She won't die, will she? They won't kill her off after finally bringing back, will they?
Also RE thread.
She won't die, will she? They won't kill her off after finally bringing back, will they?
Also RE thread.
Other urls found in this thread:
Undeath is not death.
she looks 30. why is she in her stars outfit?
She's 37 and god knows why
Man, her pussy be LOOSE as fuck.
please no
Nah man, she's a christmas cake spinster just like Claire
>implying Rebecca isn't a pure virgin
>Billy will appear at the end of Vendetta, will say "remember me?" and rescue Rebecca
I wonder how she got her ""PhD"" in the very first place. Really gets me thinkin'..
Not after my boi Leon adds her to his fine selection of ladies
What's this thing with Leon scuba diving in every thread now?
Degeneration's ending
also this
>We won´t have more RE Gun Survivors
she is the Doogie Howser of RE
Oh look it's tobey maguire
claire will never be topped. just give up
she's the tightest among the bunch
I like to think Claire mouthed "fuck off he's mine" before chasing after Leon
Reminder that Claire was cucked hard in Revelations 2 intro
Chris gonna sacrifice hinself to save her...we will not see his body
Cue to ´´Redfield`` in RE7 showing up
Am I the only cunt that hopes the Chris Redfield in 7 is actually Chris Redfield?
I know he looks a lot different than he did in 5 or 6, but he honestly looks like a natural 20 years later progression of his REmake look, besides the lighter hair.
>natural 20 years later progression
He looks late 20s in RE7, Chris is almost 50 now.
RE6 Chris is fine for a 50 year old, look at Arnold Schwarzenegger
Thats a face that says "Maybe if I wear a red dress and let him call me Ada Leon will come home with me tonight"
>Claire is old and busted
>The cowgirl costume in REV2 looks like a cheap whore that is too old for the job
>she will die a virgin
did Alyson fight with Capcom or something? holy fuck is to obvious to not be proposital
imean they really hates claire
Alyson sent them this but Capcom was like no way fag
RERE2 Claire is not the real Claire.
Punished Claire
Is that voice Enrico's?
She's still cute
>Am I the only cunt that hopes the Chris Redfield in 7 is actually Chris Redfield?
yes, you are literally the only faggot that wants this
>but he honestly looks like a natural 20 years later progression of his REmake look
and more proof of your faggotry. He is literally a different person while 5,6,movie Chris has the exact same facial structure as REmake
While looking at her with this face and shaking her head slightly
Chris took her virginity in the STARS helicopter at the end of Re1. He also did it in front of Barry and Jill
She wants to come back, but Capcom is cucking her, just like her character
>her last tweet was "Everything is fine."
>YFW REmake2 you can only play with Leon and the exclusive Ada Scenario...claire is just in cutscenes
I fucking hate this part in RE2. Fucking annoying as shit
It will never be not funny for me, all because of DSP.
I think she is going to rape leon while crying and then leave to never return. Then much later you see her as a zombie too sad to even eat humans
>having anything to do with tightness
Virgin neckbeard detected
>Be in a Zombie apocalypse with a cute guy
>"Aww yes!, now is my chance to get a boyfriend, but'll be tsundere as fuck so he falls in love with me"
>tfw cuntblocked by yellow fever
>Well, that didn't go so well, but now i'm on a prison with a fag
>but i can't die a virgin
>tfw cuntblocked by t-veronica virus
>Another zombie incident and i'm with Leon-senpai!!!
>Now's my chance, he's inviting me to ride his helicopter!
>i've been waiting this for years
>"Oh, looks like you're busy, well gotta go"
>tfw cuntblocked by a pahjeet
is not fair bros
Hey Claire, how's that new boyfriend going?
DELETE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!
if have the choice of turning into Ada despite your sex would you do it?
>Vendetta ending
>Chris, Rebecca and Leon chilling on Chris's house
>Claire comes over to visit her brother
>Chris says he's got guests and that Leon is there
>Claire thinks "Damn, now THAT'S my chance!"
>Enters Chris's room
>Leon and Rebecca are making out
>Leon stares at Claire the way Griffith stared at Guts
>Chris breaks down and pours himself a drink because he wasn't able to protect his sheets just like he wasn't able to protect his men
What did he mean by this?
Sounds pretty good being turned into a woman. Need that Ava women card.
The greatest debate
This is a best girl thread. Rolling for Claire!
The irony...
>Rebecca in the OP
>calls it "best girl thread"
>rolls Rebecca
Really makes you think
jesus they still have rolling banned.
roly poly
0,4, and 7
Who cares? She will have an entirely different face in the next game based on Chris's changes.
>Persona thread has a image EXACTLY like that on the fucking OP
>didn't get deleted
>when 2,3,and 9 are the only choices
50 shades of user
for fucks sake Leon you need help
The true "great debate" is about who's best guy to be quite honest
I rather have them cut down on the 10 ME, zelda and console war threads. You can easily hide 1 shitty thread, but the intensity of the other spam is just too much
Wesker of course, he hired becca afterall
HUNK > Leon > Billy > Carlos >others
I want fujos to go away
3, 4, 9
0,1, and 4
Hello? I would like to order a Leon. With pepperoni, please.
rolling for Wesker's hard-on
why the fuck did they make her look like mon mothma?
please moira
Delivery was fast. Where the fuck is the pepperoni tho
Because she's almost 40 user
Shut up, she's looking perfect and pure as always
I rolled a 9 the last two times I tried this. I just don't have enough yellow fever to take that for 10+ years.
>She won't die, will she?
Since when Capcom starts killing waifu bait?
since Rebecca is too irrelevant now so they can afford to do it
>finally arrive at home after a long day of work
>go play some vidya
>see this
What do you do?
cum on back. She hiss at penis
Cuddle her.
At worst they will never put her in any game like Sheva
Find the shotgun because zombie is real
Rolling for 2 or 9
Great taste, user. I..
is there any version of Resident Evil 1 that's uncensored in the west