really activate your almond, huh?
really activate your almond, huh?
>anywhere near as good as GTAV
I'm confused how that score is a bad thing. Then again I haven't been on v in like a week
Jim "Nintendo Fucked My Dad" Sterling went autistic and made the score go down.
And the userscore is made up of people who either haven't played the game or gave it a bad one because graphics.
One review literally ended with
>Gameplay: 9/10
>Story: 8/10
>Music: 8/10
>Graphics: 2/10
>Overall score was 3/10
>Mathematically it should have been a 7/10
>People think it's going to stay at 97
Those are just the paid reviews propping it up. Jim was just the beginning. Over the next week, critics who actually played the entire game will phone in. Including the bitter european tabloids that habitually rate things 2-4 points lower just out of habit.
I'd predict a 91-93 final metascore. However, because the game does have legit flaws, it may even end up tied with Horizon.
>not paid by sony
ok now look at the 4 mixed reviews for horizon and see how they all gave zelda perfect 100s.
>Story: 8/10
That's rich.
Why the fuck is this game getting praise? It's now the weakest mainline game in the whole series and I find that to be a feat after SS.
Well BoTW is a 7 while GTA V is an 8.
GTA V is also dragged down by how they implemented their online, too, so its important to keep that in mind when evaluating how much better GTA V is.
Now that GTAV and BOTW have the same score, it's incredibly easy to see that BOTW doesn't deserve all the praise it got.
I thought it was just fanboys being fanboys but there is no way on earth that comparing these two games would have BOTW be actually better or even anywhere near comparable to GTAV.
Alright. I believe now, Sup Forums. I see the justification in accusing Nintendo of paid reviews.
89 would probably be a better and more realistic score for BOTW if we do a comparison like this.
What's the deal about Jim and Nintendo, anyway? What happened to Jim hate nintendo so much?
He's a fat trash mammal. It's not hard to see, he always goes against the grain just to draw attention.
>all the norms like bot dubya
>he says he hates it and gets attention
>Mathematically it should have been a 7/10
God that's retarded, the overall score shouldn't be an average of all scores.
Just because Final Doom deserves at most a 2 on its story doesn't mean its overall score should weight that score in as heavily as the gameplay/soundtrack ones. A game that has absolutely no focus on story/music can still be a 10/10 if it excels at doing what it set out to do.
Multiple reasons, but he recently put up a video explaining that Nintendo likes to hijack his ad-free videos of Nintendo games to monetize for themselves.
How did GTA5 score that highly when it has shit gunplay and a garbage soundtrack?
If I was a Nintensh-itter right now, and saw that image, I'd probably kill myself desu.
>shill HARD for the 98 score
>someone FINALLY posts a realistic score and it drags the overall score down
its like magic...
Bitch what are you talking about? One of these guys is complaining that GTA IV isn't that good
Another is complaining about scoring systems being an average
Same way Zelda got it. Paid reviewers off.
No bias here user :^)
your clearly new here
>lurk moar, post less
GTA truly is goat
Because it's a good fucking game, you swine. Maybe you didn't realize it because of how rare they are these days.
>falling for the bait reply to bait
You are the the new one here Reddit
GTA V is shit.
Clearly it is the best game ever made, considering it has the same score as BotW, which Nintendo fans had declared the best game ever made - until its score dropped and its user reviews couldnt compete.
Remember that I didn't declare V the best game ever made, Nintendo fans did. And they didn't even get to play it on their Speak-And-Spell consoles.
>criticize Horizon for story elements and gameplay elements and finnicky differences between 1080p and 4k
>praise Breath for having no story or gameplay and don't mention the 5 foot range of bilinear texture filtering at 720p and it's inconsistent stuttering framerate.
>30~50pts. of rating difference on top of that
>someone legit gave Horizon a 5/10, then 1 week later gave BotW a 10/10
what form of brain damage is this
It's 7 too m8
>a better game getting a better score
What's the problem?
>He's a fat trash mammal
But they're Nintendo's primary audience
>no gameplay
what ps4 game has gameplay if breath doesn't?
Gameplay in BotW is almost entirely optional save for fighting ganonblights and ganon.
and since that is the first thing the game tasks you to do after an hour of playing, not too much of a stretch to either try or work towards trying, skipping 80% of the game's ad-infinitum (and infinitely unrewarding) 900 korok discoveries and shrine completion.
BotW is the definition of a linear game with the illusion of choice as opposed to what it's praised as being "an open world game where you have your own unique adventure".
"Exploring" is basically the only thing you can truly do in the overworld, as that is also the only thing that leads to combat byproxy. To compare Hyrule to Horizon's world, graphics benefit - and Horizon clearly has much better graphics. They're both static worlds that can't be altered, destroyed or built upon, so they truly stand on their own solely as visual flair, and of course it's only fair to judge and compare the quality of that visual flair.
