>Let's Get Started - 500 FM

>You've already done this by logging in. Simply click "Claim Your Prize" (be sure to click this after you've met the criteria for each of the Quests) and you'll score 500 FM.

>Tell Your Friends! - 500 FM

>To the left of the "Quests" tab you'll see buttons to share the stream on Facebook. Share it and you'll unlock this reward.

>Spread the Word! - 500 FM

>You'll need to click the "Social" tab and retweet three of Capcom Fighters' tweets about Final Round 20.

>Stream Monster Champion - 1,500 FM

Wew lad. I tought only desperate indies would ask you for word of the mouth but even then they didn't really bribed.

They should have just revived one of their other fighting IPs instead. The whole comeback factor alone would have generated interest alas SF4 and MvC3, rather than "Oh, it's another Street Fighter. And a really crappy, unfinished one."

>Street Fighter V
People still play this shit?

Doesn't steam also bribe people to look at games every year.

Also 3000 FM is nearly nothing.

Id say its just smart marketing by gamification.

Its the only "Shit" people play.

All other fighters are on life support or dead.

i feel sorry for you capcomfags, the game could have been so much better but modern capcom has chosen its philosophy to make things easier, not more funner, thinking people want games that are "easier", and they continue down that path even further and wonder why they're alienating the fans

when you try to please everybody, you please nobody

who /xian/ here

Xian is the only player who can make this train wreck of a game look entertaining and he's playing literally the only half fun to watch character. Dude inspired me in 4 and god help him he's trying in this.

I want grand finals to be xian vs nuckledu

>only for PS4 the players!

i want du to win

FR XVIII USF4 finals in 2015 peaked at about twice as many viewers as FR XX has right now. And that didn't require any DLCbux.

Capcom should pay Xian for always making an effort to make this game not look boring as fuck.

I think they are pulling even scummier shit.
I noticed commentators say the word "neutral" a lot. After a bunch of frametraps "he's winning the neutral!"

Everybody complained that the game has no neutral, so they are trying to recoin the term. Instead of fixing their boring game.


and fuck this shit game

As sad as SFV is, it's still doing 100 times better than any other fighter that's not MK. Face it, SFV is the only thing keeping Japanese fighters alive.

Sup Forums really is just r/kappa without the usernames

>they do nothing but complain about SFV
>even in fighting game threads that aren't about SFV they bring up how much they hate SFV
>porn threads because there's nothing better to talk about

I stopped caring about sfv when season 2 dropped and made things more boring somehow. I thought kolin might've brought interest back for me but she's pretty boring to me also.

So far the only character's I find fun to watch are akuma, Alex, birdie and fang, and the only one of that bunch that gets that much use is akuma so I can't even find much entertainment in watching many matches usually. So I'll just bide my time and wait for a fun character or a whole new season if it survives that long.

>recoin the term
More like dipshits like you don't understand that neutral encompasses more than just hitting buttons midscreen away.

>that fraud nuckledu's coin finally landed on tails

Thank God

It'd have to be 50,000 for me to do that shit

Huh, everyone complains about it? It's almost as if it's actual garbage or something and they're sad the series they liked is dead...I guess you're right, we should just suck it up and play SFV huh?

I expect my cheque in the mail

This image never stops being relevant.

that's so true, it's the same way in politics, people don't want solutions, they want something to complain at about their miserable lives, and something to blame

Pretty sad that Capcom has to resort to this, it's clear the game is dying.

I must be missing something because this doesn't sound all that bad to me.

SFV is still shit though, make no mistake.

>complains about people complaining

not the guy you replied to, but neutral is over as soon as someone has the advantage like that. If what that guy is saying was true, then commentators are definitely shilling. Not like they aren't shilling already though.