You did pick Zoe right? She did nothing wrong.
Resident Evil 7
Right. Mia a shit, and fuck Capcom for making her the canon "choice".
>picking some ugly cunt who cut off your hand
Who WOULD pick Mia
mia is your wife
>Zoe tells you to use the serum on Jack
>is surprised that there's only one left
Why would I pick a retard?
How is she the canon choice?
Even if you choose Zoe, Mia just shows up at the ship.
Mia is the cause of everything that goes wrong in the game.
>probably cheated
>tried to kill Ethan
You're a cuck, user.
So? That doesn't make picking her canon.
>picking some random redneck slut over your wife who was being controlled and abused by a fungus
If you didn't pick Mia you're a bad person and should never marry.
What's the benefit of saving Zoe over Mia?
Alan is the one that fucked up though. And Mia didn't even send the video to Ethan, it was Evelyn.
Regardless, you don't know any backstory when you first make the decision though.
Not to mention that's basically her fault that the Bakers are dead.
There are none. They both die if you pick Zoe
Really, man? How did she get there? Why would she care to follow Ethan after he picked Zoe over her?
Good. Mia deserves to die. Zoe is the one who did nothing wrong.
Not feeling like a total beta.
Down to earth
Probably a virgin
Did nothing wrong
Worked for an evil company
Helped develop bioweapons
Got a ton of people killed
Probably cheated on you with that other guy
Tried to kill you several times
The choice should be obvious.
>save all my grenade launcher and magnum ammo waiting for an epic last boss fight
>the fight comes out of nowhere so I don't even have my big guns
>don't need them since I just put all of my machine gun ammo into her face and that's it
Good game, really kinda disappointing end.
Yeah, the final boss is utter shit.
Can you even die during it? It felt like it was just a cut scene mostly.
Just started over on Madhouse now hoping for some challenge. The Mia fight in the guest house is irrationally hard, if you miss more than 2 shots you won't have enough ammo to kill her.
I died once, because in VR, the scene when you have to pick up the Albert is displayed like a non-interactive cinematic, so I didn't know I had to press something to grab it. The final boss was just garbage all around.
I can see someone making that mistake. VR makes the game like 100 times better.
For sure. Makes me hype as fuck for more VR games. I honestly dreamed of a game like 7 in VR since the days of playing Director's Cut for the first time.
Boss fights in all the RE games are pretty lacklustre desu.
RE 4 comes CLOSE to some good ones but falls short.
In every other game its just shoot at it with your best weapon until it dies, and run away when it gets close.
I know they are, I just wanted a little more warning on it. I never even got to shoot the grenade launcher.
>trying to defend VII's shit final boss by shitting on the other games'
Fucking kill yourself.
Did I strike a nerve?
Go fuck yourself.
This is what always ruins RE threads. Some faggot who'll do anything to deny VII's flaws. Sorry to shatter your delusion, but VII has a terrible final boss - arguably the worst in the series.
And not a single person has argued otherwise. But that doesn't change the fact that the RE series is known for having mediocre to bad boss fights.
The good ending is always the canon one.
>zoefags taste so shit even based devs punished their faggotry
>mia is the correct, canon choice
>zoefags will NEVER get to have zoe
Feels damn good to be a miafag.
Such difficult choice.
>so that makes it okay
The boss fights aren't that bad. You're just trying to make VII's look better.
Please point out where I said that makes it ok. It's an observation not a judgement you jack ass.
>based devs punish their faggotry
OR maybe Capcom rushed the game, as they often do.
What AAA game has Shadbase not made into porn?
Zoe dies though
>when shadbase makes the girls look better
wtf i thought i would never see the day
Ghost Recon Wildlands, Watch_Dogs 1 and 2 (surprisingly), Alien: Isolation, The Evil Within, Silent Hill.
She still lied to you and likely cheated on you. Enjoy, cuck.
seriously thicc zoe too cute
>She still lied to you
"Hey honey, by the way, I got wrapped up in a secret organization that transports highly experimental and dangerous products of illegitimate science, by the way I was designated to become the caretaker of one such experiment, ciao"
Yeah that would work out nicely.
>and likely cheated on you
Not everything is a cuck fantasy you bizarre child.
>her dying is a result of the game being rushed
Nice denial zoefag.
>no proof that she did fuck him though
You're desperate.
I don't get why Zoe still dies when you use the serum. Wasn't that the whole point of the serum?
Apparently it didn't get it all out. So I guess she was infected for longer than Mia since it works on Mia. Really though it just feels like lame writing.
We don't know what happens to Lucas and Zoe if you pick Mia. The "rescue team" said they found no survivors, which means they didn't find Lucas or Zoe at all. I'm guessing their final canon fate is being saved for a future DLC.
>Watch_Dogs 1
There's a main girl character with tattoos and piercings.
No fucking way he never made porn of his literal fetish.
You made the D series, you need the E series to be completely cured. D series just rids you of any influences on your mind.
The game is 10/10 until the choice. After that it's a steady decline, ending on a 7/10 at best.
When an Umbrella rescue team says "we found no survivors" it means they killed them.
The fact that she did nothing wrong is the reason to pick Mia instead. Mia's virus makes her fucking crazy and she attacks you as an enemy in the game.
Zoe's virus seems to do absolutely fucking nothing to her and she's no danger to you. By picking Mia you're effectively killing one more enemy.
