>Pizza and Burger pickups heal you
Pizza and Burger pickups heal you
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>Says he was eating 5k+ calories a day
>Never releases food log
What did he mean by this?
Did anyone else watch this during class towards the end of the year when the teacher just said fuck it?
yeah i did
>eat junk food
>get fat
yeah, no idea what class it was but it can't have been that important if they made us watch this garbage
public school is a joke
>gorging yourself on mcdonalds well over any required daily nutrition makes you unhealthy
This guy was a cunt, my eyes were like a hamster wheel when I watched this shit; wasn't he vegan or something?
It's almost like that movie was made way back in a time where fastfood companies were advertising themselves as part of a daily, healthy diet and that people now are much more aware of the dangers of junk food.
What happened, did someone make a documentary or something?
Supersize Me was a documentary made by a vegan with a bunch of inaccurate facts about McDonalds food. He pretty much ate himself sick with McDonalds to prove that the food is gonna fuck you up if you eat it at all. McDs is still trash food but this particular documentary was straight up propaganda.
So you're telling me eating fatty processed burgers with greasy fries and a sugary soda every day isn't healthy?
Wrong Image, OP
Propaganda to get people to stop eating McD is propaganda I can get behind.
Why does his food log matter? If it totaled 4,999 calories are you gonna dock him points or something?
Fuck off burger king, you're better but don't be a cunt about it.
I mean people still eat it a lot, the documentary didn't make McDonalds any less convenient to get on the go. And it was portrayed McDonalds as food that will fuck you up no matter how you eat it, even if it's in moderation. It gives more fuel for the fire on the other side by portraying it so shadily if anything, there are so many people now that look at this documentary and scoff because of how it conducted itself.
I think I've sat through Remember the Titans no less than six times throughout by high school days. God bless incompetent subs and teachers who had their wills thoroughly broken to give a fuck about teaching anymore.
Would you diddle the riddle?
I thought it was kinda strange how he started becoming so unhealthy and fat.
I used to work at BK and McDs and the only food I got was what I ate for free at work.
Didn't get fat at all
Actually Mcdonalds sales have dropped alot over time. Not necessarily because of this documentary but it has dropped dramatically. Its one thing I give millenials credit for. They do eat healthier overall and make more efforts than past gens.
I had a teacher that was out for a week and every day we watched Forest Gump. No one remembered where we left off, so we always started at the fucking Vietnam scene. I can't watch that shit any more. Fuck you Lt. Dan.
The calorie count is far less egregious than the fact that his study wasn't able to be replicated in terms of results. There's some quotes in there that doctors supposedly gave him, at one point telling him he was literally going to die doing what he did or something along those lines, and yet when other studies were done with the same methodology, the results weren't anywhere near as bad as what he got.
Here's one source, there's plenty more pointing out exactly what I mentioned, as well as this movie this user posted which also proves this shit wrong. theguardian.com
McDonalds is still fucking disgusting though, I don't think there's a single thing on the menu other than hash browns that I've actually enjoyed.
>every science class sans chemistry
>watch Osmosis Jones at least once
Yea but you probably didn't get a big mac and large/super size fries and giant soda drink. I'm pretty sure workers get like a hamburger, small fries and drink.
>tfw every single history teacher you ever had let you watch forrest gump in class
I was a faggot weeb in high school and somehow convinced my 11th grade history teacher to show Grave of the Fireflies to the class. I could get away with it because anime hadn't reached it's media prime the way it has in the last 8 years.
also my favorite history teacher
had to sit through this movie in every grade starting at 6 or 7
Well then that's good, but even so you can see where I'm coming from right? Getting caught in a lie is pretty damaging to a cause, and there are much better documentaries and books about fast food now. There's one book in particular I've been recommended called Salt, Fat, and Sugar or something that sounds more enlightening about why fast food does what it does to people.
>I'm pretty sure workers get like a hamburger, small fries and drink.
I just kind of ate whatever the fuck I wanted without paying since my manager was cool with it.
Small town places
Our teachers had The Blind Side on replay constantly. I must have watched it four or five times throughout high school.
I did gain a newfound appreciation for Sandra Bullock, though. Dat milf.
Did anybody watch this in middle school? I thought it was pretty interesting up until the ending. I thought it was restarted but I still think there's something to the ending, although I can't for the life of me figure it out.
whoops wrong thread sorry m8s
Is Dota 2 the McDonalds of video games?
Even if he did, he still wouldn't have come anywhere close to experiencing anything like what Spurdock claimed
Yea definitely, I have a buddy that used to work for mcdonalds and would steal tons of food from them because of the shitty manager and he never got fat. Fucking jew manager only allowing a hamburger/cheeseburger.
>Eating burgers and pizza replenish your energy but don't heal you
Any games that do this right?
Not quite the same, but I like that soda dehydrates in hardcore mode in New Vegas.
>not eating full roasted turkeys you find from trash cans to refill your health
its like you WANT to get cancer
Spurlock's a douche but he just wants to see America stop being so fucking fat. He did nothing wrong.
>He did nothing wrong.
Lied a lot to manipulate people
I think BK should change their tagline to "Because you already had McDonald's 3 times this week."
BK; For people who aren't total fucking plebs who eat McDonalds.
If McD is inedible BK is eating burning tar
Arby's breakfast is the only correct fast food. Also their curly fries.
What are you talking about he did nothing wrong.
