Well I beat the game, though skipping Nightmare Frontier and Old Hunters (GOTY edition was used), quite frankly I am so glad to be done with it as the game was a fucking nightmare difficulty wise.
It also didn't feel quite as interesting as the Dark Souls lore, none of the characters really stood out to me and the bosses, most of them just didn't feel all that special to me, save for Vicar Amelia, Father Gascoigne, Gehrman and Ebrietas.
And what the heck was up with the "Childhood's Beginning" ending? My father would find it confusing as heck since he's stupid, but I was bothered by how abrupt the ending was, especially after you killed Moon Presence. Seriously it was like they cut something out?
Overall a great game despite the problems I had with it. But Dark Souls 1 will forever be way better.
Luke Foster
Different experiences exist. Crazy concept, I know.
Lucas Scott
Why did you skip the best part of the game? (Old Hunters).
Also you probably didn't do Chalice bosses either. Hope you enjoyed though.
Easton Jackson
GOTY edition should have the content on the disk should it not?
Grayson Jackson
Nightmare Frontier isn't too bad. Old Hunters is definitely tough for a first time through, usually.
If you dig deep, I find that the lore is more interesting that Dark Souls, to an extent.
If you didn't find the base game's bosses interesting, definitely try the DLC.
I think it implies that the Moon Presence could not make you the next "Gehrman," you've broken the cycle and you've ascended to something greater.
What weapons did you use, out of interest. I find that impacts the enjoyment and difficulty considerably.
Wyatt Phillips
It did, I just skipped it as I wanted to play Nier Automata.
Ayden Davis
Why the fuck did you skip the Old Hunters if you had the GOTY edition?
Are you fucking retarded? You're comparing Dark Souls in it's entirety including DLC to Bloodborne without it's DLC.
Bloodborne is a better game. Better made, better written, better executed.
Lincoln Parker
>And what the heck was up with the "Childhood's Beginning" ending? You're a squid You're a kid
Christopher Howard
Nier is great, but you should really go play Old Hunters sometime. It's the best part of the game.
Jayden Sullivan
Tonitrus and Saw Cleaver mostly.
Flamesprayer and Hunter's Pistol, or whatever it was called.
Evan Long
Well I just finished Nier Automata and that games a 10/10 but so is The Old Hunters content. Hope you enjoy it.
Ayden Carter
I've been playing it too (currently in nightmare after micolash). I think it's easier because you have so many paths if you hit a hard boss you can just go away, get a bunch of levels / upgrades and come back later.
Jordan Martinez
Tonitrus is trash.
Saw Cleaver can clear the whole game with, including the DLC.
If you end up playing the DLC, try a run of the game with the Holy Moonlight Blade with 40 STR 40 SKL and 40 ARC, it's fun as fuck.
Robert Garcia
Right, I will use that in my NG+ run.
Luis White
People say it's easier because most people who played Bloodborne also played Dark Souls 1-2 beforehand (and some even Demon's Souls), so they had more experience.
Nightmare Frontier was bullshit. Nightmare of Mensis was better, but not that much. The DLC is great.
Jack Price
I don't get why people say BB and DaS3 are easy. They're both much harder than DaS1 in my experience. The bosses in them are faster, more aggressive, harder to predict, and a hit from them will likely take at least a third of your health. Meanwhile the DaS1 bosses are telegraphed as fuck and even their strong attacks will take like a third of your health at the most. You can just put on some good armor, a greatshield, and tank through the whole game.
Jayden Gonzalez
This has to be bait. None of the characters stood out? Not even the fucking Doll? The characters in Dark Souls are recycled Trash Tier that we've seen dozens of times by now. If you played all 3 games, you'd have to be pretty tired of the same archetypes and often outright same characters.
>But Dark Souls 1 will forever be way better. Fair enough. But you can recycle it only so often.
Kevin Lee
Apart from the poison areas, what's "bullshit" about the Frontier? The only boss has an easier cheese strat than any other.
Kayden Diaz
BB and DS3 are made immensely easier by the simple fact that you can dodge in any direction, rather than just immediately left, right, or behind.
Nicholas Torres
What bl were you? What weapons did you use? Why didn't you summon?
Wyatt Thomas
I just found it boring. Visually, it was mediocre, the enemies were bland and the place itself is pretty numb to travel through. There's just nothing interesting to see or do there. And then you have DUDE! POISON! LMAO!
The boss was pretty neat, though.
Isaiah Hall
This is one of the only games I bothered to get the platinum trophy in, and it is therefore a good game. Suck my balls.
