So, how big will Xenoblade Chronicles 2's world be?
So, how big will Xenoblade Chronicles 2's world be?
How big will the score be?
This big
You see those waterfalls?
I think Xenoblade X's map is the sweetspot, hopefully it's roughly the same size
>Takahashi will never do anything ambitious ever again
>He's resigned himself to shonenshit because at least people bought Xenoblade for some reason not even he knows
redpill me on xenoblade, I never played it.
There's an entire open world on the tip of the giant's cock.
one of the best if not best jRPGs of the last few generations (both XC and XCX)
the xeno series itself one of the greatest jrpg franchises, with the only mediocre game being saga 2 due to publisher fuckery
go ahead and emulate them if you don't have the consoles, CEMU should be running XCX properly very soon
I tried running it on cemu but with the shaercache I downloaded was so big it took up all my ram (8gigs) before loading all the way...
I picked a switch since so I stopped messing with it.
>the xeno series itself one of the greatest jrpg franchises
This cannot be stated enough. It really is. It's one of top JRPG franchises.
can I go too them?
Monolith worked on BOTW right? If so I'm even more excited for what they improve for Xenoblade 2.
yes, I wouldn't expect the same level of world interactivity a BotW but the environment design will be better
Yeah they had a hand in the overworld stuff I think. Really excited for Blade 2, especially since the world looks to take place on giant sky beasts of sorts.
>60 booklets
>A 1/4 of the total score
Oh fuck. Regardless of how the game turns out I reckon we're gonna be blessed with some god-tier music.
I wouldn't mind some more interactivity with the world but I don't really know what they could add that'd make sense within the game.
I think animal interactions would work
I wouldn't mind essentially zero interaction like XC/XCX, not that kind of a game
This is the reason I'm buying XC 2
Gonna make my way through the first one once I can get through a bit of my backlog
>Gonna make my way through the first one once I can get through a bit of my backlog
Shit man get on that ASAP. When someone tells you it's one of the best JRPGs in recent times they're not memeing.
Hopefully a reasonable size. Xenoblade already had a 100+ hours of content, I don't see any need to fill 2 with extra fluff.
After BotW it's going to be hard to go back to a world without physics and climbing, but Xenoblade X was already fun with its high jumps and mechs. Xenoblade 2 doesn't seem to have the latter, but I hope there are fun ways to traverse the environment anyway. Heck, if the thing Rex has on his arm really is a grappling hook, it may have one over BotW.
Storywise, I'm sure it'll be at least decent. I know we won't get anything on Xenogears' level ever again, but I hope it's at least on par with Xenoblade.
>Remix of "you will know our names" kicks in
You can, but there isn't anything there.
So yes you can swim in that bit of water with 1 island to stand on.
there's a quest you do there
None of the shitty tropes that haunt jrpgs and anime in general.
Feels like an old school rpg adventure.
Not as big as your mom.
i hope theres a bro like Reyn in the game Shulk and Reyn banter was top tier.
this game had better be excellent after the giant pile of shit that was xcx
If this game is indeed going to be released this year then I expect it will be closer to Xenoblade Chronicles than X. So more of a story driven experience.
I doubt they would go under 60 hours for the main quest and the series has always had long games.