Game has a mandatory monkey king

>game has a mandatory monkey king


It's an easy way to represent Eastern design and mythologies in any game. Why do all games have old dudes with big hats and long beards for wizards? It's just stuff you can easily shit out because the ideas are implemented in what the character can do, not what they look like.

Chinese market is very important

Sun Wukong game when?

Journey to the West game when

and i thought the jews were the problem

Ninja Theory tried that. It was mediocre.

Because it's an easy theme for "fighter who uses deception"

All of Wukong's spells have some bullshit illusion attached

>All of Wukong's spells have some bullshit illusion attached
Only two of his spell do you dummy. His W and E. His Q and R are just him using his staff with wu-ju.


Right i'm retarded

>OP watches LoL tubers
At least he likes good music you're still a faggot though

What are you talking about ?

dota's wukong is better.

even if I find lol monkey more fun

lol monkey isn't much fun to play against

Why is Wukong the only one getting these attention, why can't all the other guys join the fun


It's not just Monkey King, there's also Medusa in every game.

That's because they haven't changed him literally in years.

Which is what I like. I don't find the flashy styles of other champs.

Also darius and riven are way more boring.

Normies love monkeys. Also they love using mythology as character concepts (see: almost every character from shurima)

hurrr i wonder why

We want the LoL audience

>HotS Monkey King skin
We want the LoL audience's money

Ugly transwoman
I guess if you're into monster shit
Sexy snek
Looks like fanart

Dota > Smite >> HoN >>>>> LoL

lol's "medusa" isnt like medusa
shes like cursed and turned into a lamia unless they rebooted her no-one-gives-a-shit lore

I don't know, maybe it's cuz I never played him and don't really know how to play around him
But everytime I lane against him it's just kinda going back and forth until he suddenly one shots me and snowballs or just falls off

there is one called enslaved:odyssey to the west its pretty retarded since sun himself is just represented as a strange odd proportioned human. The story and combat is there though

> An extending staff is not deceptive

>snake lady that turns other people into stone
>"she's not medusa because this one gives her a different name"

It's Medusa.

there's a dick joke to be made of this, but it's like 4 AM over here and I'm too tried for that.

Because it is an easy way to make money from the chinese.

>lehungryXD sunwukong in Soulcalibur 5
Not amused.

Gorgons in general turn people to stone, not just Medusa.

>he thinks literally dunking on people is boring

I'm pretty sure he was talking about palying AGAINST them
Riven is fucking boring but Darius is kinda fun if you know his ranges

Yeah, but you'd have to be pretty ignorant to claim that she isn't based off of Medusa from DotA Allstars.

You do realize that Medusa from DotA allstars was based off Medusa from greek mythology, right?

>Ugly transwoman
Smite's Medusa is wearing a mask, she's a snek underneath