The combat and gameplay isn't too different between the two games either aside from climbing and gliding in BotW, neither of which are excessively fun or quick or don't constantly antagonize the player with stamina management.
Which makes judging these two games so monstrously differently pure grade-a fetal alchol syndrome. One is shit be because it's not Nintendo, the other is great because it is, and no deeper or more meaningful insight than that.
Vice City and San Andreas aren't numbered entries because they are essentially expansions of 3.
Every numbered entry has a fairly different engine.
Pretty sure Ive seen more low quality baits over the score than actual salt.
Also if you think those scores are the same you are retarded.
>same score as NFL 2K1
Really hikes my balls
Well for starters. One is a Nintendo game. People are overly generous of Nintendo
according to metacritic BotW is better than
>Silent Hill 2
>Half Life 2
>Baldur's Gate 2
>Red Dead Redemption
>The Last of Us
>Devil May Cry
>Chrono Cross
>Super Mario Bros 3
>Witcher 3
>Persona 4
it's a condition where a person is able to clearly decipher a shit game from a good game
How many times do you think that fat fuck has jerked off today knowing that he deliberately sabotaged the game's rating just because that's his meme?
They're both shit. Last good GTA was San Andreas, last good 3D Zelda was Majora's Mask. They both automatically get good scores based on their names alone.
>Half Life 2
>The Last of Us
>Witcher 3
>Persona 4
I'd say it's better than these games desu.
I don't get why he's even considered a real journalist.
I don't say that in a vindictive way, I don't give a shit about Zelda.
But why is he accepted anything but an amateur critic?
His production value, writing and opinions are no better than any other nameless reviewer on youtube.
He seems like the kind of person that just happened to coast off an early recognition in the emerging e-celeb market without actually validating himself as a professional.
And everyone just kind of accepts it, like how people just kind of accept Felicia Day as a voice actor even though she just got enough cameos to list on imdb rather than becoming professional.
He's not paid by Sony, he's just a contrarian retard. Nobody will remember Horizon 6 months from now.
No jim is a cuck boy femi dummy, so horizon gets good score, cause my brave new frontier of retardation
Fun fact - he doesn't consider himself a journalist and he mocks the therm "games journalism" in every jimquisition video
what a cool guy
that fat fuck isn't a journalist. Hes a curator who writes opinionated shit with heavy bias.
A real journalist tries to be as neutral as possible while having a streamlined overall score for every game they play. God damn I hate modern video game reviewers.
Man, prepping the bull looks a lot more complex than I thought.
Tell me sonyfriends, how much does it hurt to never be able to play some of the best games out there? Mario and Xenoblade are this year too, won't that be a fun time? I cannot wait for the petitions for Bayonetta 3 on other systems.
Honestly, there are a lot of outlets that shouldn't be counted. There are a fuckton of literally who outlets whose score shouldn't hold any weight at all. Or Metacritic should do like Rotten Tomatoes where you have the fake score, and then the real "top critics" score that actually matters. It's not just this cuck that should be removed, all of the very obviously biased sites should be culled. Like anything with the word Nintendo in their site name shouldn't be allowed to count.
>tfw you put on your plague mask to shield your eyes when you're in the splash zone but the cum dripping down ruins the leather and you have to commission another one
>A real journalist tries to be as neutral as possible while having a streamlined overall score for every game they play. God damn I hate modern video game reviewers.
As opposite to old timers of video game reviews? Are you retarded? All this shit always was a glorified advertisements, that's it.
This is probably the single greatest insult to any gamer's sensibilities.
Truly, fuck Nintendo for whatever underhanded shady shit they did for these 10's. If BOTW is supposed to be better than these games, then we might as well just pretend no other game ever existed and it's the first video game ever made.
What a goddamn insult to everyone.
Much like Seven Pesos Pablo, he's salty as fuck for the fact that he cannot monetize videos that include Nintendo stuff, to a point that it became so personal he had to devise an overcomplicated system to have multiple claims at the same time just to spite Nintendo.
And all of this without counting the fact that, unlike Seven Dineros David, Jim has a fucking Patreon with a fuckton of money flushing down his throat. And now due to the whole Digital Homicide thing he probably thinks he's a god.
If that isn't pure diluted autism, i don't know what it is.
He looks like the kind of guy who would film himself masturbating on anime figures.
>Baldur's Gate 2
>Red Dead Redemption
>The Last of Us
>Devil May Cry
>Chrono Cross
>Witcher 3
Its objectively better than these games too.
>pure diluted
It's not BotW's fault for receiving such high scores, it's the modern industry's fault for powercreeping what an average game score should be.
Many games you consider essential classics are only 70-80 in metascore because that was more normal at the time.
But now that's considered bad, if Zelda BotW got the same metascore as Silent Hill 2 or Baldur's Gate there would be public outrage.
