Hey guys,
Emulating some SOTN. What's the best emulator to use? Any graphical enhancements?
I have PSX v1.13 which I squirreled away ages ago.
Hey guys,
Emulating some SOTN. What's the best emulator to use? Any graphical enhancements?
I have PSX v1.13 which I squirreled away ages ago.
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Play it on your Vita.
only have a psp, and i want to play in my computer chair.
>Graphical enhancements
A CRT monitor running at 240p
basically are there any graphical enhancements other than making the sprites look like blobs of paint?
Making it look like you are playing on an old shit tv
Filters are fucking shit dude
That looks nothing like an old TV, user jr.
Also OP, holy shit, fix that aspect ratio at least.
PSP has the best version of SOTN, use the PSP emulator if you want to play in your computer.
shaders, they're all the same shit to me
I can make it worse
I only ever play on ePSXe, every other recommendation is just a meme if all you're interested in is playing games immediately.
Yeah yeah, what resolution to you run games at then?
I am not against fake scanlines but this looks nothing like an old TV.
you need to look up some better filters.
I seem to remember PSX 1.13 having a lot of issues with SotN. I always used ePSXe.
Just follow your dreams, OP
yet you use the one redditors love the most and the one underages can get first when they look for
Not him but I'm too lazy to use other emulators. What difference does it make if I used another one?
Never ask any faggot on here what emulator to use
They'll give you the most esoteric emulator because it makes them feel unique, function be damned
Just get what works and easiest to set up. I don't know why people put so much thought into it
I am seeing that. Stability is all I care about.
I'm not muddying my sprites.
buy the actual console or emulate it on PSP
sony built an emulator for PSX on PSP so they could release their own games through the online store, and a bunch of chucklefucks reverse engineered it to work with any game ISO. and its actually breddy gud
Or you could just play the version that comes with Dracula X Chronicles.
PS1 on PSP is fine but you can definitely do better on PC and android.
Also emulators are starting to push to fix the shifting models in PS1 games.
watch until the end, there is more than 1 level of improvement