You have to be insane to hire a lawyer like Phoenix Wright, he is a hack that barely knows how the legal system works
You have to be insane to hire a lawyer like Phoenix Wright, he is a hack that barely knows how the legal system works
>Only does whodunnit murder cases
>No embezzlement
>No larceny
>No assault
What a waste of the only courtroom themed series in videogames
No the games only focus on the murder cases, it's canon that they do all kinds of cases.
>Great opening statement, I find no use in continuing this trial.
>I see everything has been proven except this one last thing that is obvious to anyone, there's no need to prolong this case. GUILTY.
>you proved beyond any reasonable doubt that your client couldn't have committed the crime
>but because you didn't identify the person that did, the defendant is still guilty
He always gets it.... Wright.
But the legal system in PW just plain DOESN'T work. It's based on intimidation, lies, and the principle of guilty until someone else is proven guilty.
The fact that he has any wins at all under his belt is nothing short of a miracle.
he's kind of handsome desu
Go to bed Kristoph.
>No larceny
He's not such a bad guy. He takes in a lot of youth from a poor background under his wing.
I literally just finished the original ace attorney trilogy. You guys weren't meming, godot actually didn't do anything wrong. Couldn't he have pleaded self-defense? I don't get why he was arrested
He didn't know about things in the original trilogy that should be common knowledge to lawyers. How did he pass the bar exam?
The last case in the latest game actually has a lot of unique dialogue depending on where you fail it - of course theres not unique dialogue for every instance, but there are very well 3-4 maybe even more unique judge dialogues for it. So you really only see this in the earlier titles.
He has a robust chest too. I want him to hire me as a lawyer and spend some quality time with him.
And he still wins
which one will you take Sup Forums?
Don't quote me on this, but I heard from a friend of mine that motherfucking MAX GALACTICA is joining this circus near me in very soon! Name is Berry Big Circus. Fucking hyped
3-2 starts off as a grand larceny case and the first half of 6-5 is a civil case, between Apollo and Wright no less.
And that case was the shit, man.
Well to be fair, most of his clients are in some kind of situation where literally no one else will work for them. Also he's never lost a case, except for that one where he used forged evidence but he turned that around later by using more forged evidence.
so was nahyuta fucking ema or something?
Should i undub spirit of justice? I seriously cannot stand phoenix's new voice, his old one was already great. I get that they needed an actual voice actor instead of a random capcom employee, but they could've atleast tried to emulate that voice instead of making him sound like a huge faggot
>telling Lies
>on the internet
Just go to sleep if you have no proof user
>that barely knows how the legal system works
Well the system is so fucked how would anyone know how it works?
The only way to not be charged with murder is to prove that someone else did it, otherwise it doesnt matter if you prove you didnt do it.
>implying any of the prosecutors are straight
he lost when his client was actually guilty.
>the first half of 6-5 is a civil case, between Apollo and Wright no less.
This sounds spectacular.
Yes, Edgy's voice is even worse
Yeah, but his client actually plead guilty in that case. No one's going to hold that against Phoenix.
what the fuck you say about me you little bitch, i graduated top of my class you know
Anyone have a link to the archived threads for 1-5? Or the vod if not that?
why was she so flustered then whenever talking about him?
He's coming to my town but I'll be out of town on Christmas break. Nothing makes me angrier.
You look at this pretty-boy and tell me you wouldn't do him.
The best Ace Attorney threads will always be the ones reacting to the cases as if they were actually happening on the appropriate dates.
>he is a hack that barely knows how the legal system works
You may be right.... but the people who do hire him are desperate most of the time and nobody else would take the case. And yet Phoenix somehow almost always pulls a miracle win.
arent we close to the first one ins justice for all?
Where is my Jammin Ninja Hero?
Turner Grey is murdered on June 19, so it's a bit off for now.
see ya in thread next sunday then, love you all attorney-kuns
I think the closest is in June. Save the date.
he's not even Indian
>Sup Forums 9 years later
>2026, April 20th
>">Apollo Justice about to get Phoenix Wright convicted like the evidence forging scum he is
>is he /ourguy/?