I agree but it's not like GTA is any different, I mean yeah they're really good games but I don't think they overthrow the games listed by . Just the average controls/mechanics should mean the game isn't worth a 97. I don't know why the industry has such a hard-on for Nintendo and Rockstar.
t. never played either game
Pure autism diluted in even more pure autism.
Some of those are definitely debatable, but putting garbage like Uncharted, TLOU, Chrono Chross, VtM:B ruins the post. And by Doom, I assume you mean real Doom and not NuDoom.
He don't monetise his videos. Patreon bux fully supports him
Zelda is objectively much better but Horizon sure does look pretty.
I actually don't like Uncharted or TLoU but I saw them there and I thought I'd list them to be fair to sonyfags, I also listed Halo for the xboxfags.
Well, it IS better than more than 3/4th the games there, so it's not that bad.
This is what you get when most of your game is outsourced. You get a lot of modelling texturing work done for a fraction of the price, but it's sloppy as hell.
Are Metacritic score war threads the only way to get a bajillion replies to your thread?
>he's salty as fuck for the fact that he cannot monetize videos that include Nintendo stuff
He didn't even monetize them to begin with dumbass
>a week later and people are still spamming BotW userscore
Are people not tired yet?
>that fat fuck isn't a journalist. Hes a curator who writes opinionated shit with heavy bias.
Yes, he's very open about that.
>A real journalist tries to be as neutral as possible while having a streamlined overall score for every game they play. God damn I hate modern video game reviewers.
He's not trying to be a "Real Journalist."
The dude is a smug retard who likes to whine all day on twitter about how Trump is Hitler, but let's not pretend the fucker is trying to make himself into something he isn't.
Pick real reasons to get upset with him like an intelligent person rather than just regurgitating what you hear other people say.
horizon 6/10
zelda 7/10
gtaV 7.5/10
just my shitty opinion
In that case he's double a moron for launching himself in this crusade against Nintendo. He could have just told his viewers to use AdBlock and the results would have been the same.
>nintenbabies will defend this
>video games
>anything more than 2/10
Yep, same shit happened with Nioh. Game got dragged down from 95 to 88. So now score no longer matters.
funny, there is none
The new Zelda isn't even that good, divine beasts were shit, shrines were shit, no dungeons, shitty story with barely any exposition. Easy as fuck bosses. That's just a few of the things. There are realistically a lot of flaws. inb4 Nintenbros yes, I know the engine and combat is great, but that doesn't make the game
>big company is abusing youtube rules and bullying various content makers
>j-just youse ad-block! Jim Sterling is totally and idiot!
I envy your simple mind
And people try to pretend that gaming hasn't gotten worse over the years.
If BotW was released 15 years ago it would have gotten a 70-80 metacritic.
Playing botw is like playing old mmo wit no people in it.
Is that why Morrowind has a 89 metacritic?
IOW, a nintendong's wet dream.
I like GTA IV more than V, but I must admit that V is on a technical standpoint a masterpiece, especially on the last gen. A Game with that much NPCs and that big with that graphics (except the PS1 textures in a few areas, but IV and every other Open World Game had the same problems) runs on a PS3 with almost no problems? Fucking hell, Rockstar Games are wizards!
you underestimate the general level of autism/depression that fuels the retardation of this website
This. Reviews only really mean anything compared to other reviews from contemporary games and sources -that is, if video game reviews meant anything at all ever because they have always been basically a shit easy backpage source of free content for media outlets that tends to placate readers and sponsors alike
At 5 in the morning it is.
GTAV wasn't that good, some great tech wasted on a main story made by people who don't even seem to like games all that much.
BotW is way better than GTAV
Hyper and tech, the core gameplay was rather weak but it still made a great first impression.
nigga that means V is just a VI mod so why the fuck are they numbered
same fucking euphoria engine with upgrades
just like gta3's engine with bloom and shit on san andreas
They likely wanted to move away from IV since it got a large backslash, V brings more hyper than GTA Los Santo's.
AHAHAHAHAHA no. BoTW don't even have MP.
Pick one.
Sometimes the best solution to a problem is the easiest one.
The whole Fair Use fairy tale is just a legal loophole that youtubers are taking advantage of and some companies are allowing to get extra publicity.
Nintendo simply doesn't need it because it already has a fuckton of money and stubborn pride, so it makes sense for them to be so resilient about the claims. They may appear as the bad guys, but they're just honest with what they do, unlike companies like Capcom or Ubisoft who desperately needs more income and they realized Youtuber publicity can bring more moola to them.
But let's apply the Fair Use logic: if Jim, Angry Joe and all other people victims of Nintendo claims are in the right, why none of them even tried to contest any of the claims to a point of draggin the companies to court? I mean, if those are committing abuses, a legal action should be completely justified and a guaranteed victory, no?
And i don't mean smaller youtubers who obviously cannot afford a lawyer, i mean the big calibers themselves. Jim just managed to BTFO Digital Homicide through legal action, what's stopping him from proving he's right to Nintendo?