Samuel Russell
>Nier got shit review because the guy wanted to play Zelda instead Chad, is that you?
Julian Robinson
>The characters in Dark Souls are recycled Trash Tier that we've seen dozens of times by now same with LoZ but look how that went. really makes ya think
Nathan Flores
>why do people say this game is easier than Dark Souls No one with a brain says this. Dark Souls is a complete fucking joke difficulty wise; 2, 3 and Bloodborne are all SIGNIFICANTLY more difficult in pretty much every respect.
William Davis
Maybe that is part of the problem. You just wanted to get this hyped and well liked game out of the way, another notch up your gamer cred so you can play something you wanted to play instead. You never really wanted to play BB.
Easton White
>implying Nier isn't also another notch for his gamer cred
Jackson Reed
>It also didn't feel quite as interesting as the Dark Souls lore It sounds like you didn't understand any of the themes of the game. Bloodborne does an excellent job of pacing with the theme. Starting with basic Lycanthropy, which was a Victorian madness. Then you begin to realise that the moon plays a pivotal role growing larger, emphasising the lunacy of everything happening. Your humanity resource is replaced with madness. This is also why you didn't understand the ending.
>why do people say this game is easier than Dark Souls Difficulty of the Souls series means nothing because they aren't really hard games. The only reason people see them as such is because it was the first mainstream title to not hold your hand through the entire experience. People complaining about the difficulty was mainly related to ranged parrying and differences in multiplayer.
Brayden Reed
I could beat pretty much all non dlc bosses on my first try and i used to rage quit dark souls back then it really is easy af
Dominic Rivera
I agree that I found it harder. I disagree with finding the story/lore less interesting, on the contrary it was a LOT more interesting
Maybe because I'm so familiar with DaS. DaS2 and 3 just followed the concept, while BB was a complete fresh story with new lore. It was amazing puzzling it together and trying to find out what everything meant.
Wyatt Thompson
Very, very bad choice. While Nier is a very good game, its not worth skippig what makes Bloodborne the best game on ps4 right now. The Old Hunters is some of the best gaming experiences I've ever had in gaming.
Carson Gomez
I don't even have access to BOTW yet.
Landon Wilson
Was it just me, or the game (without DLC) is really short?
Demon's Souls was 30 hours for me. Dark Souls was 50.
Bloodborne was 22.
Jackson Foster
I stopped at Laurentius (somehow couldn't beat him, even though he's just a fucking Cleric Beast with a few new moves). Think I got burned out a bit, so I'll return later.
Found the DLC good thus far, but not sure why it receives this much praise. It's on par with the base game, but obviously noticeably shorter. I'm currently in the fishing hamlet (and wrestling with laurentius), but I'm assuming I'm nearing the end.
Luis Turner
Bloodborne was one of the reasons I even bought a PS4 dingus.
Isaac Clark
The game was longer for me than both DaS and DaS3. DaS2 was longer though.
Jaxson Thomas
I'm confused how he got that ending anyway. How can you find 3 or 4 thirds of an umilical cord without using guides?
Maybe OP just used guides and has no clue what's going on, which would even be stranger but still.
Jacob Jackson
>tfw organize the catalog to alert me of dark souls threads and foot fetish threads by the same color >too lazy to change it >usually end up clicking dark souls threads anyways because it may be a rare chance of the two overlapping
Cameron Edwards
I knew what was happening, you became a new Great One essentially.
I just found the way it was dealt with kinda strange, felt very abrupt.
Alexander Flores
I might be retarded, but I have no clue what is happening in the game. At least in dark souls it's pretty clear (collect the stuff because video games, kill the final boss, set yourself on fire) I have literally no idea who the people I'm killing are or why I'm killing them. I found a bunch of ayy lmaos, giant fleshy eyeballs and other shit but I don't get how they got here. Also Gehrman wants to kill me now.
Camden Rogers
Dunno if bait, but I felt similar honestly.
Robert Lopez
Not bait. I feel like dark souls had more NPCs dropping tidbits of lore / story, like how Anri talks about the Deep for example. In BB I feel lost.
Angel Stewart
Still strange you'd use a guide for a first playthrough, but whatever. Whatever suits you I guess.
And I've never had the cutscene, just know what happens and what it signifies. I'll look it up to see what you mean.
Jonathan Cruz
Sounds like you didn't understand anything then watched some videos explaining it because that's how most of the videos explain the ending and it's not what happened.
