GOOD superhero games

Is anyone excited for the ps4 exclusive spiderman game being made by insomniac? I loved rachet and clank and the recent batman arkham series was really good. They should only let proven developers make superhero games. They are the only ones worthy of making such masterpieces.

Capeshit was a mistake.

Faggiest genre ever.

new infamous never

Have you even played the batman games or hulk ultimate destruction?

I got to play a demo and it was fun. I guess that does fall in here. Should I have played the whole game?

Which Infamous?
I think all of the games are great, but haven't touched First Light.
1 and 2 are a lot better than Second Son though , which is a shame since Second Son was so promising.

I hate capeshit because it killed torture porn.

Also, 90% of superheroes are faggy.

Drop the name, retard.

Fucking newfag piece of shit.

Step in line or go back to you know where.


the entire series they have planned will only be on Sony platforms

>I hate capeshit because it killed torture porn.


playable venom never again

The flood of faggy capeshit movies killed torture porn. Superhero movies make a fuckton of cash.

People were losing interest, but capeshit dealt the killing blow.

Entire genre is uninspired garbage. It's the same gay shit every single time.

Why do we need to rewatch Spider-Fag's origin story ten thousand times? Why do people like that shit?

Torture porn may have shit acting, but horror movies are almost always fun.

Genuinely enjoyable.

Everyone loves watching teenagers get slaughtered.

>Has no cape

>Everyone loves watching teenagers get slaughtered.
Seeing how the genre died I guess they don't

I hope it's good but it won't even be coming out this year. Not a single gameplay video yet.

>Why do we need to rewatch Spider-Fag's origin story ten thousand times?

just two, user.

People nowdays love capekino. Deal with it.

Superheroes are great. Even bad games get better just by leting you play as your favorite superhero.

What superpowers have been unexplored in vidya that you'd like to see?

So when are we expecting this to be released?

>No mention of this game yet

Super hero games could be great, but in most cases they're utter shit, obviously made for children and teenagers primarily.

mite b cool