She shouldn't be dating anyone, esp. someone outside of Umbrella.
>muh proof
Jesus. You really are a beta.
The cure instructions never states it works on the e-series. The part it actually works on is worn away. It may only work on the d-series, and the whole thing is a joke.
My mistake. He did do one of her. I'm surprised it's not bestiality.
Post yfw you found out you couldn't save Jack-Sama instead.
bring it down
Seriously kill yourself. You faggots are embarrassing.
I dont get this shad meme. Almost all his work is really good better then all the trash you would ever find on /h/
Shut the fuck up Lucis
His artwork was hilariously bad until he went to art school.
Ever since about 2013 his art has gotten better and better though, the 2014-2016 run especially. I don't know how anyone could look at the Latina Alejandra comic and not think it's great hentai.
>Zoe having clean shaved armpits
Pretty sure a hillbilly girl like her would be hairy.
>Hillbilly girl having so much eyeshadow.
Zoefags are so desperate its pathetic
I don't think you understand what southern girls are like.
reminds me of hiro hamada for some reason
I don't think he understands what girls are like in general.
i bet you kiss girls faggot
They're jealous of his improvement.
Shame he shares his site with that cuck artist.
He's saying that picking Zoe leads to both her and Mia dying, so everyone saying she's the best choice is fucking retarded.
I chose Mia not because she was my wife, but because I fully expected Zoe to betray you at the end. I was so cynical the entire game.
But Mia deserves to die.
So Mia was taking care of this bioweapon girl for some company, is the name of it ever mentioned? And is Ethan even aware of what his wife does for a living? Cause its implied he assumed she was one some cruise babysitting from that intro recording. That whole part with Mia involved in this bioweapons development seems glossed over.
I hated that choice. Until you meet Zoe all she does is give you some instructions over then phone. When you meet her is still pretty much a "who?" The player should have gotten to spend more time with her in person, learn who she is, bond with then. Then the choice would be harder.
Capcom decided to screw over anyone who makes the rational decision. It's not retarded to tell your lying (cheater) cunt of a wife to fuck off.
>you only go there to rescue Mia
>Mia is infected and everything she does is not her fault
Mia is the best choice, but:
>Zoe healed your arm
>Zoe gave you important data
The game still won't accept your Zoe choice even if is is really helpful
But if you know the complete lore of RE7 and understand how Mia is involved in everything, you should probably commit suicide because you live in a fucked up world
She was either working for Umbrella (considering how they know where to show up at the end) or some unnamed company and Umbrella is the "competing company" mentioned in one of the memos.
Doesn't change the fact that picking Zoe leads to her death, while not picking her leaves it ambiguous. So if you really like her, you'd choose Mia, because it gives Zoe the best chance of survival. Unless you guys just hate Mia and don't care what happens to Zoe as long as Mia dies, but it doesn't sound like that.
>Unless you guys just hate Mia and don't care what happens to Zoe as long as Mia dies
Actually, it's that.
>And is Ethan even aware of what his wife does for a living?
People who work in that kind of secretive sectors certainly aren't telling their spouses. The autist screaming about lying and cheating has clearly never had anything under NDA/protective order in their own job.
Depends on if you knew what the result of the choosing Zoe would be.
Personally, I'd just inject myself. Fuck Mia.
Who's aunt Rhody?
Why didn't Mia put Ethan's arm stump inside her anus and fist her vagina with his severed left hand?
How come all the characters have such nice teeth?
True I remember in the demo the photo showed the Umbrella logo on the helicopter so it probably is related. It's just been pretty vague ingame. Not that I'm really complaining, it's nice to have a few things still mysterious.
Until retards start making dumbass theories, anyway. Even worse, when Capcom instigates them.
Yeah I don't mind not knowing everything. Like it's 16 years after the Racoon City incident but otherwise everything seems mostly normal. Or why Chris is working for Umbrella now.
Go play the game. Mia and Ethan surviving is the canon ending.
>that last sentence
There it is. Fucking retard.
Don't you have a thread to wank off about some 30 year old "games"? I'd tell you to calm your tism but I know that's a tall order.
>C-Chris is working for Umbrella
You're a moron.
It's already been confirmed that is Chris Redfield.
Until they explicitly state it in a game, nothing is confirmed. Capcom is just taking retards like you for a ride.
Same voice actor in all languages except English
Upcoming DLC says you play as Chris Redfield.
>Chris Redfield returns in Not A Hero!
MGS V did something similar. Nothing is confirmed until that DLC is out.
>Chris works for Umbrella now
>Umbrella is good
>Chris has a clone
>Chris is infected, like Jill was
I can't believe I share an appreciation for this series with you idiots. Oh wait, you fags probably haven't played any other RE game(s).
Every party needs a pooper that's why they invited you. Party Pooper!
Having been "fighting" "bioweapons" as long as he has, it isn't a longshot that he'd become "infected" as a consequence.
>Saved my ass
>it's all thanks to her the serum exists in the first place; she fucking made it
>Lied to me
>Got me into this shit in the first place
>Has the balls to expect me to betray the comrade that's saved me even though this is all her fucking fault
Yeah, I picked Zoe. Sure things didn't work out, but I'd make the same pick again. Both of them deserved to be saved, don't get me wrong. But it was all Zoe's plan while Mia didn't do jack shit. Of course Zoe gets priority.