The game is about going crazy, insight is madness. In old london times people used to get thrown in asylums and madness was extremely common, this is why werewolves start as the initial theme. Then as the game progresses you get to weird shit like eldritch and ayy lmaos. The moon is important and gets bigger, etc to emphasise the craziness of the world it's also the last boss. Then you have the whole hunter's dream, which is essentially your "happy place" that all hunter's have to avoid complete madness of the real world.
Evan Gutierrez
I'd assume that from your experience in DaS, you'd know to read item descriptions and look at placement of certain unique items or sets. They usually tell the story.
Didn't find it anymore confusing than DaS at the start. In both cases, I had some idea of what was going on, but I only learned the true meaning of the story after watching videos of people explaining it to me.
Jason Garcia
I understand the themes, I just don't understand the point of what I (my character) is doing.
Colton Wilson
Well yeah, you can remove Laurence (if that's what you mean) from my statement. Even though beating him was very satisfying, his fight is the worst in the entire dlc. Just leave him for last and enjoy the rest. Ludwig, Maria and Orphan of Kos are all 10/10 fights.
Charles Phillips
Not to offend, but from what you're saying, you're the one who didn't get the story. At all.
>which is essentially your "happy place" that all hunter's have to avoid complete madness of the real world. Only a few chosen hunters visit the dream and it's far from their "happy place". Gehrman is literally trapped by the moon presence which is also not exactly the same as the moon.
Ryan Stewart
I just got annoyed by Ludwig in his first form because he's such a spazz and beat his second form first try, Maria was a fair but hard fight and haven't reached Orphan yet.
Not saying it's bad at all, it's really great, but I don't see how it's better than the base game.
Samuel Cruz
He's being reborn.He's gained so much insight in the "dream" that he ascended humanity and became either one of the Great Ones or on par with them. See it as waking up.
Oliver Cox
>But Dark Souls 1 will forever be way better.
How to spot someone with absolutely terrible taste
Nathaniel Garcia
What games do you like aside from Bloodborne?
Anthony Moore
The director himself said that he preferred Dark Souls gameplay to Bloodborne's.
Matthew Russell
I've always liked the feeling of fighting strong 1 on 1 enemies, but most of BB's bosses feel like they hide behind some sort of gimmick and aren't actually all that strong. Darkbeast Paarl and Logarius were pretty good.
Camden Hall
Darkbeast Paarl AKA "Hit my leg hard three times to win"
Joseph Williams
At least it actually attacks me, is pretty fast and does damage. Compare that to the witch or rom who literally stand still doing almost nothing.
Camden Thompson
Honestly talking about video game lore isn't going to offend me. Again, you can suggest that I don't understand it at all but the dream is very much a "safe space" or "happy place" and the foundation in which the game is set. The issues which the game is founded on is mainly due to the creation of the Hunter's Dream but it is also the salvation of it.
The thing about Souls games is much of the actual story means fuck all and it's primarily about the themes and rough ideas around it. So Bloodborne is about the idea of madness and that your character is essentially overcoming a madness. The moon and it's presence are the same thing, a metaphor for the madness driving the universe.
Souls games and Bloodborne are allegorical and the direct information is just some basic world building for people who need direct answers. This is why DLC is always just a lore dump. Miyazaki has stated that the world's he builds are entirely for interpretation so you can only look at them allegorically. Everyone likes to think that the Vaati video they just watched is what From wrote in their lore books but there is no lore book.
Michael Johnson
Because the controls are shit, the mechanics are shit and older game design philosophies.
Sebastian Morales
The Hunter's Dream is more like a prison. You're selected to be a Paleblood hunter by Gehrman, which binds you to the Dream. It's not really a happy place, honestly.
Nicholas Howard
>Well I beat the game, Because people like you can even beat it
Robert Sanders
Because dashes and rolls have buckets of iframes and enemies can be easily stunlocked.
Asher Cook
You didn't do chalice dungeons, the fixed ones are pretty great and challenging if you do them as you get them.
John Jones
If you hit that fag only 3 times to made him fall over and get raped, you were overleved by lightyears.
Noah Barnes
So I didn't kill the spider Man in the lecture hall and I avoid killing the things that look like skulls and arms that scurry away. Am I doing it wrong? I tend to me merciful in games for some reason. I don't bother killing shit unless it needs it.
Samuel Walker
Nope, just a heavy R2 once or twice with the Kirkhammer by the time most folks meet him (Yharghul) and he's down.
He might be tougher if you fight him in Hypogeon Gaol.
