Name a more toxic community

Name a more toxic community.


PC gaming as a whole


Step aside.


people that use the word "toxic" in reference to video games and their communities

Probably comes in 3rd after

Only if you're bad. It's a game with a low pool of player's. People want a fun game with equally skilled teams. Not to babysit you.

t. Someone who's been getting better at L4D2 and doesn't get kicked for being a shitter anymore.

You forgot the '2' at the end there.

One of the best games ever but the community was severely autistic and awful

>people shouldn't be allowed to call others out for deliberately being massive shitheads

Ive been votekicked many times because I picked up an item/just doing the objective, the fuck are you talking about.

pic related

As much as I love PC gaming, I'd have to say this.

Clash Royale
8/10 people will spam laughing emojis when they beat you. The antithesis of good sportsmanship. I'd kill them all of I could

Its weird. Why does no one talk in overwatch or any other PC game in general. But every one is a fucking chatter box in csgo. I mean niggers who don't even speak your language talk.


CS:GO's community is fucking hilarious, especially in casual

This has happened so many times to me. Easy game, but the butthurt community gets mad if you don't do things their way. Often they want to do shitty strategies like going as slow as possible so you get attacked by more zombies, then they sit there scratching their head wondering how it happened when they die and they blame the person who is in the front for "rushing ahead".

Literally one of the easiest games I've ever played on expert mode, but the community sucks and doesn't know how to play the game.

Rocket league
Dead by daylight

It is a mobile game, what do you expect. Tons of little kids playing it.

I play it also

League of legends



Idk about most toxic community, although it's up there for sure
but I think it wins most useless devs aware
>wallers and spinbots infest every single match non-prime
>even then prime MM isn't safe at all, people just do a somewhat slightly better job at hiding their walling
>"lel you guys want some gun more gun skins"
>"check out this one single new revolver we made for no reason"
>"check out this one single new revolver we nerfed into the ground forever making our little effort we put into it useless"
Are the guys that work on CS:GO at Valve just a bunch of bored chimpanzees with access to computers? Who does this shit? Say what you will about overwatch but at least Blizzard knows how to fuck over cheaters.

Love dumbasses who use the word toxic
It's still great way of identifying a massive pussy behind the other screen

Dark Souls

Step aside.

Sup Forums

Anybody that uses that word is a fucking crybaby, that needs to be avoided if you want to have fun.
They are little delicate, whiny, tattletales that will go crying to mods and are report happy.
Go back to tumblr and reddit where you belong.

L4D2 is one of the best co-op game ever made with friends, but playing with randoms on the internet is a massive pain in the ass. Better stick to solo if you can't get friends to play.