Speccy Thread
what should I upgrade
Speccy Thread
what should I upgrade
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i was about to post my speccy but then i saw your autistic background
fuck off
>not overclocked
literally why
>not liking yuru yuri
literally Sup Forums approved anime
beta virgin
no ssd?
do you even know anything about pc hardware or did your mommy just buy you an epensive computer?
fucking seriously? fuck this
r8 but no h8
2nd one. Everything seemed way too complicated so I just bought a pre-built one, guy said I didn't need an SSD but everyone I ask says I should get one
It's not much, but it's mine
Your background
>amd setup
when will this meme die
whoever that guy was, he's a fucking moron
>liking shitnatsu
fight me you weeaboo faggot
frame drops the rig
Who is that pink haired girl OP?
Post more
Bug in Speccy doubles the temp of APUs. But anyway, I've been enjoying Cemu lately. Captain Toad is cute. CUTE.
Overclocks don't show on speccy summary.
>not liking cute things
No, you fuck off
>Windows 10
Kill yourself fucking cancerous normalfaggot.
>Windows 10
Kill yourself fucking cancerous normalfaggot.
>Windows 10
Kill yourself fucking cancerous normalfaggot.
Noted. Anything else or is that the only thing I should change?
building a pc is not difficult and it's quite an accomplishment to have your own build, you fucked up
but you can still add an ssd, do it
also wtf is that mobo
rate plz
windows 10 is better you fuck, windows 7 is fucking cancer and slow. fuck off you shill faggot
>windows 7 is fucking cancer and slow.
For you maybe.
Enjoy not having directx updates beta boy
Rate my meme build
I'm in need of an SSD. I only intend to maybe install the OS on there. Any recommendations? Also, whats the easiest method to move the OS? Fresh install to the SSD and remove the OS from my HDD?
Get the fuck out of here Pajeet you subhuman filth.
>Windows 10
Kill yourself fucking cancerous normalfaggot.
You should upgrade from Sup Forums to Sup Forums
Hopefully there is a background with just her