Hunter Rodriguez
Well it's initial intention was, Gehrman created the hunter's dream. Do you really think he did it due to bad or malicious intent? They also make no note of the old ones being bad.
Think of the hunter's dream being created from using a monkey's paw. It is created to be a safe and happy place but it ends up being a prison. So it isn't a bad place. It's like that idea of wishing for immortality but then centuries later it becomes terrible and you can't enjoy living.
As I said look at these games allegorically.
John Bell
Pretty sure you get Great One Wisdom and/or a rune for killing him.
Jackson Foster
Is that the electrical beast?
Joshua Ward
people say it's easier than dark souls because they played dark souls first
Jordan Carter
It's basically Blighttown again. I'd use the name from DeS, but I've forgotten and cba to look it up again. I don't remember that place any more fondly than I do Blighttown or the shit down the hole in DaS2 either. Or the swamp in DaS3. Really, all the games has a poison swamp thing and it's always pretty fucking dull.
Jordan Rogers
If you fight him after Rom, yeah he's a fucking Pinswheel tier. Fight him with a +6 weapon with average to shitty gems and around SL50 to really learn his moves.
Nolan Roberts
I believe skipping Old Hunters was a very bad decision. It creates a bed to understanding several pieces of lore and connecting a lot of events. Also, Old Hunters probably has some of the best bosses in the game. Chalice Dungeons are really good for a challenge, if you don't mind repetition.
Bloodborne is my first FromSoft game, and I haven't played any other Souls game yet. With that said, I don't think Bloodborne is as hard as people make it to be, sure it's challenging, but it is never unfair. In my case, once I beat a boss I never have trouble with said boss again. Certain enemies and areas can still be difficult, like Bloody Crow of Cainhurst, or the three hunters over Red Moon Yahar Gul.
As for most lore in Bloodborne, "Childhoods Beginning" is up to interpretation. After killing Mergo's Wet Nurse (and Mergo as well), you end the nightmare created by School of Mensis, so the PC Hunter has "fullfilled" his contract as a Paleblood Hunter. Gehrman is being captive in the Hunters Dream by the Moon Presence so he can keep guiding hunters to kill Great Ones for the Prescence, so you have three endings: 1) Gehrman decapitates you and liberates you from the Dream, 2) You refuse to let Gehrman free you, so when you beat him the moon presence thinks you want to be the host of the Dream, so it embraces you like a child and you replace Gehrman, 3) By consuming the Umbilical Cords you become more powerful than the Paleblood monster, so after the Presence knows you're stronger than him, it decides to kill you. He fails, so now, by consuming the cords you ascended to become a Great One.
Camden Nguyen
The Valley of Defilement?
By far, it's probably the most bullshit area in Soulsborne, way more than Blighttown. It's so fucking bad, although the bosses are easy, so there's that.
Isaiah Moore
Honestly, none of the characters really did very much except have their tiny progression and some items on demand. The hunter NPCs were pretty interesting though, but those aside, NPC interaction and 'reward' for it was lacking. Finding teachers of sorceries, pyromancy and miracles were a rather big deal for characters that dealt with such, which I can't quite remember happening much in BB, though that might now be from bad memory.
Greirat is a pretty good example of a character that isn't overly complicated in regards to interactions compared to other characters in the series, but the rewards from talking to him and keeping him alive was certainly a big factor for me to take a liking to him, along with his dialogue.
John Adams
I played through it once and only once, thanks to playing on a PS3 provided by people in a gaming circle on near campus, and I remember that shit so vaguely but with a slight bitterness only reminisced about when trudging along Blighttowns bottom area grinding slugs for large tit shards.
Evan Sanchez
If it was one of the reasons you bought a PS4 why didn't you go through the DLC? I was hyped as all fuck too for Automata but couldn't you have just waited until you finished it and then go back and do the DLC? Now if you ever want to do it you'd have to either go through it on NG+ which makes it ALOT harder and since you are already saying it was too hard I doubt you'd enjoy it, or make a new character and level them up to a point where you could do Old Hunters. Why were you in such a rush?
Brandon Sanders
Gabriel Sanders
>didn't feel as interesting as Dark Souls lore Here he is, the man with questionable tastes.
Nathan Baker
>my first experience with the souls franchise must be the best game
nostalgia blindness dominates this franchise as much as The Elder Scrolls. Moreso even, as plebs and retards are so far below the appreciation threshold of these games that not even they can understand the difference between their most memorable experience and the most refined one.