>thinking the legal system in phoenix wright is anywhere close to any actual legal system
>thinking there are any rules to this fictional system
You were hotter as a teenager
>Be 30 years old in 2026
I just noticed that I'm older than Apollo. I feel old now.
Because he admitted he didnt do it to save Maya, he just did it to get revenge on Dahlia, and didnt care if it was Pearl or Misty
Reminder that Simon is the only "villain" who did nothing wrong.
>kills someone and causes 2 murders
>causes 2 murders
No proof.
>kills someone
Purely self-defense. Nice try.
Smashing someone with a balloon is not self defense user
There was clear evidence that he was shooting at the balloon. Simon did it to save his life.
He can asspull like no other so... yeah. I would easily hire him in a heartbeat
Not to mention he always makes a fool outta Edgeworth, Von Karma, and other prosecutor willing to face him
The Dream Defense team is really: Wright, Apollo, and random
Honorable mention to Payne Train
Who here Greg?
He's the one with the most justifiable reasons to murder, and the people he was trying to take down were spades worst than him. What he did was still seriously illegal, but it's better than the shit Blaise or Gustiva did.
also he was cute
Second the request.
Because i missed the end ones :^(
He is, actually.
It really is sad what happened to Simon, how his life was twisted so badly because of Dover's pettiness and Dane's selfishness. Hell, their bullshit ruined alot of people's lives and set things up for even more horrible events to happen.
Is there a single event that impacts the series more than the IS-7 Incident?
I haven't played Dual Destinies yet but how does he go from Badass daddy in Apollo Justice back to his normal self?
like always. he starts off as an incompetent hack for no reason
Technically the SS-5 incident
He's the same as AJ really, but when you see his inner monologue, he appears dumb. He always fakes the smarmy confidence while freaking out on the inside.
Besides killing two people for basically no reason, Gant was basically in the right.
But he's a protagonist so it'll always be alright
Always hire a protagonist, they never fail
True, but the case wouldn't had been as impactful had it not been for Simon's being there, which wouldn't had happened if not for IS-7.
it really was, 6 gets shit on a lot but it had some good cases
6-4 was terrible though
The true villian of the AA series, Isaac "Betray you in the finals" Dover
That never happened while you were playing as him in AJ though.
Well yea, but his overconfidence inside was what screwed him over
Here's a brief list of cases where the villains did less wrong than Simon:
1-4 (yogi)
3-5 (Killer + Iris)
By that logic Kristoph did nothing wrong since you literally can't prove he killed the guy in 4-4.
>wanted to frame an innocent man and kill an child because she had a childlike understanding of death
>ends up killing the person that took him and his brother off the streets and gave them food and a roof under his house.
>nothing wrong.
Wut? 6-5a's murderer killed a man to further his political influence, that's pretty wrong
>after killing the man who brought him in he still decided to avoid guilt for as long as he could and still frame his innocent target
also this.
He is not a crook!
Dont forget:
>then attempts to frame the same girl he tried to murder, who was the victim's daughter
Good literally did nothing wrong. If anything it was just a self defense. I don't understand why Phoenix want him to be captured.
Why does Shelly De killer help Phoenix co? I meant he is a fucking killer. Why the fuck he want to help some attorney?
>Person really is the killer
>The killed them in self defense
>Still gets convicted and sent to prison
Why though?
That is how Inquisition court works. In Japan Attorneys rarely prove their clients innocent. Most of their clients admit to guilt. That is why Japan's incarnation by admitting to guilt is the highest in the world. Investigators force you to admit and will do anything to do it.
Fucking phoneposter. Did Wright really want Godot to be sentenced? I don't really remember. If it is, then fuck Wright.
It was alright.
Blackquill is the best and the witness are pretty fun.
You forgot 6-2
Shelly only interacts with Phoenix once.
He was following orders from his contractor. When he learned said contractor broke his codes, he had no more reason to help him so he just let Maya go.
>tfw people brake De Killer's code every single time.
Why man.
The dude is just trying to be professional
by far one of the most original things done in the series, and it worked really well.
makes you wonder why they don't ever do other cases besides murder.
I would hire the hack with a 5 case winning streak then