So, who won?
So, who won?
Enjoy your eternal ban
Oh whoops cant talk about that here
>you can be banned from Sup Forums if you espouse gamergate ideals
do you really need to ask who won the culture war?
who fucking cares
Sup Forums, We went to war remember?
this is still a thing...?
Reminder that GG helped lead to Trump
SJWs may have won the battle but they lost the war
GamerGate self-destructed, but poisoned the SJW with enough efficiency to kill them on long-term.
I'd say both and none.
Anthony, Anita, and the like
This. Faggots couldn't actually keep focused, and let everyone spin it into being about sexism and shit.
The stupid buzzwords invented are still used for shit posting today and Sup Forums is has an unpatchable edgy 20 year old leak
Now that the incident has passed, playing as the victim no longer works so the general media has started to make fun of Tumblr and CO as seen with the influx of "triggered" and "2 genders" memes
>So, who won?
I dont know who won but video games definitely lost.
we did
Just because the kind of people who never did anything for GG other than making it look like a conservative circlejerk went on to become cheerleaders for Trump doesn't mean that "GG lead to Trump". I don't want anything to do with that.
>who won?
My sides.
>Expose a huge scandal within the industry
>Said offender just uses it to gain pity and support
>"Game Journalists" get asshurt about it and start demeaning the people that supported them
>Further used for them to justify the shitty practices they continue to use
>People realize the hobby is growing stale when devs are forced to change their original idea to something "less problematic" or "offensive" and prove that the freedom to create things just isn't as free anymore
Nobody won.
Who do you think?
SJWs AKA Sup Forums AKA we
I think I would fuck the shit out of Ms Freeman
Everyone that made money from.
A lot of people actually.
>warning hair
Youre on your own with that one
>Christine(Christopher) lowe
Learn English you pedo lover.
Weird how all the small blue parts had 3 million more votes and represent 64 % of US GDP.
gg set a precedent.
what happened with gg on the internet is the exact same shit that happened with trump later
>massive media corruption and collusion
>people who call it out are shouted down and called names
watching the election after having watched #gg and see it unfold the exact same way was truly something
nobody cares about urbanite subhumans though
Think again.
We all would, user.
Isn't it strange how all the "big names" in the cluster fuck that was GG have largely disappeared from the limelight?
What's her face from
Those Sup Forums knock off forums that formed after GG was kick off of Sup Forums
It was as if they were parasites feeding off of each other, and died when people from both side stopped giving a fuck.
sjews started to lose power until trump's victory gave them enough butthurt power to double down their attempts to push their agendas and make gaming more welcoming to mentally ill white people and shitskins
>>massive media corruption and collusion
I've never seen any proof that the media was objectively harsher on Trump than on Clinton.
If you say a judge with the "wrong" parents can't be trustworthy, for example, you're going to get coverage because that is an anti-American statement.
I wasn't on Sup Forums when this was going on but it's clear who won.