All he did was breed this false sense that americans want 'healthy' alternatives, which shitty places like mcdonalds and others started to do, while also hiking up the prices by 200% and removing supersized options all together.
All he did was create a mindset that allowed these shitty places to go from selling $0.50 burgers for $1 to selling $0.20 salads for $5, and with all the ranch and ceaser they slather that shit in the salads are worse then the supersized meals.
Meanwhile you have the average person who doesn't eat McDonalds breakfast lunch and dinner who is paying more for less.
>eating fast food at all
Degenerate fucks
> eating
>it ain't me starts playing
Somehow I once got this confused with Fly Away Home. I don't even know how.
>tfw I rewatched this 2 days ago
>tfw Spurlock's agenda is so apparent now I find him really unlikeable
>tfw still want McDonalds after watching it every time
My old school made us watch that 30 minute Kony 2012 documentary before.
>any meat at all
enjoy gyno and diabetes
>vegan health nuts will never know the feeling of eating a nice juicy tender steak
my brother nearly choked to death on a steak, so I'll ask him how that was
Oh yes I'm sure your brother will hold a grudge against meat because he didn't chew his food properly one time.
Is he 2 or mentally retarded?
You know your teeth are made to break down food before you swallow, or did you guys grow up on liquified food
you're encouraged to take big bites with meat, specifically burgers and steaks
it's also hard as fuck to break down
Literally a baby.
Which is why we have teeth specifically designed for piercing and tearing meat, right?
vegans live in a perpetual state of voluntary malnourishment. Their malformed brains will never know many things.
Postal 2 is pretty good yeah
imagine being so weak you cant chew a burger
you're the retard here user
ever seen a chimps teeth and a lions? make a comparison, one is made for eating fruit (chimps), one is made for properly piercing through flesh
you really think you could pierce through a bison? biology disagrees with you, I'd spend more time trying to prove you wrong but since your argument is so worthless it's a waste of time
Never underestimate the stupidity of americans
That diet is clearly for a /fit/ person who lifts. How do vegans get adequate protein without whey?
Why are vegan health nuts always fat and people who dont give s pretentious fuck about eating at mcd every now and then fit, well-adjusted people?
>Humans are herbivores meme
this movie had a good song
beans, lentils, oats, rice, nuts, soy milk, vegan protein powders
yeah science is such a meme
>using chimps as an example
>the one ape that is an omnivore like we are
>as in they deliberately eat meat to supplement their diet
Were you born stupid, or did your mom drop you on your head as a child?
They should. Until you eat enough/too many and then you they kill you. Either quickly or slowly, depending on consumption. They should heal a bit at first though as they do have something like nutrients in them.
Humans have been eating meat since the dawn of time. We don't need sharp teeth because we have tools. You're literally retarded.
>huhr duhrrrr duhhr duhhh huhr duhr I'm a retard!!!
Explain to us how chimps can't eat meat again, you stupid piece of shit. You might want to start off by attempting to explain that the dead chimp in this video is actually made out of fruit(?). That appears to be your only rational argument.
You've just bitten into some bullshit fad diet promoted by a fucking idiot where you didn't do any real research for yourself to discover that "frugivore" is a title reserved for any animal whose diet consists of only TWENTY FIVE PERCENT fruits.
He probably still eats steak, unless he's a pussy.
I didn't know we were playing Spot the Vegan.
Pic related is a frugivore skull.
Your graphic is 100% bullshit.
Hows the American school system treating you, kiddo?
Vegancucks are the worst. Stop forcing your meme diet.
Spot the Vegan is the easiest browser game in the world.
>tfw too intelligent to not be a vegan
not an argument.
you're flat out wrong but hey who gives a shit
>appeal to time and nature fallacy
sure because the longer something is done the more natural it is
>can't eat meat
I never said we can't
yes, that picture of a wolf's skull really proves everything listed in that picture wrong
Sup Forums really knows its science
I can't believe I'm replying to this b8, but what do you think the purpose of our canines are?
Not an argument.
paleo makes the most sense.
that's a frugivore wolf. Tell us how it lines up with the description of a frugivore in your bullshit image, fuckface.
Frugivore is just a subset of omnivore, you fucking piece of shit.
This was Many years ago when no one really gave a shit about what they were eating.
Then please, explain to me why chimps eat meat if meat isn't an optimal part of their diet.
Not only do they eat meat, they go out of their way to eat meat. Why is that?
nothing wrong with meat. as long as there are no added hormones.
>complains about gyno from fucking fish
>shovels down soy products like nobody's business
Really makes you think.
>they don't know humans don't need meat
I eat fuckload of meat but even I know that
Are you really that ignorant?
Why don't you assume you eat meat because you like the taste of it? You don't have to try and find a reason.
Chimpanzees hunt and eat smaller monkeys for those sweet gains, humans eating pigs is no different.
not gonna bother replying to arguments like 'we've been eating it forever' and 'muh chimp cannibalism'
to tear through elephant, hippo and bison flesh, obviously
look at how our teeth are so well suited for it
forget the fact that everything we observe in our own body suggests otherwise
Chickens are omnivores, let's see how this graphic stacks up. Does this graphic describe chickens?
>4 paws
>walk on 4s
>mouth opening: large
>acid saliva
no saliva
>acid urine
urine acidity is based on diet, not the other way around, you stupid fruitfucker
>Sweat glands in whole body
y'all are getting trolled hard tbrqhwyf
imagine posting facebooktier infographics and refusing to respond to arguments because you have none