How long is the 'introduction' to Persona 5? From booting up the game to getting into your first dungeon?
How long is the 'introduction' to Persona 5? From booting up the game to getting into your first dungeon?
Go on youtube and find out yourself
I'm trying to avoid spoilers. At risk of making a blog post, my dad and I really bonded over 3, back in 2006. I was planning on going back home so we could play the first bit of 5 together, but I didn't know how much time I needed to block out.
3 minutes
If you mean real, storyline dungeon
About 1-2 hours or so I guess
For the actual first dungeon its like maybe an hour or less.
However there's a quick tutorial battle and dungeon navigation walkthrough in the first 5 minutes.
If you're expecting action from the Persona series, you are going to be very bored. One thing about Persona 4 Golden was that the gameplay was streamlined. The original P4 was boring plus frustrating.
Are you retard? Or just pretending to get you's?
I was told in another thread the beginning was similar in nature to P4's. So I would expect something like 2 hours. I have no clue.
You should probably leave the thread now btw.
Go back and play the original Persona 4 on the hardest difficulty. Strategy will not help you when even enemy vulnerabilities hit for next to nothing.
You start in a late game dungeon. Then there's story and after maybe an hour and a half you're in the first dungeon.
How did Atlus manage to make a persona game that's better than any smt game?
user, it's really not that hard. Just take away random battles and grim-dark stories.
>I was told in another thread the beginning was similar in nature to P4's. So I would expect something like 2 hours.
Its a little bit similar since you meet Sojiro first however you don't meet Futaba until much later and Ann is the first party member you actually talk to before the main bro character Ryuuji. The backstories are also much more tragic than in Persona 4 and some are as sinister as Persona 2 and 3.
However go in for the gameplay because its 10000x fucking better than shitty Persona 4 and having demons as enemies again actually makes things more enjoyable because shadows are fucking trash and I hope they never bring them back again.
Remember how this game was originally supposed to release winter 2014 in japan? good times?
>after maybe an hour and a half
It's far less than that. Sure, you don't get free reign in a dungeon until a bit later, but you're thrown into the dungeon on the second day - and that's just after meeting Sojiiro and the Principal of your school, which is like 30 minutes after the prologue.
I'm glad it was delayed, the game definitely needed the polish time and it paid off big.
never played a persona game and looking for something to play
should i start with 3 or 4 on ps2 or go back to psx era shit
just play p5
Play P4 in 4K on a emulator while you wait.
The stories are contained, only very small cameos are gonna be missed by not playing the old ones.
You'll finish it in a week if you don't go back to do optional bosses.
>finish P4
>in a week
You aren't employed, are you?
But they are still shadows