Tfw starting an AVGN marathon

>tfw starting an AVGN marathon

How often do you do this? I probably do it 2-3 times a year.

get this eceleb garbage out of here

Atari 5200 is the best classic episode.

Probably once a year.

What a weird way to spell Spiderman and/or Silver Surfer

I have avgn playing on a non-stop loop on my TV
>going to sleep to James's voice
>waking up to his voice
I'm living the dream


Literally me


It's weird. I do the same too from time to time. I like his videos but I can fall asleep to them always

i think atari sports is one of my favorites. it is very underrated. i rarely laugh out loud but that football scene got me.

you are beautiful in every single way

I used to do this. There used to be a synctube channel that streamed his videos 24/7 before the original owners gave up on the site. It was max comfy

I actually found a copy of Action 52 the other day.

He was not kidding about the burnt plastic smell.

>does the angry video game stuff for a while
>drops it for internet ghost hunters
>drops that to try and come back to angry video games while admitting he's a hack


Now he is reviewing lego minecraft stuff.

I converted Season 1-4 from Youtube to mp3 and put them on my phone. I usually play them on repeat while I do idle chores, sleeping or skipping through the handful of episodes I don't like.

I've watched the episodes so many times that I remember most of it, and it's fun to watch the video and "remember" a detail I might've forgotten.


Litearlly Pewdiepie for Nintentoddlers.

last time i did it was like 2-3 years ago, so hopefully soon. i love this guy. i love castlevania episodes, produced so well, ive never really played any, but amount of nostalgia always makes me cry.

He's fine, he was there before youtube, as well as fags such as Jontron and pewdiepie

You're literally 13 years old

Marathoning, For what purpose?

To watch his hairline slowly recede?

user people get old. You will too

>guys screaming at a mic
>plays videogame
only difference is that AVGN has those shitty "haha I will now beat up this Nintendo character in costume, haha xD"

>guys screaming at a mic
You've clearly never even watched his videos.

I'm kidding.

Might make a decent background noise while working, but I fear it probably hasn't aged very well. He was entertaining roughly half the time when he was just using his decent knowledge and finding obscure shit, but anything with a lot of skits I never liked. He's one of those guys who are great just being themselves but insist on being a character.

I do like going on the occasional Homestarrunner marathon for that early internet nostalgia.

did he ever finish the black irate gamer arc

85% of the videos is him trying to be "funny" by swearing and scream angrily at the game.

Why bother going into threads about things you hate?

Again, you're completely wrong. 85% of any video is him critiquing and reacting to the game, yes mostly negatively, but he isn't just sitting and screaming, that's retarded.

>tfw checked it
>it's real

Once a year or so, but mostly spontaneous.

I prefer doing that with Board James