To be honest this runs like shit at this moment and it's probably gonna take months for it to be playable at 30FPS on a high end CPU. There's also bad stuttering even on other games and it doesn't seems like it's gonna get fixed. I don't get why everybody is so hyped about this, might just buy it on a real WiiU or Switch and play with no problems, emulated version will always be too unstable and it's gonna break the immersion.
To be honest this runs like shit at this moment and it's probably gonna take months for it to be playable at 30FPS on a...
I'm more concerned about how in a physics heavy game, the Cemu devs are completely overlooking how fucked the physics engine is
Its shitposting ammo.
>I don't get why everybody is so hyped about this
Because Sup Forums is poor and bitter.Everyone deep down knows this isn't going anywhere good fast.
Everything about botw is.
The ironic part is that the switch has substantial slowdowns itself. Frankly it's pathetic.
Yeah its been nonstop since the game released, I think the last one is the score being 97 instead of 98 now.
So were WWHD's physics, it takes some time to get things right.
WW ran at 15 FPS a few months ago and had half the effects missing, now it's a solid 30 with no drops and is indistinguishable from the real thing.
It's less pathetic when you consider that the game wasn't made for the Switch.
If it was made for the Switch and its architecture in the first place, it would run a lot better
>indistinguishable from the real thing
I'll try and report back. Only thing I've tried on the emulator that REALLY worked was captain toad lol
and it's probably gonna take months
LOL! Try a couple a weeks to a month at most.
Twilight princess had this same problem
Try not to be too disappointed in a month okay, user. I know it's gonna be tough for you
Go on the CEMU irc chat once in a while, bud.
the fact that it's a fucking wii u port makes it even more pathetic tbqh
Id rather not if I'm being perfectly honest with you
Playing a 10/10 system seller game at a 4K resolution Switch buyers can only dream of is great.
Even if Nintendo ever releases a Switch 2, Switch Pro or whatever, Nintenbros will only be able to play Zelda at 1080p.
>cpu is i5-4570
>60fps in MK8
>15ish in botw
I'm praying for at least 30fps after updates, but I'm not holding my breath.
don't forget this game is huge if this as a game breaking glitch later in the game you're fucked.
Sup Forums is always wrong whats new
I was playing Wind Waker on Dolphin like 3 years ago, after like 15 hours the game save got corrupted and I had to start from the begging again. Emulation in general is a huge meme.
I don't get this 4K meme. I'd rather play a game in 720p today than in 4K 5 years from now when it's playable. Huge games like BotW are a pain in the ass to emulate.
Just like the console releases eh? Damage control incoming.
Some things can be broken but AFAIK you don't have to follow some linear story quest path to beat the game so even if one part of it is broken, you can just circumvent it and go along your way. Now if it is a mechanic heavily tied into a lot of different things, that is another matter.
>Huge games like BotW
>not save stating
Leave you retard
It's bait.
Dolphin devs themselves recommend not to use save staves because they are unstable you retard!!
>runs like shit
so what you're saying is CEMU is a 100% accurate emulator :^) ?
I meant the world, retard
I have a beast PC and I'm troughly disappointed by CEMU's problems, Sup Forums lied to me again
>it's probably gonna take months for it be playable at 30fps on a high end CPU
I thought you guys said BotW has high replay value. So people should still be playing this years from now. By then we will have higher res, stable FPS emulated version. So time isn't really a problem for a game with high replay value such as BotW.
Shut the fuck up, worthless nintenshill.
They just got the game running a few days ago