This is it?! This is your reward for finding all the korok seeds? A literal piece of shit

This is it?! This is your reward for finding all the korok seeds? A literal piece of shit.


When will those senile fucks implement a trophy system? Seriously, this shit is just a waste of time, there's no fucking point.

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>Seriously, this shit is just a waste of time, there's no fucking point.

But so are trophies. And vidya. And every single thing you will do until you die.

>this is a waste of time
>please implement a different waste of time

Some self-awareness, please.

go to lost woods. give seeds to guy with maraccas. get extra inventory space.

though first you need to find him by the side of a mountain road in necluda, then again next to a stable in central hyrule.


Why not kill yourself instantly? You do not even really know how you exist, you're just living.

>you get worthless shit for collecting worthless shit
you are late OP
but i guess collecting 500 flags at every assasin creed was fun for you

>Nintendo should implement trophies!

Thats a pretty shit reward

trophies are cool cause you can compare with other people and it gives incentive into playing everything the game offers. It's not a bad thing at all.

For being autistic and collecting 900 seeds that are meant to just be a fun little diversion you get shit. That's great.

Trophies CAN be good if they're actually interesting and suggest playing the game in different ways
Trophies are boring as shit when they're just a checklist of beat every mission, get all the upgrades and beat the game on each difficulty

Still, unless you actually enjoy or like the game, going for all of the trophies even if they're interesting seems a bit dumb, there really are people who just play games to get all the trophies

>be PCbro
>cannt play the game but his shit cucklator can run other people save game
>use cheat engine and cheat 459 seed

this is why PCfats are cancer and killed Souls community.

>Nintendo literally shits on you for achievement grinding.


Do you ever get some sort of Korok indicator on the Sheikah Slate?

there aren't 900 of them because you need to collect 900 of them for a full experience

there are 900 of them so that wherever you are in the world you get rewarded for keeping your eyes open and noticing things that are out of place. AND THATS HOW YOU DO EXPLORATION.


I kind of figure the real reward was the increased inventory space.


Full expansion only costs 411 seeds.

Theres 900.

I think he already did that. Those are the extra ones, there's 900 total koroks


It's even worse than what you're saying.

You looked them up, so you didn't really even earn that pile of shit.

And oh yeah - Fuck you, idiot

>a golden turd
symbolic for the 5/10 game itself.

>someone out there will play the game completely blind and spend weeks trying to collect every seed only to be rewarded with literally shit

>The best part isn't collecting all the Korok seeds, it's showing everyone online that I did

Isn't it 441? Also, you don't even need to upgrade your shield slot.


how many weapon slots can you have at max?

This really stirred the soul cage.


yet you still pay for their shit

play stupid games win stupid prizes

cant you show the dance op?

How much does it sell for?

Friendly reminder that trophies are cancer that only allows people to engage in circle jerks with other faggots on the internet.

>Hey look guys, I read a guide and twiddled my fingers for 20 hours following it, please love me

Not him but I use achievements differently. I 100% a game to show that I really enjoyed it, if it's a game I care about.

People who don't bother to do the extra challenges in games they claim to love are casual fans to me.

That's the point, retard.
You don't even need the 900 seeds.

The gold turd is to reward your 100% autism.


>people forgetting the REAL reward
Once you get the golden turd, you can make Hetsu dance on command.

>literally being the 360 kid

That forest manchild dancing is the only thing that I skip

>"Why do any action (such as kill yourself) if all actions are meaningless?"

That makes no sense user.

That just means the game is designed for you not to find all the seeds, but to casually collect them until you reach maxium inventory. The higher number is a means for you not to explore the entire map, and not punish you for missing out on some.

>When will those senile fucks implement a trophy system?
You are what's wrong with modern gaming

dont you get upgrades? what does that actually do?

really? it's a piece of shit?

I figured the reward would be the ability to fly

A little over 400 of the seeds can be used for upgrading inventory space. The extras are there just so it's easier to reward exploration without requiring the player to hunt everywhere.

so then whats that poop or slime do?


If you have it, Hetsu will do the upgrade dance for you whenever you ask.
That's it.
It's a gag reward to poke fun at the people who bothered getting all 900 of the damn things when over half of them aren't eben useful.

But why have it link the collection of every seed to completion, rather than just amount the inventory is expanded?

because giving a shit about 100% is stupid as fuck 9 times out of 10

>trophy system

I came here to laugh at you

I like trophies / achievements but I only unlock them for my own entertainment, not so other people can see how "cool" I am or something

So is there a max inventory space for each type? Can I spend all of my seeds on weapon space and end up with no shield space?

You can spend about half the seeds before you're completely maxed out.

>he thinks people look AT HIS TROPHIES

>Sup Forums is vain as fuck and uses it as an argument

Who could have seen this coming!?!?!?

i remember back when i had a 360, me and one of my other friends who is a dirty peruvian. we somehow got into a race to see who got all the acheivements for ac revelations and final fantasy 13-2.

like he stayed up all night for one of the trophies in revelations because its timed, and i did too. then he messages me in the morning saying, i just got the laaast one i win fuck you. and i said nah i just got it (i got it like right after) and he said okay lets just say we did it at the same time.

>Seriously, this shit is just a waste of time, there's no fucking point.
The point was to upgrade your inventory space.

what is nintendo's obsession with shit?

400 is still far too many. could've just made a smaller map. oh, but I guess that would've made too much sense.

>accidentally pans over the completely unharmed switch at 3:55