Unleashed, and Lost Worlds are mediocre. Sonic 06 and Sonic 4 are shit. Haven't played the Black Knight game or Sonic Boom but I heard they're bad.

It's somewhat outdated, but most of pic related is my thoughts on each game.

>that guy who only posts threads about sonic

I'd love to see what you're like. I bet you're identical to every sonic autist

The Advance games were alright, nothing special.
Rush games were good, Colors and Generations (DS) are basically spiritual sequels to those.
Colors and Generations (console) were both good.
Adventure games were fun, but don't really hold up, and I can't really say they're good. Heroes has a lot of issues, but I personally found it fun.
Secret Rings is mediocre. I liked Black Knight, but a lot of people seem to dislike it.
CD was fun.


the sonic boom cartoon is the best thing about modern sonic. its funny, it has good characterization, manages to be good even many episodes in, doesn't take itself seriously and the redesigns work very well.

>analyzing a person's posts enough to be able to recognize them on an anonymous imageboard
>calling someone autistic

Its not hard when you post thirty sonic threads a day

Even the mods have given up on you


Shadow=Sonic Adventure 2>Sonic Adventure>Sonic Riders>Black Knight>Secret Rings>Battle>Rush>Rush Adventure>Zero Gravity>Unleashed>Genesis Games (S&K>3>1>2)>Colors>(EVERYTHING BELOW THIS MARK IS SHIT)>06>Chronicles>Generations>Free Riders>Lost World>Boom games(all equally shit)

Never played the Advance games, Rivals or Fighters, so I can't rank them

But I'm not him, you dip.

>Seriously thinking All Stars Racing is remotely good
>Seriously thinking that CD (at very least) isn't good
Shit taste


OP here

Are there any Sonic games that switch from side-scrolling view to third-person forward-facing view like Sonic Generations does? Did Sonic Adventure 2 do that?

Never reply to me or my ratings of the Sonic the Hedgehog series ever again

Only Colors and Unleashed do that, the rest is fully 3D.

You clearly have not played All Star Racing.

All-Stars Racing is GOAT

Mario Kart Series>Crash Team Racing>Didn't Kong Racing>Hydrothunder>Crash Tag Team Racing>Nitro Kart>Every arcade Kart racer>Sonic All-Stars Racing

It must be really unfortunate to be this wrong, my nigga

All-Stars is that game that your grandmother buys you when you ask for Mario Kart and you have to act nice and accept it even though it's a terrible game

All-Stars racing isn't bad, but it's not amazing either. I still prefer Mario Kart and Diddy Kong Racing.

>Mario Kart series
>literally the plebiest mascot racer
>better than CTR, DKR and SASR

Have fun with your casual blue-shell-to-win shit while I play racing games that require actual skill to be beaten.

>blue-shell-to-win shit while I play racing games that require actual skill to be beaten.
>He doesn't play 200cc No Items tournaments online while playing that Eurobeat Mix for Nocturnal Tofu Delivery
Sounds like you need to git gud, scrub

What? Why do you have Shadow's game over literally every other game? I do like to play it, but over both Adventures and the Genesis games?

The Genesis games are pretty trash m8. And Shadow is equal to Adventure 2, and only above Adventure because it lacked polish.

At least make your bait less obvious.